calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 362 [displaying comments 191 to 201]
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M. C. from Illinois (4/27/2008)
"Pleasantly Surprised and Happy to have Done" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

Was impressed with the race. The first 6 miles of the course were very reminiscent of Boston (which I did 4/21/08). The aid stations were nicely spaced and supported well. I liked the idea of the bottles of water. That allowed us to get a full "dose" of water. The amount of PowerAde in the cups was hardly even a swallow in most stations. Finally had to take 3-4 cups to make a full one. Fans, when present, for the most part were enthusiastic. Course, for the most part, was very nice. It was a little dreary for a couple of miles after the 1/2 split off. Loved the boat playing the music as we ran across the river. Only negative - my wife tried to see me 4-5 times throughout the race; however, it was very difficult because of the roads that were closed that were supposed to be open. I am not in anyway suggesting that cars should be allowed to cut across the course, but this marathon, for being a point-to-point, seemed to be difficult to get around. Overall, if you are looking for a marathon in Kentucky, choose this marathon. But make sure you are ready for some hill work!


P. B. from Florida (4/27/2008)
"Too crowded!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathons

Too many runners today seem to believe their pace is MUCH faster than what they can actually run. The organizers of this race, like many other races, have done very little address this very pressing issue and as a result, the Kentucky Derby Festival has turned into a "spectator race" rather than a legitimate opportunity to run a real race. If you are concerned, even minimally, about your time, you MUST be on the first bus and you need to move to the very front of the pack - otherwise you will spend a minimum of 3 to 5 miles running tangents across the course in order to move around people who refuse to place themselves in the proper start corral. This is very unfortunate because this course is beautiful and full of rich history, but with the "dodge and sprint" movements one is required to perform in order to avoid a crash, the runner is not allowed to enjoy the course until the final few miles. The race organizers MUST address this issue, and limiting the field is not the answer. Forcing people to prove their pace and assigning start corrals based on pace is critical to the success of this race or the Derby Festival will further become the zoo that the Indy 500 race has become.


D. T. from Detroit, MI (4/26/2008)
"Good race on a good day" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

I liked this race. The organization was great. I liked that a school gym was open at the start line for the waiting runners (so we did not have to wait in the rain and wind). The spectators were not many, but they were fairly steady along the entire route.

One main gripe from me: the water was given out in small plastic bottles. Many runners unscrewed the caps, then threw them onto the road. That is discourteous and dangerous for the runners behind them.


m. s. from D/FW Texas (4/26/2008)
"hilly and challenging" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

This course was hilly at times, and thus challenging. Today (2008) had great running weather: cool (50's) and overcast for most of the race. Of course, this is variable, and I mention it because I was told that April in KY is usually cool/rainy. The start was WAY TOO CROWDED; I figure that the congestion cost me 5-6 minutes in the 1st 5 miles. The 1/2 marathon needs to be on a different day, or else it should start later. The loop through Churchill Downs was a yawner - not much to see - and the tunnel entry/exit again caused delays due to congestion. The aid stations were numerous and superbly run - a nice benefit. The post-race care and medal were nice. Overall, a good race to do!


kirt Goetzke from minneapolis (4/15/2008)
"perfect weather" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

Nice course with a good mix of hills. Separation from 1/2 marathoners for the finish was great. Awards were poor. They were equivalent to what you might get in a 200-person 5K. Hotel rooms are hard to find. In all, a good 50-state choice.


E. R. from Sterling Heights, Michigan (1/2/2008)
"Nice course, but poor post-race follow up." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

I enjoyed the course and city. I won my age group and placed second in the masters. I was told awards would be sent out in 2 to 4 weeks. Through the several months and several inquiries following the marathon, I have received no response as to the status of the awards. Both me and a friend who ran and placed have not received our awards. I saw a race representative at another marathon 6 months later and she told me and my friend that there were some staffing changes, but the awards would be taken care of. We did have a few exchanges of emails and I was again reassured our awards would be sent out. It is now nine months later and we have not heard anything. My further attempts to contact this representative had gone unanswered. This has been very disappointing in not receiving our awards and also the lack of response from the race committee. Placing at a marathon is not a frequent occurrence for me and the award would have served as a remembrance of the event and my accomplishment.


A. B. from Michigan (11/16/2007)
"Great race, great course, great volunteers, but..." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

At first I loved this race. The course was great, the volunteers were great, and I had a great race, but the organization needs a bit of help. I didn't get my t-shirt at the expo (they were out and would have it at the finish), and I didn't get my shirt at the finish, so I had to write/email many times to get it and it was finally sent to me in September after I asked, "Why should I/would I do this marathon again?" I also won my age group and was told that my award would be mailed 6 to 8 weeks after the race. Fine, but it is now November 16, and after contacting the organization many times, they said they were still being made. Fine, but my training partner - who did not place - got an award in late September (and he sent it back).

Also, they ran out of Gatorade at the finish for the marathoners.


G. C. from Oak Park, MI (11/1/2007)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

I was reading some of the negative comments, and I wonder were we at the same marathon. The race was well organized. I enjoyed everything about it, especially the bottles of water we received at the stations. There were plenty of port-o-johns at the start, The expo was small. The race was very well organized. I enjoyed the course and the people. People were yelling from their porches. It was great.


R. F. from St. Charles, MO (10/22/2007)
"Where is my certificate?!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

I enjoyed the race, pacer Tom, Louisville, the weather, etc, etc.... My only complaint is: Where is my finisher's certificate?! The race's website says you'll be mailed one 4-6 weeks after the race. It's now 6 MONTHS and I have yet to receive mine. Anyone else with this problem?


R. J. from Chapel HIll NC, USA (10/8/2007)
"Great for a First Marathon" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

This was my first marathon and I wasn't sure what to expect. However, I found it to be well organized and the day went without a hitch. The final few miles were hard work and a bit hilly, especially over the large bridge and back at the end. Not sure why other folk find such problems, as that was not what I observed.


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