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Durango Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 53 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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S. B. from Kent, Wa (11/21/2006)
"Unlimited Free Beer" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Durango Marathon

The Durango Double needs to be on your "Must Do List." I have run over 125 marathons and I can truly say this weekend's events have to rank right up there as one of my favorite events to date.

I started off by reading all the 2006 input, so I need not hash over the technical problems again. I ran the Durango Double (50K on Saturday and the marathon on Sunday). In ultra running, the first rule is no whining. Sure, runners (top runners as well average runners) got lost. Some missed the second loop so they either ran a shortened course or added additional distance. These problems will be worked out next year.

After running the 50K on Saturday, I enjoyed a free beer and paid $1.00 a glass for two additional beers. I think I could have had them free if I would have asked. After the marathon on Sunday, I headed to the post party. Free BBQ and beer. I had all the free beer I wanted. Also, in my race packets ((3) - one for each race plus one for doing the double), I got around 10 free beer coupons to one of the local breweries from a sponsor of the races (another fun night).

The idea of having back-to-back days of marathon-distance races in one location is awesome. There were even options for shorter distances. I really hope this takes off in other locations. Two medals plus a beautiful finisher's plate for completing the double is really cool.

I almost forgot to mention their Boston Challenge. By running a trail run on Saturday and running a qualifying Boston Marathon time on Sunday, you were rewarded by getting your Boston Marathon entry paid, plus you were put in a drawing to receive $500 towards your expenses to Boston. I knew a few in my party who came out on top of this deal.

By having a volunteer stand at the intersection where runners need to do a second loop on the 50K, the trail run problem will be solved. The volunteers were great for both the trail and road races. I cannot remember doing a marathon with aid stations as close as a mile at times with so many volunteers and ALL aid stations handing out GU and food.

Scott Fowler from Los Angeles, CA, USA (11/10/2006)
"A great weekend of running" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Durango Marathons

This was my second trip to Durango and I've now run each of the 4 offered races. They're all great. This is a low-key, small-town event that's quite well organized and supported. The Sunday road runs had to be re-routed due to weather issues a couple of days prior but the new course along the river was still scenic and enjoyable. A larger event would have had to cancel the race rather than re-routing it. I read some of the previously posted negative comments - hopefully those people will not return. This is a great destination weekend for runners in a beautiful place.

L. J. from Arlington VA (10/24/2006)
"Beautiful! Great volunteer support!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons

I ran the 'double' - 25K trail run and half marathon road run. The courses were beautiful and had enthusiastic volunteers. I was surprised at all the amenities for a small race. I loved the goodie bag, post race food/festivals (ribs, burgers, etc) and especially the personalized finisher plates for completing the double. Matt Kelly and his volunteers did an excellent job. The rerouted course for Sunday did get a little boring since we had to do out and backs but it was very pretty running along the river. Besides the race starting late (which we were warned of the day before), the race was very well organized and everything went smoothly. I highly recommend running the Durango Double and definitely spend some extra days exploring the beautiful surroundings.

Bev Skroch from Creede, CO (10/21/2006)
"I loved the Durango Double!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Durango Marathons

This was the second year I ran the 25K trail run on Saturday and the half marathon on Sunday. Running the muddy trail was challenging and fun. The BBQ rib lunch afterward was delicious and gave me a chance to meet other runners. I really enjoyed the half marathon Sunday. It was a last-minute change, but, since I've become a slower, back-of-the-pack runner, I liked having so many people around me. The river trail is beautiful. (It might have gotten old had I been running the marathon!) I thought Matt Kelly and his crew did a SUPERB job putting on a race under such circumstances! I'll definitely be back!

S. H. from Austin, Texas (10/19/2006)
"A Fiasco For Runners!!!" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Durango Marathon

This was one ridiculously disorganized race. I ran the 50K on Saturday and have to admit the scenery was absolutely stunning. I took the early start and saw a mountain lion on the trail just above Durango. Everything was fine until the so-called split for the 2nd 50K loop. No volunteer and no sign pointing the correct way. I ran all the way down to Aid Station 2, following flagged trees and other runners. When I found out about the mistake, I turned around and ran back up the mountain to start my second loop and finish the whole course. I figure I lost about 50 minutes or more. The barbecue after the race was very good, but we couldn't eat too much because we were running the marathon in less than 24 hours.

