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Denver Marathon (2000-2004) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 2.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 1.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 1.9 
Number of comments: 43 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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M. S. from Colorado (9/14/2003)
"MHC - No Improvement (Again)." (about: 2003)


I ran in the 2003 version of the VW Mile High City Half-Marathon today. After having a very unpleasant race experience, I read through the comments on this site for previous years. My review echos those of years past: poor race organization, mis-marked mile markers, confused course directions (if any), poor finish line food, uninformed volunteers, and on... and on...

I am a local CO resident, but I will not be participating in future MHCs. I do not expect a perfect race, but some improvement is necessary to justify the ridiculous entry fees.


H. L. from denver, colorado (9/14/2003)
"Beautiful course, but badly measured" (about: 2003)


Just did the half marathon - great traffic control, beautiful neighborhoods and city parks, but those mile splits were totally off. In fact I am not sure it was a full 13.1 total.

I know my pace and I felt pretty good today so I am confident I ran fairly even mile splits judging from expended effort, yet my split times were all over the road.

Miles 1 through 5 were about right - then it all goes to hell. Mile 6 felt a bit long, mile 7 was WAY short - I'm not that fast, 8 and 9 about right then a real short one, etc, etc. The last 1.1 was pretty short too.

Folks - this was a 12.x mile half marathon.

For 60 bucks I would have expected at least a properly measured course.

This could be a really great event - buy a GPS.


J. R. from Denver, CO (7/9/2003)
"It's better, but still not a good race..." (about: 2002)


The race has improved over the first year, but that is not saying much. The first year (2000) was a complete overpriced and unorganized disaster. 2002 was a dramatic improvement with a real medal (we don't want cheap dog tags, as they gave out in 2000, when we pay $75 entry fees). The expo was decent and Noodles and Co. gave out pasta dinner coupons with packets. However, many problems remain, including wrongly placed mile markers. I believe the entire distance was correct, but many of the mile markers were incorrectly placed (after 38 marathons you get to know your pace). The event is still not walker-friendly. If you take longer than 5 hours, they still don't care. Hopefully it will get better, but they have competition from several other local marathons that are much better.


A Runner from Denver, CO (10/10/2002)
"First - time marathon dude" (General Comments)


As a first-time marathon runner, I openly admit my lack of knowledge of organizing an event of this size. However, here are my thoughts: The course was fantastic ... flat, with a few small hills to keep things interesting, and running through 3 city parks was a great touch. Any chance to detour through more downtown streets next time? Traffic control was AWESOME!!!!! Most of the men (women) in blue cheered us on, were a great support and created a very safe course. I, too, have concerns about the actual distance of the marathon - as the course seemed to change twice in the final weeks (the final 5 miles DID seem more like 4-4.5 YIKES!).... and I also found it a bit tricky through City Park searching for the signs / arrows (perhaps it was my light-headedness). The volunteers were AWESOME!!! - I had no issues with lack of water / fluid at any station (and I was middle of the pack). The energy level at the start was adequate and the organizers did a good job of creating a special finish line environment. My largest concern with the race was the (seemingly) lack of advertising, business/civic community support and/or fan support. The number of runners was disappointingly sparse ... my personal opinion is that few recreational runners in the area even KNEW about the race in the months preceeding. THE COMMUNITY NEEDS TO EMBRACE THIS EVENT IF IT IS GOING TO SURVIVE! The city has a great course, perfect running weather and a dedicated (I am sure) group of organizers ...... time for the sponsers and community leaders to step up!!!!!! ($50 would have been a better fee)


A Runner from Denver (10/3/2002)
"awesome" (about: 2002)


I don't know what some people are complaining about. I had an awesome and fun run. The course was awesome (easily one of the best in America), the organization was great, and I had more than enough water. This is a great event that will only get better. In regards to the course markings... I don't know how you could have missed them. I guess some people need to pay more attention. All I can say that this marathon will become a world class event. Bravo!


