calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Istanbul Eurasia Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.8 
Number of comments: 35 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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E. Y. from Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (12/22/2018)
"Wonderful Run" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

Expo clean, well protected and with reasonable goodies. Very easy to reach since it is a short walk from major transport hubs such as subway and SeaBus terminal. Most hotels offer pickup service for bibs.

Bus service from European side hotels to start point well-organized.

There were no corrals, but separate start time groupings for shorter runs and Full Marathon.

Perfect run on a crisp day, wonderful history and course.

Initial portion spans The July 15th Martyrs' Bridge connecting Asia to Europe, there is a brisk downhill and then essentially flat course along the ancient city walls and historic Peninsula. Starting on the Asian wing of the city and ending in the heart of the Ancient Town.

Exceptional security similar to Boston which I ran the same year, Not a single pothole, each refreshment station marked clearly and with warning signs for stations coming up (200 & 100 meters before each)along the course. No carb gels, but apples. Plastic water bottles plentiful along with cooling sponges which are promptly picked up after you.

The cheering was lackluster along the last half but picked up along the last 2 miles to an uncontrollable raucus at the end, which is a kinda punishing uphill 1/4 mile.

Medal was underwhelming with an oversize'40' eclipsing all other design and info.

Definitely would run again.


Trung Nguyen from Dubai (1/10/2015)
"Beautiful city, good course, poor organization" (about: 2014)

1 previous marathon

This is a beautiful city with friendly people and great & inexpensive food. It's a promising race but the race organizer needs do a lot more to deserve what they claim: a 'gold label' race.

First, the expo is too far away from city center. It takes about 1 hour train + 20mins walk to get there. The expo itself was poor, there's nothing really but a couple of booths selling outdated/ discount running stuff. The bid collection however was efficient and the voluntees were nice. They served pasta all day at the expo, which is nice.

Second, the pre-race transfer was terrible, chaotic and literally a mess. There's no race marshal helping with the boarding so too many people jump on each other to get on the bus leaving behind civilized patient runners waiting forever in the queue. They didn't care about safety either. Too few buses and too many people trying to squeeze in so the doors couldn't close, yet the buses still run.

Too few porta-porty at the start but it's expected. No music, nothing to entertain runners (they just put music on and off to test the sound). Too many VIP were invited to give their speech though nobody really cares what they have to say.

The aid stations are at every 2.5km and water/ food is plenty - this part I love. But so much water was wasted because they gave out bottles, not cups. In theory bottle helps if you carry it along but in fact, most people would just take one or two sip and ditch the whole thing.

Spectators were few but whoever there were spectacular. Again, no race marshal at the final mile when the course runs through the busy touristy areas. Impatient tourists walking along or across the course, making it dangerous for runners who were trying to finish as strong and as fast as they can.

And last, there was no sign or direction to luggage collection. It was raining, windy and super cold after the race, nobody knew where to get the luggage back for warm clothes. This is annoying because not only voluntees didn't know where it was, but race marshals didn't know it either.

Overall, I enjoyed the run itself. I think the course is challenging but a good one. The voluntees were nice and helpful but race organizers , marshals and police didn't do their job. I would rather pay a bit more for the registration and get the organizer do a better job (if financial constraint was the problem).


M. E. from Copenhagen, Denmark (11/21/2014)
"Great City, poor course" (about: 2014)

2 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

Just did the Istanbul Marathon. And the course are great for the first 12 km, 18-20 km and the last 1,2 km.
Rest is boring, and nothing special.
However, when it is good - then it's amazing. To run over Bosphorus Bridge and look at the view, is all worth it - and to run UP to Hagia Sofia/Blue mosque is very good.
Spectators, very few - but the ones who are there - they did a great job.
The organization - the expo is to far away, but the rest is fine. water for everybody, and ok with toilets in the begining.
Would I do it again. No, Happy that I did it, yes.
The city. Very beautiful. If you like Rome, you will like Istanbul. Great way to learn about Islam, and enjoy the friendleyness of the Turk's.


G. M. from Italy, Turin (11/19/2014)
"AVOID IT!" (about: 2014)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

I just came from Istanbul. Beautiful city and great people, but the marathon there doesn't make any sense.
1. The expo is located 45min away by metro from the city center and we spent 50min standing in a absurd queue to get the bibs (anyways the adidas shirt we got is decent).
2. Sunday morning the buses leaving from Sultanhamet and Taksim for the start area were quite a few at 7am (this was the time on the site for the first bus..) and we had to share them with the 10km and 15km runners: it was pure panic when at 8.20 (the marathon started at 9) we still were blocked overthere; then we (i mean me and hundreds of guys..) reached the starting area at 8.50am and we had to fight with the drivers of the luggage buses because they did not want to take our personal belonging (of course no one spoke english..).
3. WC in the starting area were few and useless.
4. The marathon and the 10km and 15km all start at the same time (means more than 20000 people): we could not run for the first 2.5km.. we lost minutes and minutes..
5. No public at all on the roads; no music (but frequent and good restorations); dreary driveways for two thirds of the course; the wind was quite strong along the sea (and we had rain too).
6. The last 2km are very very steepy and you only find some 'supporters' on the last 5-600m.
So, if you run for the time forget Istanbul. If you run for the 'show' and the landscape you have better alternatives in the world. Better for you to go to Istanbul as a tourist!


