calendar icon Sep 28, 2024

Grand Canyon International Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.0 
Number of comments: 23 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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J. B. from Mullins, SC (6/20/2004)
"Warm sunny and dry course... perfect weather" (about: 2003)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Canyon International Marathon

The course was a little hilly, mostly flat except for a steep hill towards the end... about mile 22 if I remember. It was in the 70's, low humidity which was a pleasure compared to running in SC. Drink plenty of water because you do not realize how much you are sweating because it evaporates so fast. When I finished I was covered in salt crystals... never have that in the Southeast!!

This was the first marathon I had run so I cannot compare to others. My objective was to finish without the EMT's taking me from the course, which I did in a rather slow fashion. We stayed in Las Vegas and it was a long drive there and back on a bus but was pleasant. We had some good company to chat with coming and going. I enjoyed the beautiful views of the canyon. I would recommend this marathon as a once in a lifetime event. I was surprised there were not more people in it though.



Lisa Mohler from West Palm Beach, Fla. (12/9/2003)
"Relatively Flat -- If You Live In The Alps!" (about: 2003)


There is something wrong with a race when approximately 400 people start it, and only 107 (plus 81 half marathoners) finish it. With some important logistical changes and more honest promotion, this could be an 'event of a lifetime' marathon. Instead, it was a bit of a nightmare, and that's a shame ? and a potentially DANGEROUS shame, at that.

First: the course is NOT relatively flat, and had I known that, I would have trained differently. This is more of an adventure race than a regular marathon -- promote it as such.

Second: provide more information on chartering a plane or helicopter from Vegas. It would have been worth the extra cost, and surely some decent group rates could be had if enough racers opted for this method of transportation.

Third: set up more water stops, and add some with fruit slices, gels, etc.

Fourth: offer whole bottles of water at the end of the race, not just small paper cups, and have sports drink available at the end of the race! It wasn't just the food that was lacking at the end of this race, it was the ability to rehydrate AT ALL. I was fine when I finished the race ? but ended up needing an IV an hour and a half AFTER the race because there was no way for me to rehydrate. The fact that we had enough people to form an IV club at the end of the race isn?t because of inexperienced marathon runners who didn?t understand the need to drink fluids ? it?s because of the inadequate water stops during the race and inadequate hydration options after the race.

Fifth: provide more tents/shelter at the end of the race ? having to wait for everyone to finish wouldn?t have been as much of an issue if there had been somewhere out of the sun (and with lots of water and sports drink available ? even if I had to pay for it!).

Sixth: have more medical personnel and supplies on hand ? particularly if you ignore the first five pointers. You are very lucky that none of the runners died that day, and I am not exaggerating.

As for some of the other runners? complaints about cost ? that didn?t bother me. I expected to pay more for a race in such a special location. I didn?t mind that there was minimal crowd support ? what do you expect of a race that?s out in the middle of nowhere? This is not New York or Chicago. The volunteers who were there were fantastic.

I wouldn?t change the direction of the course, just be honest about what the course is like: rolling, undulating for the ENTIRE way with two steep rises toward the end, providing a major challenge for the experienced marathoner or adventure racer looking for an extraordinary experience.

If there?s a way to make it so you can opt for the half marathon at mile 13, rather than having to make the decision just a few miles into the race (when everyone still has no idea how tough the day is going to be), I would highly recommend you do so.

It took me an hour longer to finish this race than my usual marathon times, but under the circumstances, I was just glad I finished... and lived to tell about it!


J. O. from Chicago, Illinois (11/10/2003)
"Great Idea, Poor Execution - 2nd Year" (about: 2003)


This race needs improvement in the areas of 'honest promotion', 'runner support' and 'medical services'.
A few promotional discepancies:
The course was NOT geneally flat.
Water/aid stations were NOT located every mile.
Weather/altitude extremes were NOT adequately disclosed.
October is NOT the perfect month to hold this race.
This race was NOT comfortable for runners of every caliber and the course was NOT conducive to finishing in a 'competitive time'. See 2002 and 2003 results.
Medical services were NOT adequate. The race was held at a remote location (with no doctor?). Please make improvements in promotion and support before you 'lose' a runner. This was my 9th marathon, glad it wasn't my 1st or there may not have been a 2nd.


S. M. from Florida (11/10/2003)
"Great first time experience, despite my marks" (about: 2003)


As a first-time (half) marathoner, this couldn't have been a more challenging course. It's hills and more hills most of the way. I actually enjoyed the desert and, of course, the canyon views. For the half-marathoner, you will see the canyon at mile 10. My main criticism is that they need more water/Gatorade stops. For that environment, every mile would be perfect. Also, there should be free fresh fruit and drink (cold drink) aplenty at the finish. Still, I am so glad that I had the experience. Making just a few changes could make this a GREAT race. By the way, the school bus - even though it was donated by the tribe and I thank them for that - was not what I had been told that I was paying for. Charter buses for all! Including the tribes-people who raced. Do it right and you have a winner.