Marathon on Sunday morning: up earlier than we needed to be because they changed the course and the start location. How could they have not known this Saturday afternoon? What a complete mess. I understand problems happen but this is a race where they go to expos recruiting people to visit and run. They have a video on their website for goodness sake. There's no good reason for not having a "traffic control device." The race just isn't that big. They didn't even bother to put out mile markers. Completely unorganized and with the confusing out-and-backs some people ran too much and of course some people cheated. The course got a little redundant but that's ok. Why couldn't they have certified the course? The aid stations were well stocked and the volunteers were terrific and friendly. The post-race party was ok, but they waited too long to hand out awards. They couldn't make up their minds as to whether or not they were going to announce the recipents of the Double Plates. After waiting an hour they finally told us to just come up a get our plates with no announcements. I was not impressed and I do not recommend this race.

L. S. from E. Lansing , Mi (10/19/2006)
"Great support and aid stations." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Durango Marathon

One of the first marathons where my disappointment over not receiving the correct sized shirt was actually addressed. Aid stations and the support crew were ENTHUSIASTIC and VERY FRIENDLY. Course had to be changed at the last minute and the race director did a good job organizing everything. Town is a lot of fun and hiking the next day was scenic and interesting.

T. W. from Lakewood, CO (10/18/2006)
"Fun trail run, can't say much for the road" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Durango Marathon

I did the Horse Gulch 25K. The course was challenging, esp with the rain the night before. It should've been marked better. Sometimes things were marked where they didn't need to be, and other times you had to search to see where the trail was going. The 1st mile or so is tight single track, and being so close to a flood-stage river created a lot of unnecessary bottlenecking.

Aid stations were placed in odd places. Sometimes rather close together and at others too far between stations. I would definitely like to applaud the enthusiastic volunteer who stood at the point separating the 25K turnaround and the loop change for the 50K. As runners came up the steep hill, you could hear loud music and knew you were almost there. It was a welcome sight.

VERY scenic route. Shirt was almost transparent but still nice. Aid stations had super helpful volunteers.

The road race apparently didn't have the necessary people show up to close the roads, so they had to run a crappy re-route. Not par for the course from what I've heard of this race though. Hopefully they'll have a better plan B for next year.

C. B. from Washington, DC (10/17/2006)
"Great views, great fun, well organized" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons

I ran the 25K trail run on Saturday and the half marathon on Sunday. It was truly one of the friendliest and well-organized races I've run. Not to mention that Saturday's trail run had breathtaking scenery! Coming from Washington, DC, I did run it slightly slower, due to altitude, but no major problems. The whole spectrum of events offered throughout the weekend made it more than just a race--I've been describing it to my fellow runners as a true 'running festival' where we felt taken care of and entertained through the entire weekend. The plates given to the 'double' runners are the most unique and interesting race premium I've ever received (or probably ever will).

Durango itself is so scenic, beautiful, and fun, it just compliments the entire race. There were last minute changes to the marathon/half-marathon course that probably slowed some folks down or upset others who expected to qualify for Boston, but I was not trying for a PR, so was not really affected by them.
My advice is to run the Durango Double for the beauty, fun, and friendliness--it is really a race for the senses.

L. E. from Bishop, CA (10/12/2006)
"Complicated and crowded trail course" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Durango Marathon

I ran the 50K trail race, which featured the most convoluted course I have ever run. Although the course markings were good, and I was able to follow them without mishap, there was no one on the course making sure that runners actually completed the various loops the correct number of times. As a result, several top runners were disqualified for inadvertently short-cutting the course, and some slower runners received official finish times, even though they too inadvertently short-cut the course. In addition, because the 25K and 50K start at the same time and initially follow the same route, there were way too many runners on the narrow trail at one time, forcing everyone to stop repeatedly over the first five miles while the back-ups were resolved. Durango is such a beautiful area, and there are lots of trails to choose from, so it's difficult to understand why race organizers would select such a problematic course. Perhaps it's because they're ambitiously trying to put on four separate running events over a two-day period. Better to put on one event, and do that one really well.

E. C. from Peyton, Colorado (10/11/2006)
"Great first marathon" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Durango Marathon

This was my first marathon and I had a great time. Durango is a beautiful town! Despite having a last-minute course change, I felt well supported and appreciated how efficiently the changes were communicated. The aid stations were wonderful with nonstop encouragement and friendly faces. This was a great first-timer's marathon. Just the right size!

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