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Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 330 [displaying comments 231 to 241]
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H. S. from Lenexa, Kansas (11/20/2005)
"Best marathon so far!" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

I have currently done three marathons and so far, this one has been my very favorite. The course was flat and fast with wonderful volunteers and spectators - people sat outside in their lawn chairs and cheered us on! The best part was how well the marathon really honored the victims of the bombing. My husband and parents all came with me (none are runners) and we were all very impressed with the activities of the whole weekend - we visited the memorial, toured the museum, and attended the sunrise service prior to the event. The expo the day before was great, and I loved the idea that you could run in honor of one of the people in the bombing (I ran for a child who had been in the daycare who was under a year old). Of all the races I have ever done including all of the 5Ks before I started doing marathons, this one really meant the most as far as its cause. The entire city of Oklahoma City did an amazing job honoring these people and their families, and it was very inspirational. VERY good organization - I always knew where to be, where everything was, etc. Tons of great food at the end, three free t-shirts, and a free DVD and finisher's certificate mailed out later! GREAT first marathon or marathon for anyone to do - I would love to do it again. Very highly recommended!!!


R. S. from Topeka (8/4/2005)
"Don't try the early 4 AM start" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Come prepared with your own hydration, first aid and energy bars. Oklahoma City from 4 AM to 7 AM is a ghost town.



B. G. from OKC, OK (6/1/2005)
"Awesome! It just keeps getting better and better." (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathons

This was my 3rd OCMM and it just keeps getting better each year. The expo had lots of vendors and guest speakers. Running with the Stars was very cool?You could run with Dick Beardsley, Frank Shorter, and Bill Rodgers on Saturday morning. Afterwards the host hotel, Sheraton, had plenty of refreshments for everyone. Sunday morning there was a Sunrise Church Service. The pre-race ceremony started with 168 seconds of silence in memory of the bombing victims. It was awesome, in a crowd of over 10,000 people, all you could hear were the sounds of nature. Jami Smith sang ?Let There Be Peace on Earth? and then the ?National Anthem.? When the Air Horn sounded, everyone was off on A Run to Remember. The weather was perfect (for Oklahoma). There were large color-coded flags (a different color for each race distance), a digital clock and a pace flip chart at each mile marker. The flags, new for this year, made it very easy to identify each mile and the flip charts were a great for keeping you on pace. The water stops were plentiful and well organized. There were thousands of spectators and volunteers cheering and thanking us. The finish area was well thought-out with lots of room for the runners. The post race party is held on a large open lawn and there is a live band. There was plenty of food, drinks, and massage tables. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs and make an afternoon of it. Also, new for this year were immediate results ? with chip, gun, splits, and pace! This is truly a Run To Remember.

As for the negative comments about the early start?the web site and race brochure clearly states (in the FAQ?s): ?Q. Will there be on course support for the early starters? A. On Course aid stations will be open about 30 minutes prior to the regular race start. Depending on pace, early starters will be able to get fluid on course from about mile 8 on.? Early starters were well informed!!

A big Thank You to the organizers, victim?s family members, The Landrunners -OKC Running Club, Oklahoma City Officials, and especially to all the Volunteers!! If you want A Run to Remember, this is it!


C. S. from Rochester, NY (5/29/2005)
"Great course though!" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Poorly organized for early starters.


M. H. from St Louis, MO (5/23/2005)
"A Great Weekend in OKC" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

We ran the half marathon as part of a visit to Oklahoma City and we enjoyed the entire trip. Everyone should see the monument. The weather was great, and the volunteers were very good. I preferred the course over the St. Louis course.


B. S. from Kansas (5/13/2005)
"A wonderful experience" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

This was my fifth marathon in four months. I was very impressed with the spectators. Not only was there a huge crowd, but they cheered for everyone like it was their own family! The water and aid stations were plentiful. The medals were also very nice. I would highly recommend running this marathon. As for the comment below regarding a bad experience with the early start, I have found from my own experiences that the early starts at other marathons seem to have the same problems. Most spectators don't come out at 4:30 in the morning and the water stations are sometimes lacking. I'm not a fast runner, but I don't start with the early starters anymore!


L. D. from Tampa, Fla. (5/10/2005)
"Totally awesome experience!!!!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Oklahoma City, you should be very proud!! What a great race!! If you are looking for a spring marathon, awesome course, great weather, super support/volunteer staff, and just an all around wonderful experience, then this is the marathon for you!! Don't miss the Memorial Museum, and if you have the opportunity in 2006, take advantage of the personal tour of the Memorial by a survivor, family member, or rescue worker. Water stops every 1.5 or so miles, nice touch having timers and est. finish times at every mile marker, and great fan support!! The 168 seconds of silence before the start was very moving, and I have never before heard everyone join in to sing the National Anthem. I ran Disney and Marine Corps in 2004, volunteered at several others, and this was by far the best experience I have had since I started running!! Thanks again, OK City!


T. W. from Nashville (5/3/2005)
"Pretty Badly Organized Event." (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

This was my first marathon, which I expected to finish in six hours. Taking the advice from one runner on this forum, I decided to have an early start to beat the crowd. I started the race at 4:30AM together with maybe 100 runners. I was very exited about running my first marathon in Oklahoma City after reading so many excellent reports.

Well, my bubble popped after the 3rd mile when the runners did not have police guarding the intersections. I was hoping that all the fan/spectators would be waiting for us after a few miles but that was just one of Olympic moment dreams. There was not a single soul out cheering until about 3 hours from the start. The first zip of water was on mile #8. I almost dehydrated; I am thankful for the generosity of another runner who shared his bottled. The second water station was at mile #20, after almost 2 hours without water. I did suffer dehydration for three days after the race and develop kidney pain with the possibility (the doctors said) of kidney stones. After mile #17 I needed icing cream for my calf but one runner warned me that no first aid personnel were available until the 6:30AM start. I cannot believe that after paying a hefty entry fee that we were neglected in that great city of Oklahoma. During the Memorial Week I will remember the loss and pray for the families - but I'll do it from home.

T. Wallace
Nashville, TN


e. j. from Ohio (4/30/2005)
"Oklahoma is AWESOME!!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

What a fantasic marathon. Those involved should be commended to the max. Great organization, beautiful course, plenty of water stops and workers. The most impressive aspect for me was the number of medical personnel on course as well as at the finish. The 'meds on wheels' were an awesome touch of class and support. This was my 40th marathon and I have seen a lot of different courses; and this is a great event. Those looking for an Oklahoma race for your 50 states, look no further - this is it. The city is clean and the course well laid out. My friend needed some minor medical attention at the race end and 2 days later he got a phone call from the medical staff checking on his condition. That's class! Folks, this is as good as it gets in marathoning. Another great addition in this race was the huge mile marker signs, digital clocks at each mile and the pace chart at each mile. Great medal and finisher's shirt too. After my states are completed, I'll be back!


Kraig Chapman from Wichita Falls, TX (4/28/2005)
"Well worth it!" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

This was my first marathon and it was everything I imagined it would be. Last summer, while stationed overseas, I decided to run a marathon. What better place to run your first marathon than in one's home state and at one with such meaning? The course had a few more rolling hills than I thought it would, but that just made it more challenging. I have nothing to compare this marathon to, but I would find it hard to find another one with such emotion. My hat's off to the organizers of this event. I'm hooked!!! Had a goal of 3:45 and ran a 3:41. May 2005 I will register for the Twin Cities Marathon in October. Thank you!


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