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International Zurich Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 36 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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K. M. from Warrington, UK (4/28/2009)
"First run through the tunnel" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 International Zurich Marathon

This year's Zurich marathon was unique due to the first 9k being through the Uteliberg tunnel before it was opened to traffic.

The course is pretty flat, combining a small section of town-running and about 30k of suburb/lakeside- running.

The crowds were very sparse and if you need a crowd to spur you on then it's not for you.

One brilliant feature was having your name printed on your number bib, which I have never seen in any other marathon--it makes a great memento. Attached to the bib was a travel pass for the entire citywide tram / bus and train network, which was a nice touch.

The organisation at the start was chaotic, with spectators mixing in with the runners (I had to dodge a dog walker at one point). The organisation at the end was very slick, with each runner having a medal placed around their neck, a chip collection point and a t-shirt in their size.

The only 2 complaints I have are: 1) There were cyclists and in-line skaters on the course mixing with the runners and 2) there was a lack of water on what was a very hot and sunny day.


M. M. from Bournemouth, England (4/26/2008)
"A great city with a special marathon." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 International Zurich Marathon

What else would you expect from a Swiss marathon? A good web-site with easy on-line entry, listings and comprehensive results and split results for each quarter and for every age group! The course is as flat as you are likely to find anywhere, and there's a good mix of town and "lakeside" (almost). Some enthusiastic support but quite a lot of thin patches. The long "out and back" stretch wouldn't please everyone, but I personally enjoy seeing the front-runners, even if they are 10K ahead. My one criticism would be about the start area and the time sections. These were not supervised and anyone could be anywhere. However, with a relatively small race (fewer than 5,000), wide streets and chip timing, the early muddle was soon sorted, and it made little difference to final results. Certainly an excellent opportunity for a p.b., weather permitting. This year was perfect. I'd love to run it again, and try not to fade so badly in the final quarter.


A. W. from Chicago (4/23/2008)
"Fast, scenic, and well-organized" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 International Zurich Marathon

Course: Mostly flat with only a couple of gentle slopes. The majority of the distance is along Lake Zurich traveling through some of the suburbs/villages on the east side, with lovely views of the lake and well-preserved architecture. About 20K consists of an out-and-back on opposite sides of the same road, so keep this in mind if this sort of thing depresses you while running. Shorter sections through Zurich proper showcase the city as well, with only a couple very short sections of cobblestones and the rest on regular pavement.

Organization: A perfectly-run, small-to-mid-size marathon. The Swiss reputation for precision and organization is dead on. Aid stations were well-stocked and well-marked, expo was small but easy to get to and navigate, packet pickup was a breeze, and logistics at the start and finish were efficient. A 3-day pass for Zurich trains/trams/buses is included in the entry fee, which is all the transportation you need in Zurich itself, given the extensive public transportation system. Can't think of anything to complain about here.

Spectators: Somewhat thin compared to bigger marathons (Chicago, NYC, Marine Corps) but very, very enthusiastic ("Hopp!" apparently means "Go!" in German, which I figured out after hearing it about 700,000 times), and after all, there are only 5-6K runners. Should be plenty of support for most marathoners.

Zurich: Expensive, particularly for US-types converting from the plummeting dollar. Imagine living inside a Disney park to get a sense of the cost of living. Incredibly friendly, polite (if reserved) Swiss. If you speak German, French or Italian, great, but many/most Swiss speak English as well. Very walkable city, but it's also easy to get around by tram/train.

Other: For runners (like me) who are accustomed to only US marathons, a few notable differences. Water comes in 330 ML plastic bottles, not cups, which means you can carry it with you rather than having to chug at the station; but there are fewer total stations, and not every station has energy drinks. Free food for runners at the finish is sparse compared to US marathons, with a larger variety of things to buy outside of the finisher's area. There is a higher proportion of very fit runners compared to the US, as the huge "first time charity runner" phenomenon we are used to is not as prevalent, so if you run in the 3:45 or slower range, prepare to be in the second half of the pack for a change.


L. G. from Sinaai, Belgium (4/21/2008)
"Just a cool marathon!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 International Zurich Marathons

The Zurich Marathon is not only a race; it is also a family gathering!!!!!!!


Marina White from Southern CA (3/31/2008)
"International Enlightenment" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 International Zurich Marathon

It's been almost a year since I ran this (and at that time it was only my second marathon), so I suppose I have had enough time to reflect, and I do still have some clear recollections of it. It was a really flat course, and pretty too, being along the waterfront. The spectators were really cool, yelling out my name (written on each bib) to cheer me on, and saying their funny German things (well, I couldn't understand it, so I found it funny - I do remember hearing what sounded like "hop" a lot).

The main caution I would give about this race is that there was a five-hour cut-off and they really enforce it! I was the very last one on the course, coming in at 5:05, as the police cleared everyone else off. And then I didn't get a medal, just a finisher's shirt, which was a bit disappointing. But at least they did count my time, despite being after the cut-off. And I got a real quick massage too (this was offered with the race, but they were closing up when I came in finally).

Also, they don't post the results through (only on their site), so you can't search your name and find the results here, unfortunately.

But otherwise, a nice race and city (they all know English, so getting around is easy!). Maybe just not the best choice after a week-long intense vacation through all of Italy!


