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Little Rock Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 409 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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B. B. from North Texas (3/18/2009)
"Got to love it!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

My race report:

It was a good omen when I went outside first thing Sunday morning and it was a perfect day for a marathon: 48, overcast, and no wind. This was truly a stroke of luck given the ice storm two days before. And the hotel (Marriot Courtyard) was literally on the start line - I'm spoiled forever!

The first part of the course was easy, with the only rises going back and forth across the river. My 10K split was 49:20, way under what I had thought I'd do. We passed the Governor's Mansion and some stately homes, then Central High School, the site of a famous 1958 discrimination battle.

My half split was 1:44:07. So far, so good.

After going down a hill, the hardest part of the course loomed, the roller coaster ride from 14-17. But I saw an Elvis runner ahead of me, the only costumed runner I saw all day (a godsend?), and caught up with him; running with him got me through this difficult stretch, with all the spectators cheering when he went by. It took everything I had to keep up with the 3:30 group, and they left me for the final time at 23.

That last steep hill at 25 was a cruel joke! I wanted to walk, but forced myself to keep "running." I looked at my Garmin and it read 12:20 halfway up. Others were walking up, so it felt good to pass them. My wife was waiting at 26 and urged me on, and I "sprinted" to the finish.

As you can imagine, I was thrilled to finish in 3:31:45; age adjusted, it's a 3:02. And I'm proud to say that it was my 3rd BQ/3rd top 10% in a row - and a PR.


J. S. from Portland Oregon (3/18/2009)
"I'm a long way away but I'll come back" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons

I've run most of my marathons on the west coast (except for two Boston Marathons) and loved the Southern Hospitality of Little Rock. I thought the organization of the entire event was terrific. The expo was nice for the size of the city, bag drop off and pick up went well, the corral start was wonderful, course was challenging but fair (future Little Rock runners: find a hill at mile 14 of your training runs and conquer it), the finish area lacked food but there was free beer, and there was a free massage if you were willing to wait. Organizers did prep us to expect little food at the finish line, so pack a something in your checked bag. The post-race party/meal was free, with tons of food/drink, and I certainly helped myself at the chocolate fountain. The locals and volunteers are ever so friendly. Between the hotel (I stayed at La Quinta, which opened their continental breakfast early on marathon day and offered free shuttle service) the pre-race BBQ, the post-race BBQ/beer, and wine party, I gained two pounds even after running a marathon. No race will satisfy everyone, but I give the race directors and volunteers extremely high marks. I live a long ways away but will probably come back in the future. Maybe it's not a PR course, but I did get another BQ, which was great.


m. b. from Dallas, TX (3/18/2009)
"Great race" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

Very well organized. Pretty course, perfect weather, nice challenging hills, very friendly spectators. Generous post-race snacks, two shirts and BIG medal!


c. w. from oklahoma city, okla. (3/18/2009)
"lots of fun - needed some more spectators" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This was my first half marathon and I loved it, for the most part. The last mile and a half were the hardest and had the fewest spectators. After I finished, my friends and I went back out on the course behind the Doubletree Hotel to cheer the finishers on.

The expo was smaller than I expected, but that's ok; I had time to shop in Hillcrest afterward.

I didn't stay for the post-race party. The extra $20 for the Hatcher Perks Pavilion was well worth it ~ I needed the food afterward, as waiting until 4 p.m. (when I had to leave town) wasn't an option.


S. H. from Little Rock, AR (3/17/2009)
"First time half..." (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This was my first half-marathon. I was very nervous on race morning, and almost didn't start. I talked myself into it, and am glad I did. The weather was perfect. All of the volunteers, spectators, and fellow runners were very supportive. I woke up with a cramp in my lower back and was not able to run near what I would have liked. I was in so much pain that I was seriously considering dropping out at mile 11. A group of walkers passed me and came back for me. One of them, an angel named Mary Ellen, stayed with me for the remaining 2 miles and helped me finish. I was very happy and relieved to have that AWESOME medal hung around my neck. LRM will definitely be on my list of things to do next year.


D. W. from Tulsa, OK (3/17/2009)
"One of the best-run races." (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This was my 7th marathon, but the first one I ran in Little Rock. The race was extremely well organized. I liked the course. The descriptions of the various points of interest were a nice diversion. I thought the hills would have been more challenging; I'm glad they weren't. I definitely plan to run again. Great job!!!


M. K. from New Jersey (3/17/2009)
"Close to a perfect 10" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

I have run 36 marathons. Little Rock is one of my top 5 faves. Why?

