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Press Release - Islay Single Malt Marathon - 4/21/14


               Norwegian Wins Islay's Inaugural Marathon
Isle of Islay, Scotland - The weather was chilly and windy but a warm fire 
burned in the heart of 36-year-old Jan Thomsen as he outlasted 25-year-old 
Adam McLean of Scotland in Islay's Single Malt Marathon. The victory was 
the first marathon win for Thomsen and it came at the expense of a young 
runner's admitted "tactical error." McLean confessed that he went out too 
fast, leading the older Scandinavian for the first 14 miles. As the route 
turned hilly on Islay's "high road," the experience of Thomsen paid off: he 
overtook the Scot at mile 24, finishing in 2:55:56, only two minutes ahead 
of McLean's 2:58:04. Both runners were pleased that they broke the 
three-hour barrier.

Scot Karen Wallace of Balloch won the women's division, finishing in fifth 
place overall with a fine 3:42:17. Ecstatic with her first marathon win, 
she shared her joy with her husband Cameron, who grew up on Islay. Her two 
sons, one aptly named William Wallace, joined in the post-marathon 
celebration inside the warm Ramsay Hall, adjacent to the finish line.

At 7:30 on Sunday morning, April 13, 19 brave souls began running in 
Islay's first marathon, aptly named The Single Malt Marathon. Runners 
started at Portnahaven village hall and hugged the coastline road, 
affording brilliant views of Loch Indaal, moved through whitewashed seaside 
villages, and proceeded through moorland with glimpses of Islay's mountains 
and its sea. 

Mother Nature cooperated. Sort of. The force four wind came mostly on 
runners' backs and the rain, infrequent as it was, failed to dampen 
anyone's spirits. No one complained about the temperatures never climbing 
out of the 40s, ideal for running the 26.2 mile test. In fact, runners 
couldn't say enough good things about the support: volunteers handing out 
water, gels, and sport drink. A hearty pasta dinner and plenty of good food 
at the finish. Many said that it was the best supported marathon they had 
been in. 

Ivan Fields from East Kilbride, running in his 294th marathon, said it was 
one of the most beautiful marathons he had run. Race director Bob Kroeger, 
himself a veteran of over 60 marathons, called the Single Malt Marathon 
every bit as scenic as Maine's Mount Desert Island Marathon, rated as 
America's most scenic by ESPN magazine. How often must runners share the 
road with sheep and cattle?

Islay's own Stephen Harrison, the assistant race director, running in his 
first marathon, finished third with a PR of 3:23:39. Frenchwoman Karine 
Saline finished second in the women's division in 3:55:38 and Australian 
Suzanna Richards, also a first-timer, finished as third lady in 4:10:45.

Athletes from Sweden, Norway, England, Latvia, Australia, France and the 
USA joined many Scots to make this truly an international competition. The 
Islay high school students and their parents provided a fantastic pre-race 
pasta dinner and an equally wonderful post-marathon ceilidh. Gaelic 
singers, bagpipers, and highland dancers entertained, displaying their 
heritage proudly. Runners will cherish memories for a lifetime – all 
promised to share the experience with their running clubs back home.

The Lord of the Isles Challenge, the dual event combining a golf tournament 
and the marathon, appeared to fall on deaf ears, signaling that golfers 
prefer to stick to their golf and marathoners their running. The challenge 
drew only two contestants – both from the USA. And two senior citizens at 
that, proving that both sports can be combined. Bob Kroeger took first 
place and Les Lubitz took second. Without a doubt the conflict with 
Sunday's London marathon and Augusta's Masters kept the elites from joining 

But it was all in good fun and for a worthy cause. The weekend raised £1000 
for the high school students' expedition to Peru and provided an estimated 
£4000 for Islay's economy.



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