S. S. from Massachusetts (12/9/2013)
"Great experience in a well organized race" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

I just got back from Istanbul after running the Marathon there. I am a fairly serious runner and wanted to better my marathon best which was 2:58 last year. I trained accordingly this year and was well prepared when I got to Istanbul. The expo was fine and professionally managed and I got my chip and bib number along with a bag of goodies (banana, water, cookies etc) along with a nice looking tech shirt. There was pasta served there that I helped myself generously to!.
I inquired about the buses that would take us to the Start site and was told they start in front of the Hagia Sofia in Sultanahmet. I had no problem finding the bus and after a few hiccups (bus driver drove us twice into the tramway station instead of the road and had to back up!) we got to the start in about 20 mins. The start was pretty crowded with the 10K crew starting on the left along with the marathoners. As I was running for time it was hard to negotiate the Bosphorus Bridge and it was jam packed for the 1st 5K or so. The weather was a perfect 55-60F (15C). There were hills (bridges) to contend with but there is a reasonably long but not so steep hill at 14-15km mark. Thereafter it flattens out but the head wind was pretty much continuous along the water this year which made it hard pushing the pace. The waterstops were awesome with whole bottles, sponges and sugar cubes and then Gatorade(bottles) later. Crowd support at the Galata Bridge and the end was pretty good but dead in the middle. The last 2-3K was also a slight incline which is annoying when you are trying to finish well but it ends in Sultanahmet square which is gorgeous. I ended up with 3:03 mainly because of the wind but give the race organization kudos: except for the jam packed start and that at the 12-13k point in the race the marathoners have to merge with the 15K runners which is very irritating because you have to once again weave your way through them. But Turkey and the Turkish people are awesome and I had a great time!


B. T. from Turkey (11/22/2013)
"Amazing" (about: 2013)

1 previous marathon | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

As my first Marathon it was amazing. the expo was quick. There was alot of shoes vendors which was wierd because who buys news shoes a day before a race. the start line did not have enough bathrooms but which big race does. The course had two big hills which I was aware of but had not trained for. the stations were spaced out perfectly but on the switch backs I could see Gatorade at them but when I got to them of it was gone. Instead of cups it was bottles for the water and gaterade so it was a mine field of full and empty bottles on the road next to the aid station. The finish line was packed with people cheering you on.Like I said amazing. I wish I could run it again but I have to move on.


Øystein Halvorsen from Norway (11/19/2013)
"Highly recommended medium fast course" (about: 2013)

2 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

Found this to be a well organized and enjoyable marathon. The course is varied and interesting, the highlights being crossing the golden horn and bosphorus and the spectacular finish in Sultanahmet. 27 to 40 km is quite boring though and very exposed to wind. This in addition to the inclines make this a quite tough course. Water and fruit stations are plentiful and there were gatorade at two or three stations as well. Highly recommended!


G. T. from London, England (11/18/2013)
"Nice Run - Awful Organisation" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons

Expo, good bit far out, but normal expo and few different things to see, good bag and t-shirt.
Race day, after reading many different stories we though to take taxi to start rather than bus which leaves at stupid o'clock. No-one could tell us how to get there other than bus it is. We arrived at Taksim square 07:10, we were staying at Hilton, there seemed to be different lines, we joined line at bottom of road near Intercontinental Hotel, this end of square, only 5 minute wait, but not to busy, took 10-15 minutes to get to start, at start by 0730, for 0900 start....yes 1.5 hours of nothing. Start, what a mess! There is line for 15km on one side and Marathon on other side, 10km is further back, all start at 0900. 8km fun run is even further back and starts at 0930. We all started at 0900 and both lines come together after few meters which causes large groups, and somehow walkers were already in front of us, no-one patrols start areas and free for all. People on bridge taking photos etc, it will take you good 5km to get space. Toilets at start are minimal, wait till 6km in you will see end of 8km walk, there is back of toilets on right side, empty I stopped there. Course is mixed with some tough hills and long run out along coast, no sign of any powerade although there was meant to be, lots empty bottles but when I got to stations none, not till 32.5km. Plenty water and fruit every 2.5km. Crowds mixed, but the ones that were out were giving support, really bog crowd on final 500m, when you have large hill to run up. All in all not bad, just need to sort the start.


l. t. from Argentina (6/8/2013)
"I love this event!!!" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

Istanbul is an amazing place! and this marathon is too!! the marathon course is hard because there are a lot of hills. The event is very well organized. The on ly thing that could be better is the cotton t-shirt, that is not a t-shirt to an international marathon but the applications fees are very economic. Do no not think about running this marathon, you just do it.


Wander van der Kolk from Amsterdam, Netherlands (11/13/2012)
"Well organized marathon, fun course" (about: 2012)

2 previous marathons | 1 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon

Professionally organized marathon, unique because you cross the bridge over the Bosporus from the Asian to the European continent which is usually only open for car and truck traffic. Beautiful views! Pros: well organized (bag for drop-off, transport, time-keeping, sufficient water/sponge and water/sponge/apple/powerade stations every 2,5 km after 5km or so, immediate results after the run: you even get a certificate immmediately, bag with dry shirt at the finish). Cons: not the fastest track (relatively flat but some bridges/tunnels and 'false' flats in the route) and not that much public. But then again: the marathon and 8 and 15k is followed by a fun run where some 80k people will cross the bridge by foot so it's a big happening anyways. Again: well organized, recommended.


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