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Press Release - Twin Cities In Motion - 3/28/12


 TCM and Partners Raise over $510,000 in Charitible Contributions in 2011

Twin Cities In Motion and Partners Raise Over $510,000 in Charitable 
Contributions in 2011 

Donations further youth initiatives and support healthy lifestyles 

St. Paul, MN (March 28, 2012) - Twin Cities In Motion (TCM), together with 
its Community Partners and Charity Program teams, raised over $510,000 in 
2011, the organization announced today. Through entry fundraisers, 
individual donations, and contributions to the Friends of TCM program, TCM 
exceeded its 2010 total by nearly $175,000. 

The majority of money raised came through the efforts of teams 
participating in the Charity Program. Sixteen charity teams used the 
Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon for fundraising efforts, bringing in nearly 
$365,000 for their respective causes. 

"The Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon has enabled and empowered Team World 
Vision to grow from zero runners in 2009 to more than 180 runners raising 
more than $100,000 by 2011," said Bradley Hofbauer of Team World Vision. 
"Because of this, more than 2,000 people will gain life-long clean water 
access because of Team World Vision's partnership with TCM." 

TCM's Youth Community Partners are able to raise money through late entry 
fundraisers, donations given during registration as well as creating a team 
through the Charity Program. Bolder Options, MIGIZI Communications and the 
YWCA of Minneapolis work together with TCM to promote health and fitness 
not only through their youth programs, but through their reach into areas 
of the Twin Cities most in need of resources. 

"In 2011, eighteen runners ran in support of Bolder Options raising about 
$20,000 - a huge boost to our program!" said Stephanie Leonard, Volunteer 
and Marketing Director for Bolder Options. "It was so great to see our kids 
supporting their supporters at Mile 17. They learn so much about 
determination watching the marathoners persevere." 

In addition to monetary donations, goods were donated to TCM's In-Kind 
Community Partners, Hand-in-Hand Together, US'Again Clothes Collection 
System and the Emergency Foodshelf Network (EFN). 

About Twin Cities In Motion Twin Cities In Motion (formerly Twin Cities 
Marathon, Inc.) is the non-profit organization that organizes running 
events throughout the year, including the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, 
as a community service for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Visit for more information. 



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