1. Geneva and Gina's attention to detail. No race is perfect, but this one sure was close. Loved the emails sent before the race.

2. Expo was just right for the marathon size. Great variety. Easy packet pick up. Nice touch with shirt before and a tech shirt after.

3. Loved walking out of the hotel and being within walking distance of the start. Stay at the Peabody. Nothing compares. Pasta dinner was great.

4. Corral start was organized. Thanks for letting the walkers start early. Loved how relay, half and walkers HAD to wear the sign identifying them as that. There was no waiting at the start. They started right on time.

5. Weather was perfect for us in '09. You can't get any better. Course was challenging. Lots of hills, but it made it better. Spectators were sooooo great. They were just as cheery as fans from Boston or NYC. Loved the church choirs.

6. Volunteers were super helpful and nice. Southern hospitality at its best.

7. Thanks for keeping water on the left, and Gatorade on the right. People need to read their pre-race info booklet or listen to volunteers yelling it. It was fine the way it was organized. Water stations were heavily manned. Loved how you gave out so much food and so early in the race. They were also always prepared with Vaseline. Thanks!

8. Loved the signs with historical facts. This course was great. You get a piece of LR's history and landmarks.

9. Finish was wonderful. Volunteers willing to assist you. Thank you, chip removers. I was given a tech shirt right away and a bag of food.

10. Sign up for the perks tent. Worth it. Food and massage.

11. Most of all, DO NOT EVER CHANGE the medal. I love how it is big and gaudy. It's unique and it's a collector's item. You don't see a medal like that at every marathon. So for someone to throw it out, well shame on you. The least you could have done is give it as an inspirational gift to someone. Spoiled brat.

12. Post-race party at Clinton library was generous. Free booze and dinner. What more can you ask for?

Suggested Improvements:

1. Geneva and Gina: You pay such close attention to details. How about being the first marathon that gives priority to marathoners at massage tents? It burns me to see someone who just run a half, 5 miles from a relay, or a smaller distance than 26.2 miles receive a massage before me. We marathoners just ran 26.2 miles. Don't we deserve a massage first over someone who just ran 5 miles? Maybe have a separate line for priority to marathoners first?

2. Buffet line at the post-race party could be more organized. We waited an hour to eat. Maybe at a bigger place? Maybe 2 lines?

These are minor. Your race was amazing. Do not let anyone tell you anything different. Thanks for the small touches. :-) Mmmmwah from the lipstick station!


A. R. from Tucson, AZ (3/17/2009)
"Awesome marathon!" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This was my 7th marathon, and I had a PR on this course (4:31:23). It has its hills, but they are reasonable. I ran with a pacer for a big chunk of the race and that was fantastic - Marie is a great pacer because she keeps chatting and chatting. It puts your mind at ease because she's so entertaining. Thank you, Marie!!! The weather was ideal! - cloudy the whole way and in the 50s. Perfect for a marathon!

The water stations were great, and gels were handed out 4 or 5 times. Not a fan of Hammer Gel, but nice that it was so available.

I stayed at the Peabody. It was a wonderful hotel, within walking distance of the start/finish. Most comfortable bed ever - great service. Definitely the way to go!

Thank you to Little Rock for such a great marathon experience! Oh, and the medal - it's a big one!


S. K. from Sterling Heights, MI (3/17/2009)
"Well organized, nice course and friendly folks" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons

We flew from Michigan for this early spring marathon. After reading and hearing about all the hills, I was nervous going into the race. The hills made the marathon challenging but not overly difficult. What marathon isn't at least a little tough? I was fortunate enough to run the whole marathon with a local runner - thanks, Jeff! It's not very often you find a person on the start line and stick with them the whole way.

The race expo was about the right size for the crowd it was servicing. All of the key locations, expo, start and finish, were conveniently located and proximal. Easy access to the expressway and a small enough downtown such that, if you get lost, it's not hard to get back to where you want to be.

The post-race amenities were nice. Lots of friendly people making sure you have what you need to recover. The goody bag had some nice treats, plenty of post-race fluids, finisher shirt and a gigantic medal.

I'd highly recommend this race.


J. Y. from New York (3/17/2009)
"Good race and not too hard" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons

I was mostly worried about the constant incline around mile 13-15, but it wasn't bad at all, since it's still early into the course. The real killers are the two inclines in mile 25. That messed up my time. The weather was perfect - completely overcast and in the low 40's. The medal was too big and heavy. The last thing I want around my neck after a marathon is a heavy medal to weigh me down.


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