calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Miami Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 312 [displaying comments 111 to 121]
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d. J. from united states (4/23/2008)
"Great Race!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Miami Marathons

This was my first full marathon. I ran my first half marathon in Miami. I love the city itself. I am a breast cancer survivor of eight years. I just wish that they would improve the food at the end of the race.


A. P. from Chicago, Illinois (4/20/2008)
"Mostly great course/disappointing post-race party" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Miami Marathon

I have to say this year there was a choice between the half marathon in Phoenix or in Miami; I chose Miami due to a guarantee of better weather (Phoenix last 2007 was 29 degrees). The course was great, but I do have to say the last 2 miles were very difficult, with too many turns, and it seemed that the finish line was nowhere in sight. I knew I was close but just kept making turns. It's a great race and I've already signed up for next year. The shuttles should be included in the race fee and the causeway should be totally closed off to traffic; I don't want to have worry about someone driving off course and hitting a runner.

I was very disappointed in the post-race party, it was so disorganized. No one knew where to go or what to do. We arrived early and just kind of waited for someone to make a move. We heard the live music, but didn't see any food or beer. We saw someone up front below the band and we asked what the process was. We were given 2 beer tickets and had to fend for ourselves to find beer. The closest restaurant ran out of beer in fewer than 30 minutes; we were told to go to the other establishments. As for the food, what a joke; a line formed and we jumped right in not knowing what we were getting. We received a tiny sample of 6 or 7 noodles. If there was any other food, we didn't know about it.

After all that, we ended up at Hooters because we were starving. They didn't even know what was going on, and were totally unprepared. The waitress stated that they were busy like a Saturday night and the crowds were totally unexpected; I didn't get that... was there no communication from race organizers?

Need to work on the last few miles, close off traffic, provide free shuttle and improve 100% on the post-race party.


B. M. from Kansas City, MO (3/3/2008)
"Simply Awesome" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Miami Marathon

Second marathon. First Miami Marathon. I ran it the day before leaving on a cruise. What a way to recover while on a cruise ship! I didn't have to worry about my diet nor did I feel guilty for not running for a few days! The start of the race was awesome... with "Welcome to Miami" jamming on the speakers. The course was very nice and flat. No complaints about anything other than the fact that I ran the first 18 miles too hard because I felt great and the last 6 were difficult. But hey, if marathons were easy, everybody would do them. The spinning medal is very cool and unique. Packet pickup was easy and the expo was good. Overall, I really enjoyed this race.

1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.


J. K. from Doral, Florida (2/28/2008)
"This was a great first-timer's marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Miami Marathon

This was my first half marathon and it was a great experience. The weather was perfect and the sights unmatched. This was a wonderful introduction to the world of marathoning and I must admit, I'm hooked. I'm moving from the Miami area in a few months, but I hope to have the chance to come back and experience this race again... perhaps to run the full 26.2. This is a great first-timer's race... highly recommended to marathon novices.


j. a. from cle (2/22/2008)
"yeah, it's that good" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Miami Marathon

I've run a few and I can say it's hard to find fault w/ MIA.

+ Really classy race; great support; fantastic course; interesting; perfect weather; good police support; really 1st-class event.

- (small details) Minor bottleneck before marathon corrals crossed the start line at the U-turn; could have used some food before mile 14; food at the end was not that great.

But these are small, small details compared to the overall great race put on.


V. V. from Poughkeepsie, New York (2/20/2008)
"The best race I have run in 30 years of running" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Miami Marathons

This was our (wife & I) 4th trip to this 1/2 marathon race and each year we have a great time with new experiences. The course is great with good support and the race eExpo is the best I have seen. I can't wait until next year!


Saurabh Jain from Miami (2/18/2008)
"Runner's High" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Miami Marathon

It is said, "If you want to win something run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon!" And an experience it was, on the 27th day of the 1st month of the 8th year of this 21st century at the Miami Half Marathon, which I completed in 2:33.08.

I had done 10K last year in Singapore, but never planned to double that in a year - until I read about Miami Marathon. There were 2 simple reasons to take this plunge:
a) The only other race was 5K (no way - I have a rep to keep!).
b) The course looked very scenic and I hoped it would pull me through. Most of it was on bridges and by the Miami Beach area.

