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Little Rock Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 409 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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T. R. from Columbus, OH (3/18/2010)
"Great training run for Boston! HUGE Medal!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

I picked this race as a long training run for Boston due to its hills and generally rolling nature for most of the race. It did not disappoint!

I had a great time race weekend and was very surprised by all that the city had to offer! There are a few hotels very close to the start/finish line and if you don't get into the Peabody, check out the Doubletree.


-I can't think of anything they could do to be better organized.
-Course support was generally very good!
-I felt the course was very fair but fairly challenging.
-Plenty of post-race food and drink. Thanks for the chocolate milk!!
-The finisher's medal was awesome! I knew it was big but didn't realize it was larger than a box of thin mints! I'm still laughing!!
-Free post-race party was a great touch (minus the band, though!). Great food, drink and friends!


-If memory serves, the first aid station was around mile 3. I wish it would have been a bit sooner!
-Change the start of the race. We did two turns in the first half mile off a two-lane street. It was more congested than it would have been had the course been a tad different.

All in all, I really enjoyed the weekend and the race. While it's not my favorite of my 17 marathon finishes, it's up there! Put it on your list as a must-do!


M. W. from AR (3/14/2010)
"Fun race" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Little Rock Marathons

This was a good marathon, but far from the best I've ever run in. It's a medium-sized marathon with a lot of potential and good support. I give the course 3.5 stars, as it does have a few boring spots. The expo was ok - nothing to brag about besides the shirts, which I liked. No goody bags; you just got a chip and a bib. I guess the economy has hit the marathon.

A bright spot was the finish line area. Super helpful volunteers at the finish line. By the way, if you ever get the chance to volunteer at a race do it, because it's a great experience and these races need volunteers. We could not be running these races without them. At the start, I was stuck towards the back, which resulted in me dodging thousands of slower runners for the first 2 miles. The Feb. 1 cutoff date for the earlier corrals is a blunder. Seriously: keep it simple with the corrals.

If they do it again next year, I'll pass. That being said, put the race on your bucket list for the medal because it is huge.


d. c. from la habra, california (3/12/2010)
"No letdown on this marathon" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

Runner's World (January 2010 issue) listed the Little Rock Marathon as 1 of the 8 "Best Value Marathons" to run. This marathon lives up to its billing. For a $55 fee, you get a nice technical tee, as well as a huge finisher medal that weighs over a pound and a half! Because I am a 50 States Marathon Club Member, I got a $10 discount on my entry fee, which made it even better. In addition to that, there is so much post-marathon food to eat after you finish, including hot dogs. The post-race marathon party was exceptional with the BBQ and the free beer and soft drinks. The marathon expo was very well organized. As for the marathon course, it was hilly, especially in the second half of the course, at Miles 14-15. The last 2 hills in the last 1.5 miles to the finish line are tough too. There were sufficient fluid stations throughout the marathon course. The down-and-out part of the course starting at mile 18 on Riverfront Drive and Rebsamen Park Road is a boring stretch with hardly any spectators. Although it is flat, you have to focus hard on that part of the course. Overall this was a great marathon experience, especially for a midsize marathon. This marathon is all about the finisher medal. This is a good value marathon to run, especially if you need to complete a marathon in the State of Arkansas. After you run this one, pay a visit to the Clinton Library; it is worth seeing.


Richard Park from Colorado Springs, CO - America the Beautiful (3/11/2010)
"Well organized marathon!!!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

The race directors. Gina and Geneva, are the best. This was one of the best organized marathon events I've dealt with. The pre-race pasta party was good and my only complaint was that there was no marinara (meatless) sauce. The post-race BBQ/party was awesome. Great food and even better music! The course was challenging, and the aid station support was top notch. Parking was unbelievable... I could see the start line from where I parked.

My few complaints:
1. Overflowing trash cans in the athletes' area after the race.
2. The park restrooms were disgusting after the race, with overflowing toilets.
3. The line for the massages was very long, with too many half marathoners and relay folks in it. It would be nice to give priority to full marathoners.


D. I. from Gainesville, FL (3/11/2010)
"Little Rock delivers!" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Little Rock Marathons

Little Rock never disappoints! Every aspect of this race is well organized and well considered... and it shows. Pre-race packet pick-up and expo are great. The race course is well supported. I took an early start and had water. Traffic control was well done... and the police presence was very appreciated! The spectators are outstanding... and the volunteers from start to finish can't do enough for you. The course is well marked. OK, there are some hills, but I got through them just fine! Locals who were doing the race were helpful. Thanks, Sam, for getting me through the hills! The medal is what it is all about. And, a great spread at the post-race party... FREE! You can't beat this marathon. A great value and a great experience. Thanks, Little Rock; I'll be back!


W. B. from San Antonio, TX (3/10/2010)
"What an experience!" (about: 2010)

First Marathon

This was a first marathon for me and my husband. We drove in from San Antonio, TX. Everything from the host hotel (the Peabody), to the expo, the Hatcher perks tent, course support, the volunteers, spectators, the finish line folks and the after party was A+++! We were slow runners and were afraid that we would not have much support towards the end, but we were pleasantly surprised to see the aid stations still open and spectators all the way to the finish line. The medal is absolutely ridiculously large, but we love it! It was a nice reward for our hard work. Great job, Little Rock!


G. N. from Phoenix (3/10/2010)
"Little Rock "Rocks"" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

Great race - well organized with tremendous volunteers and a fun course. Yes, the course is a little hilly, but with proper training, they are not a problem. The crowd support was great. The layout of the course allows spectators to walk a few blocks, easily see their runner three times over the first 13 miles, and then walk to the finish. Nice medal too! I'm showing it off to my running pals who will no doubt want to make the trip next year! Hope the weather is as fine as it was on 3/7/10.


Jerry White from Brandon, MS (3/10/2010)
"Best mid-size marathon around" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

As an Arkansas native, I was very proud of the organization, volunteer effort, and runner-friendly amenities that the Little Rock Marathon folks had put in place for the 2010 event.
* Pre-race information was plentiful and helpful.
* Expo was well-manned and efficient.
* Aid stations were numerous and well-stocked.
* All of the novelties were very entertaining - lipstick stop, ENORMOUS medal, rousing start, names on bibs, etc.
* Crowd support was absolutely the best that I have ever encountered in a race of this size! Kudos to the community for embracing the event and participants.

The only minor issue that I might suggest attention for in the future is the gear check. Doubling the number of volunteers here would probably solve the long waiting line.

Overall, it was a tremendously enjoyable event. Well done, LR!!


d. r. from Illinois (3/10/2010)
"Great race - but oh, those hills!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

What a fun race! The weather was perfect, the volunteers friendly, and the fans energetic. The hills - now that's a different story. As an Illinois flatlander, I was done in by the constant, challenging hills. The medal was humorously huge - I couldn't even wear it without doubling over. The food at the end was terrible - a bag of junk food - but at least there was something left when I finished. All of these things resulted in my loving this race!


J. N. from Crane, MO (3/9/2010)
"Half Marathon" (about: 2010)

First Marathon

First time I ran this half marathon. I love the course. It was better than I thought. The volunteers were great! I love to run this course again in the future.


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