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Big Sur International Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 212 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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M. H. from Chicago, IL (4/30/2004)
"Came Very Close To 'Top Marathon' Billing" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon

If you love marathons, this has to be on the must run list. The course was spectacular, and the unusual off-shore breeze made the course clear versus the typical headwinds and potential foggy conditions. The miles went very fast as you listened to an eclectic group of bands. At one point, you could hear the seals barking from the rocks - very cool. The hills are tough, especially the long rollers in the last 8 miles. If you train well, you can PR as I did for my second marathon.

Organization was flawless, the volunteers were cheerful and absolutely committed to making your race a pleasure. The power walkers disrupted the pace at times. Spectators are few, but terrific. Finish area was very crowded, but organized. If you're coming from out of town, book hotels early!


J. W. from Walnut Creek, CA USA (4/29/2004)
"Toughest course on your body" (General Comments)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Big Sur International Marathons

This is my 2nd time at it. Still a beautiful course and awesome organization. The course is the toughest on your feet and knees. The road is cambered in many sections and rolling hills keep popping up. I would do this again though. Just don't over-train and wear out before the run!


L. D. from Ottawa, Canada (4/28/2004)
"Spectacular view!" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

Big Sur was my first marathon. I picked it for the view and only for the view! Yes, it was hilly, but if you train properly, you should finish. I did my homework. It was challenging... seems like there was always a hill around the next bend, but I tackled them one at a time! Water stations well staffed and stocked! Entertainment at each station. Weather was great. A bit hot late morning but it sure beats running in two feet of snow in the -20s! Big Sur was as exciting and as beautiful as I imagined it would be! Extremely happy and proud to be wearing a Big Sur medal around my neck!


K. G. from Wisconsin (4/28/2004)
"Agree about the power walkers." (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Big Sur International Marathon

Great experience. But I agree that something should be done about the power walkers. Too many were walking 3-4 abreast and did not make an effort to make room. All of us back in the 3:45 pace were having a problem with it. I realize they paid their money as well -- but after Mile 20 or so, it seemed like the walkers were 80% of the people on the course.

I thought that the course itself is even harder than advertised. I expected the hills; I didn't expect all of the sloped roads and sideways hills. Amazed that my ankles made it.

Organization was flawless; aid stations were plentiful and perfect. I thought there was plenty of GU.


Charles Henley from New York (4/28/2004)
"Very happy, but..." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Big Sur International Marathon

I loved this marathon and had been looking forward to running it for a long time. I had a wonderful experience and believe all the folks around me also had positive experiences. The organizers and volunteers did a spectacular job and it is evident they care deeply about the area, the runners and the event.

The walkers have got to go. Send them off to 17 mile drive or on the fire trails above the highway.

As a run, Big Sur is brilliant, but as a marathon, the organizers need to dedicate all efforts to keeping it a marathon and not a mass event. My advice is lose the walkers and expand the number of marathoners.


Abby Maika'i from Santa Cruz, California (4/27/2004)
"Euphoric" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Big Sur International Marathon

I had no idea what to expect regarding what running a marathon would truly be like. I trained for the Big Sur International Marathon and I knew I was ready, but I was uncertain of what running the infamous Hurricane Point would be like. This past Sunday I found out. Let me tell you, this race is the most breathtaking race there is. Running alongside the gorgeous crashing waves and seeing all the excited volunteers who were so happy to be there really gave the course an amazing vibe. You really lose track of the mileage because you are so distracted by the beauty surrounding you.

Hurricane Point felt like any of the other numerous small hills in the race, mainly because the entire time, the coast is right on your left and you easily are able to fall into the rhythm of your pace. The weather was incredible and the clear skies allowed for easy veiwing of the surroundings. 26.2 miles felt like 5 miles for this race, because the energy on the course was so positive that it felt like a breeze to get to the finish line. This was easily the most euphoric and incredible experience in my athletic career!


R. B. from E. Granby, CT (4/27/2004)
"A top marathon, but overrated" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Big Sur International Marathon

I was told repeatedly that this was the top marathon in the country. Maybe it was, but I've run better than the 2004 Big Sur. Beautiful course, but not much variety. One lane road, crowded with walkers from the middle on. Crowds at the staging area and finish. But a big plus with the grand piano at the halfway point - definitely a huge highlight.

Overall, a 4 out of 5. Very good, almost great, not the best.


Scott Welker from Venice, Italy (4/27/2004)
"Gorgeous race, no fans though" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Big Sur International Marathon

The most beautiful mrathon course in the Western Hemisphere, without a doubt. Well organized, great volunteers, good entertainment. A challenging, hilly, point-to-point course (not for PR's). Few fans line the remote course. 7:00 am start necessitates a 4:30 am bus departure from Monterey, but it's worth it! Highly recommended!!


N. S. from Arroyo Grande, CA (4/27/2004)
"Should not be missed" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Big Sur International Marathon

This is a top-notch marathon. Everything was well organized. The race clinics are very valuable. The weather this year was warmer than normal, which was great for viewing but challenging for a run. I prefer smaller low-key races with smaller crowds, but this is a great race that should not be missed. The hills are challenging but with the proper training they are manageable. Even with the hills and the warm weather I was able to set a PR. So train right and enjoy a first-class marathon.


J. R. from Los Angeles (4/27/2004)
"Amazingly Beautiful!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons

This was my 10th marathon, first Big Sur Marathon. The course is probably the toughest I've done, but it is also by far the most beautiful. Even though I have driven the coastal highway many times, there is something different about running the course with no traffic and just the sound of the waves crashing below.

The organization was first rate and everything seemed to run very smoothly. Getting up at 3am for the bus wasn't my favorite, but well worth it.

Thanks to everybody involved. Great job!


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