Running a half marathon requires preparation. I didn't go by any advised schedule but made sure to do one-hour runs in the last couple of weekends. This helped a lot; more than anything it made me believe that 13 miles was achievable, which for a first attempt means a lot. Apart from the run, there were other things I did off the track, like I suddenly ate more (not required for me but had read about loading carbs), spent time downloading and right-sizing my iPod and shopped! (Although my wife did better here. :))

The rubber was to hit the road at 6:15 a.m., on the 27th. I started early to avoid parking hassles and found that there were over 10,000 people from all over the US participating in the half and full marathons. I later realized that the Miami Marathon is an official qualifier for the Boston Marathon, which is supposed to be one of the planet's 5 big runs.

The race started on time and with 10,000 people it took me 11 minutes to reach the starting line. The weather was cool and dry, perfect for running, and the course was truly amazing, with water on both sides and cruise ships around. In fact there were lot of runners carrying cameras, stopping to take pictures and moving on. Another interesting sight was to see a huge queue of runners in front of the portable loo at only 3 miles!!

My only apprehension in this marathon was that I couldn't recall any precedence of even walking 21K (maximum I could recall was 11 or 12km). However, once I completed 6 miles, I was confident that completing 13.1 wouldn't be a problem, and I decided that I should look to better my timing.

The first mile seemed very short but it was a myth, as after 6 miles every mile got longer and at times I consoled myself that probably I missed the marking.
At 10.5 miles was the cheering zone and my wife was supposed to be there. I had planned to exchange my towel at this point, which was a part of my running strategy. There were few others where I wanted to run the initial 3 miles and walk over a steep bridge that comes right after 3 miles, or switch on my iPod only after 5 miles, etc.

The last mile was the longest. I could see the finish line but there were too many turns to get there and I pulled a muscle as well (I love sports injuries :)).
In the end, the touchdown gave a high that otherwise cannot be felt (and like anyone who enjoys a good run can attest). There is nothing like the sweet joy of completing an arduous run in which you end up fluctuating wildly between diverse feelings of joy/repentance/reflection/melancholy/utter pain, including distances covered by sheer will power, periods where the body is on auto pilot mode and those very, very few but tangible moments of Zen.

Looking back, a few things that helped me through the big run were: Pre-race preparation (just a few one-hour runs gave a very good idea on how to plan, carry and pace the run), excellent weather and Led Zeppelin (listening to my all-time favorites during the run made the experience memorable - Steve Job's device is banned in some marathons but it wasn't here).

I was not sure how long it would take to reach the finish line but was thoroughly pleased when I completed the run in 2:33. Like the lyrics of the song "Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann go, "Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes you are behind... the race is long, and in the end it's only with yourself."


M. R. from Orlando, Fl (2/16/2008)
"I will be BACK!!!!!!!!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Miami Marathons

You will see me again - GREATLY IMPROVED from 2007.

I signed up again in 2008 as I did not enjoy 2007 BUT it was due to the heavy rain for one hour before the start. I am glad I did it; it was a lot of fun. I had to step down to the half due to an injury but I am looking forward to the full in 2009.

Love the 6:15 start - get in some strong miles before the sun comes up.
GREAT MEDAL - keep up the good work; Miami has the best.
Finish line - IMPROVED!!!!!! Easy to clear the corral - get your gear, and go see your friends who are behind you to finish the race.
Course is great and scenic.

Fan support a little light - but the Cheer Zones are GREAT; the road narrowed but the fans were high-fiving you, screaming your name, making you feel like you were the king of the course.

Keep improving the race; it will be a destination race for the middle of the winter for all of the runners in the north.


A. S. from Mexico City, Mexico (2/15/2008)
"great organization; great race; great day!" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

I ran my first half marathon in Miami in 2003, so what better place to run my first full. Everything was great - even to your managing of the weather, which was cool and cloudy, with a sprinkling of rain (and then the sun came out just as I crossed the finish line)!

Will definitely run it again sometime - in 2009 I am doing the Mumbai Marathon, which is a week earlier.

Thanks Miami!


M. D. from New York (2/13/2008)
"Awesome, beautiful, FLAT course" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons

A great winter getaway from New York. Beautiful sunrise along the course, great entertainment, plenty of support from water, Gatorade, residents, police, cheering section, medals, EVERYTHING. The young kids were very inspiring finishing their 26th mile!! I felt honored to finish alongside them!


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