V. v. from Chicago, Illinois (9/29/2007)
"Well organized race" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 International Zurich Marathon

The Swiss know how to take care of the runner. This was my second marathon and I had a goal of 4 hours and was able to finish in 3:58. There were plenty of drinks, and the PowerBars were cut so that one could just pop pieces in your mouth and keep running. Plus they had power gel at all the right kilometers. I ran with the pacers, who were real motivated and so encouraging. I do not know how you could not do well in this race. I felt pampered compared to a marathon I did 2 weeks later, in The Netherlands. The course was a turn back, so one could watch the elite runners heading to the finish. This is not a large race, so do not look for lots of excitement; but for challenging yourself, it is great!


C. M. from Chicago, IL (7/16/2007)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 International Zurich Marathon

Very good marathon. Second time I run in Europe, and I am enjoying it more each time (Barcelona 2006 was the previous one). You have to get used not to have that many slow runners (more than 4 hours) as you do in US marathons (at least Chicago).

The weather was excellent, and other than a couple times the course goes back and forth, it was very nice and flat. I arrive a week before to Switzerland, worry that I wouldn't know where to go for small runs prior to the marathon, but this country was designed for runners, walkers and hikers. Every city where I stayed, there was always a trail nearby, and not only very clean but very picturesque too (Lucerne along the lake is probably my favorite).

People were very friendly, and having my name printed on the bib made me feel several times my friends were calling me out during the race. Very friendly runners and crowd. Strongly recommended.


S. R. from Chicago, USA (4/9/2007)
"Flat and scenic; a great experience getting better" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 International Zurich Marathons

This year's Zurich Marathon was so fun and so much improved from last year, I think that it's only a matter of time before this race, which is still relatively new, gets a loyal following.

Last year's Zurich Marathon was hard - never mind I was new to the jetlag thing. It was cold and rainy, with lots of zigzags in the course (I felt like I was in a line for a ride at Disneyland), and very few porta-potties (if you're female or need to do a #2, this is major - I had to wait until mile 18 then wait in line for several minutes!). The bag-check was hard to find because there was no map and my German stinks, and I ended up sprinting what felt like a quarter mile to the start line.

Somebody must have listened because things were much better this year. OK the perfect weather did help. The course was much improved - now only a couple stretches where you double back into other runners (for me this was not bad since you get to watch the race leaders) and you didn't have really any zigzags. I have done 2 Chicago Marathons and this course I think was flatter and potentially faster because you're not boxed in by 40,000+ other runners, or losing time fighting crowds at water tables. Gorgeous scenery - the course was a nice mix of city and village feel, you get exposure to some Swiss culture, and running along the shore was nice (FYI this was at low altitude as well as flat). The fans were only fair in number but they were very enthusiastic and had the energy of a larger crowd. There was a good variety and quantity of music spread along the course, which helps.

The organization was good. Maybe I was just familiar this time, but I thought the bag checks were closer; the pamphlet given at the expo showed easily where to find everything. As before, the site was easy to find and the public transportation pass was helpful (though I wish they had mailed it out so we could use it to get to the expo). The porta-potty situation was also much improved - no problems now.

The only complaints I would have I felt were minor issues. The expo was pretty small and not much to see/buy there. The race pacers were easy to find, but if you're slow like me, you realize there are not so many slow people and toward the end you almost feel you're running alone at times, especially in the brief stretches going through back streets. But the remaining fans and race volunteers were still supportive. The taste of the Gatorade-like stuff was odd and resembled fermented apple juice, but the placement of water every 3.5K, bananas throughout the 2nd half, and 2 gel stations were perfect (after struggling through the hills of Barcelona where it was hotter/hillier and there was water only every 5K alternating with sponge stations). The food afterward was sparse, but if you bring your Francs, there is nothing better than the grilled Bratwurst at the finish line. The T-shirt design was good, but it would be better if it was not cotton.

I chose Zurich initially because I have family nearby, but I recommend this race to anyone seeking a fun, flat, scenic destination marathon of medium size. It is definitely a chance to PR while getting to experience the beautiful country and culture, and I plan to return next year.


I. D. from Hungary (4/3/2007)
"It's great (...and Zurich also)." (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 3 International Zurich Marathons

It was my third marathon, and I could run 20 minutes faster than previously (3:31:24).

The course is easy and beautiful.


T. G. from USA (4/2/2007)
"Great Experience in Zurich" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 International Zurich Marathon

The 2007 Zurich Marathon was my first marathon and I enjoyed it immensely. The weather was perfect and the organization of the event made everything a breeze.

The Course: the run went very well although I didn't feel it was as flat as they claimed. There are a few small hills and one just before the halfway point that was a bit steep but short. The organization was top-notch and all of the volunteers and support staff did a superb job. The course does double back on itself most of the way and so if you don't like to constantly see all the racers ahead of you this may not be a good race for you. My only 2 real complaints were that there was a lack of toilets the last 8 km or so and that there was no water available at the finish line (I finished in 4:14 so maybe they had run out at this point). They had lots of sports drinks but I found the taste horrible and was feeling sick from what I had to drink on the course.

Atmosphere: Wow! The people of Zurich and the surrounding towns were great; I can't remember any part of the course that there wasn't someone cheering. There was one point when the crowd really started to cheer and I thought something amazing must be happening behind me, but when I turned around I realized that there was no one within 15 yards of me. It was an amazing feeling and a wonderful experience.


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