B. K. from Ontario, Canada (10/26/2003)
"Tough course for tough runners" (about: 2003)


My short description of this marathon: very expensive, very scenic and very demanding, with a team of excellent volunteers. This was my 22nd marathon and I must have hit the wall too many times - I got my worst time ever - 4:18 vs. my average of 3:30.
May I offer a few suggestions to the organizers, for improvement of future events:
1. Remove the word 'flat' from the description of the course,
2. Reverse the course so that the two steep hills at miles 21 and 23 will appear at miles 3 and 4. Also, the final approach to the finish line would be slightly downhill,
3. Consider serving CHILLED drinks at watering stations. Lukewarm water or sport drinks served in the heat of the sunny day did not quench my thirst at all,
4. Post-race food might be a little more exotic (water + bananas + bagels did not represent the top of a post-marathon menu).
I also would like to say 'thank you' to Bill Mills for his inspiration.


Marika Erdel from Pittstown, NJ (10/25/2003)
"Definitely not for SISSIES!!!" (about: 2003)


The toughest marathon run out of 17 so far. Great experience, although bad organization. The people were lovely and supportive. It is a wilderness run - be prepared. People should be stationed at areas where it is most likely to cheat. Lady with black shoulder-long hair, limping slightly - you have been observed cutting TWICE!!!
This is a race for strong people only, mentally as well as physically! GREAT JOB Bert, Dick and 'Red Sox'!!!!!!
Great opportunity for spectators to take a helicopter ride into the canyon!
Thank you for inviting Billy Mills - it was an honor!


J. H. from Tucson, AZ (10/19/2003)
"Save your time and your money!" (about: 2003)


This was the worst marathon ever. I have to say this because number 1, it's the most expensive you'll ever encounter. They charge for everything. From $35 because everyone needs to take the bus, $10 & 25 for the race poster, and imagine finishing the race to find out that they have provided you with stale bagels, luke-warm water, and bananas that have been in the sun all day long. BUT they will happily provide you with all these Native Americans trying to make a buck by selling $2 bottles of cold soda, $5 Native-American tacos, etc.
The buses cant go back for the 2-hour drive until everyone is off the course, so you are waiting on ASPHALT (it was over 90 degrees) until Lil' Miss Charity runner stopped snapping photos and actually ran. I was an HOUR off my goal pace. That could be contributed to by the lack of spectators, lack of gels on the course, lack of shade, and a course that IS NOT RELATIVLY FLAT!
Do the Tucson Marathon of Valley of the Sun if you want an AZ marathon.


K. S. from Dallas, TX (7/24/2003)
"A tough, hilly race but scenic" (about: 2002)


This was advertised as a flat course, but don't believe it. Run this race once for the experience and scenery. We stayed in Vegas and took a charter flight to the reservation. This is the only way to go unless you want to spend hours before and after the race on a bus.




I am a runner from North Carolina and would I would like to add to my comments concerning last year?s inaugural marathon. Frankly, I was amazed to find the negative remarks that I am seeing about this run. My experience was quite the opposite, and of my 30-something marathons so far, this was undoubtedly the most awe-inspiring. Sure, there were problems. All of the fluids and supplements had to be trucked in over that same route that we runners had to endure by bus. Spectators were few, but what does one expect in the middle of the wilderness? This is not the middle of Chicago, NYC, or Boston (thank goodness). Accommodations were some distance away. All of this is true, yet one gaze over the rim of the Grand Canyon made up for it all! In that one instant, we, who are truly runners, grasp the essence of our sport. Thank you Hualapai Indian Nation, thank you Billy Mills, and most especially thanks to all you volunteers for allowing us this awe-inspiring moment.


L. K. from St. Marys City , Maryland (4/2/2003)
"AMAZING EXEPRIENCE!" (about: 2002)


Last October, I happened to be at the Grand Canyon with 9 good friends to raft the Colorado River and spontaneously decided to run the marathon.
Over the summer, I had been training for the Richmond Marathon ( It would have been my first- a 'something I have to do before I hit 40' goal). In September I injured my foot and had to rest for 8 weeks. I had just begun running again before I went on this trip. We were staying at the Hulapai lodge and I happened to see the flyers for the marathon. I felt compelled to do it- despite my lack of preparation.
I had no experience and no expectations... I had no idea of what the expo was supposed to look like- or how much it should cost to register.
Mr. Allison was incredibly supportive and helpful- as was his entire crew of volunteers. Logistically, it had to be a nightmare to do this so remotely with volunteer tribesmen who had never seen or done anything like this before. People complained about the transportation, but I came from the opposite direction and had to drive myself down the canyon. I would have gladly paid anything to not have had to drive that rocky, white knuckle road at 20 miles/ hour for 2.5 hours!
My goal was to finish- again, no expectations other than to enjoy the experience. It was truly amazing! A runner commented negatively on being alone for miles... I will never forget running alone through the desert, mountains behind me and canyon in front of me and a herd of antelope along side of me or at mile 21 facing a huge hill and a giant bird coming from behind me gently coaxing me along- staying with me to the top- which rewarded me with the most beautiful views of the canyon I had seen all week. I loved seeing the random Indian families along the way... so supportive of this thing we were doing on their land.
It was hot, and dusty and hilly- but I expected that based on where it was. I was prepared with a water pack and lots of gels. I never saw the website- so for me, there was no let downs. I ran it for the experience of being in the place.
I have since run Hops in Tampa and Ocean Drive in NJ. My goal now is all 50 states.
For me, I will continue to run for the experience of the place and go into each with little or no expectiations of the bells and whistles.


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