A Runner from mile high city (9/26/2002)
"Good small town marathon" (about: 2002)


I enjoyed it although I have to say that the race has some shortcomings. Since I live here anyway, it was worth my time. The race was run in conjunction with a half marathon and a 5k so there was quite a bit of runner traffic on the course but that was okay since otherwise it might have gotten kind of quiet and boring. The best thing was the traffic control. Hard to believe but Denver's Finest stopped traffic at every corner. Water and sport drink stations were fair. Marathoners had to share with the half marathoners and when I came through (after the half-marathoners) a lot of the staffers were still giving water to the half marathoners on the other side of the station so they did not see me and I had to get the water for myself. One station at the twenty mile mark ran out of cups. The prizes were inadequate and the food at the end was poor but that did not affect the quality of the race for me. I had a good time and that is the important thing. The winners received two AmericaWest plane tickets to any US destination which is a pretty good prize I guess. There were only about 500 runners in the marathon and about 1000 in the half marathon. We ran through Washington Park, 2 loops in Cheesman Park and several miles through City Park where it would have been easy to take a wrong turn. For a major urban marathon, it leaves a lot to be desired but I will probably run again next year.


NW Florida Runner from Pensacola, Florida (9/17/2002)
"Beautiful Course" (about: 2002)


This has to be one of the most beautiful marathon courses I have ever run! (23 in 12 states) The flowers in the parks were in full bloom, charming neighborhoods, a beautiful blue sky and breathtaking city skyline. Really showed off parts of the city. The volunteers were fantastic and held out for the last of the runners. There seemed to be a policeman at most every corner to stop or direct traffic and the course was well marked. Suprisingly, the course was fairly flat. What hills that were there were not bad at all. There weren't a lot of spectators, but no matter. There were lots of walkers and runners out in the parks, some training for upcoming marathons, that gave knowing or admiring glances. The only suggestion I have is it would have been better to have started the race at 7:00 at the latest instead of 8:00 and also maybe a 6 hour cut off to attract more people. Otherwise a thumbs up to the race committee! Oh, and the change of altitude; from sea level to a mile high; was not bad either so don't let that stop anyone. If they keep up the good work,you won't regret this marathon!


A Runner from Houston, Texas (9/16/2002)
"Disappointed in Denver" (General Comments)


I happened to be in the Denver area and ran the half-marathon. I assumed that Denver would have a first class event (they do charge a first class price ($70)), but I was disappointed. I was surprised at how few people actually participated. The weather was awesome and the course was beautiful- there were a few too many twists and turns in City Park. However, the mile markers were painted on the street and hard to see; there was no one calling out times at the mile makers. The water was sparse and the one time at Mile 11 when I wanted water, they had no cups. There was no clock at the finish line and very little choice in food.

I could have handled all of these problems and still be happy, except for one other issue- the course was mismarked!!! I believe the half marathon course was short by around 0.4 miles. I ran the last 1.1 miles in less than 5 minutes. People running the marathon had to have the same problem bacuse Mile 25 was near the same place as Mile 12 for the half-marathon. I don't know if the mile markers were screwed up thoughout the course and we really did run 13.1 miles or if we only ran closer to 12.7 miles. This is unforgivable!! I'm not sure I will ever know and since I used this race to gauge my progress for a future marathon, I am very disappointed.


A Runner from Boulder, CO (8/15/2002)
"Disappoining" (General Comments)


This race is all hype and no follow-through. Although advertised that there would be, there were no overall or age-group awards at all. Nothing. The mile markers were hard to find, I saw about half of them, and none for the first 5 miles. No fluids in the last 10K. The food was sparse at the finish, EXCEPT for what we could see in the 'Press/VIP' guarded area, that looked nice. I got the feeling that the runners were not important to the event at all.


A Runner from Boulder, CO (11/29/2001)
"This is Denver's Marathon and I will support it" (General Comments)


It is so exciting that the Organizers of the Mile High City Marathon have taken the initiative to provide the Denver community with it's very own city marathon. I LOVED the course - it was AWESOME! I had a great experience since I did not go into the race (in its second year) with the expectation of the organization like that of Boston, or NY. With increased support from the runners and sponsors, the organization will improve. Next September, I will be on the line again along with all my friends. I will also get some family to volunteer themselves for the water stations. Out-of-towners: come test yourself in the Mile High City!


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