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Press Release - London Marathon - 5/9/16



·   39 year old Shannon Foudy named as the millionth finisher in the
    London Marathon

·   253,930 UK applicants registered to run the 2017 Virgin Money London

The millionth finisher to cross the line in the London Marathon is 39 year 
old Shannon Foudy from Hemel Hempstead, who was running her first marathon 
on Sunday 24 April.

Shannon ran to raise money for the Luton & Dunstable Neonatal Intensive 
Care Unit (NICU) that saved the life of her daughter. In January 2010, 
Shannon gave birth at just 26 weeks and tiny Catrin, who weighed only 2lb 
5oz, battled through organ failure and a brain haemorrhage in the NICU. See 
more on Shannon’s fundraising page here

Catrin, now a thriving 6 year old, her partner Jamie and other members of 
her family were there to cheer on Shannon as she took on the challenge of 
the London Marathon. She finished in 5.45:18.

Shannon, a serving police officer who works as a schools and youth 
engagement sergeant in Barnet, said: "I knew about the #oneinamillion 
campaign and it’s unbelievable that I am the millionth finisher. I ran to 
say thank you to the Luton & Dunstable NICU and it is the most worthwhile 
thing I have ever done.

"Catrin, Jamie and my mum and dad were at the 14 mile mark so I stopped 
there for a few cuddles. Being surrounded by so many people running for 
great causes was amazing."

Hugh Brasher, Event Director of the Virgin Money London Marathon, said: 
"Shannon epitomises the spirit of the London Marathon. She was a novice 
runner inspired to take on the challenge of 26.2 miles for a very personal 
cause and it’s wonderful she is our millionth finisher."

Shannon was presented with her unique #oneinamillion t-shirt and also 
receives a guaranteed place for the 2017 event.

A record number of 253,930 UK applicants had registered for a ballot place 
in the 2017 Virgin Money London Marathon when the application system closed 
on Friday 6 May. This is more than 6,000 up from the previous record of 
247,069 applications for the 2016 event.

Just under 56% of the applications for 2017 were from people who have never 
run a marathon and more than 43% of the total applicants were women (also a 

"These numbers reflect the huge success of the 36th London Marathon on 24 
April," said Brasher. "One of our goals is to inspire people to take up 
sport and more than 142,000 people have been inspired to apply to run a 
marathon for the first time in 2017. 

"In 1981, less than 300 of the finishers were women. More than 110,000 
women have applied to run next year and for first timers to marathon 
running it is virtually a 50/50 split of men and women.  

"The London Marathon has had an extraordinary impact that has helped to 
inspire profound social change. It is an iconic event that compels people 
to take up running and to raise millions for charity. The London Marathon 
Charitable Trust has enabled thousands more to get active through its 
funding of a huge range of recreational projects."

Entrants will be notified of the ballot results in October 2016.



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