calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Little Rock Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 409 [displaying comments 251 to 261]
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J. L. from Kansas City (8/9/2007)
"Little Rock rocks..." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

First time in Little Rock. Nicely done all around. Those looking for a mamby-pamby flat course should stay away. It's a marathon, not a fun run. Enjoyed every aspect. Only recommendation would be to alter the out-and-back portion at the golf course. Out-and-back that late in the game is a real back-breaker.

Good job, Little Rock.


Sid Busch from Goose Creek,SC (7/1/2007)
"What marathon did she run?" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Little Rock Marathons

I just read the comments about how bad the marathon was, and I had to reply. I am not sure what this persons time was, but I was really slow, finished in 6 hours, and the support was still there for us. Volunteers cheered me on as if I was a lead runner, and water stations and traffic control were there. I can't understand how she could have gotten lost. When I crossed the finish line they had food, slaps on the back and no problems getting my warm-ups at all. I recommend this marathon highly, and I have now run 144 of them.


E. S. from Seattle, WA (5/29/2007)
"Little Rock Is Always Awesome" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Little Rock Marathons

I've run a bunch of marathons - enough to be in a club that runs in every state.

For the most part, I'm accepting of whatever the day brings. It's a marathon. It's 26.2 miles.

I don't expect the directors to run the race for me. Nor do I expect the volunteers to pat me on head and tell me what a good person I am.

I'm not sure what race the person before me ran, but it wasn't the Little Rock Marathon.

I've done Little Rock several times and I've found the course to always be challenging. I've found the volunteers to be caring and polite. I don't expect much in the way of food or after race pampering. Cookies... please. I don't want to stand around and stuff my face after the race. They had enough of what I needed to get me back to my hotel.

I'm always amazed at what some people think they should get after a race.

Little Rock should be proud of its race. The community turns out in force to celebrate us. Their kindness is what keeps you coming back.

Sometimes I think we marathoners get up on the bad side of the bed then blame our everyone else for a bad experiences on race day. But I come from the old school where you put on your shoes and go. The beauty isn't in all they stuff a race gives me. It is the fact that I get to run (and sometimes walk) a great event that brings about more awareness of the sport.

Marathoning has no room for complaining - the distance is hard enough without someone trying to spoil it because they didn't get their shoes tied for them by a volunteer.

It was cold that day too. Was that the fault of a rude volunteer? I suppose the medal was too heavy for their liking as well.

Little Rock is a great race and one you should do. One bad apple should not spoil your decision.


Bettie Wailes from Winter Park, FL (5/15/2007)
"Not happy: poor course markings, rude volunteer." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

When I saw another lost runner, I hoped he was lost because he hadn't paid attention. But a few miles later, I was the one who was lost. I reached an intersection where I should have turned, but no one was there, and I didn't see any directions. I spend at least 10 frustrated minutes trying to find my way back onto the course.

At the end, runners had to go well past the food to get warm-ups, and then weren't allowed to return to the food area. The volunteer who turned me away was EXTREMELY rude - wouldn't even allow me one cookie, only 10 feet away! I hope the volunteers enjoyed all the leftover food, because few runners got any of it.

Speaking of warm-ups, I found my jacket in a mass of clothing dumped onto the ground. Poor planning.

I wouldn't recommend this race to anyone.


S. P. from Dallas, TX (4/20/2007)
"Really a half-course; tough hills; poor timing" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

The course was really intended for the half marathon runners. Great course with lots of scenery in the first half; then it falls apart. The long out/back at the golf course is just adding mileage. Results were not reported accurately. Poor race organization both at the expo and with reporting results.


G. J. from Iowa (3/26/2007)
"Beautiful course - hilly, but worth it!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

I ran this one as part of my 50 state goal and I was very pleased. Not a PR race for me, as the 14-16 hills took their toll, and I too think the long turnaround seemed like it took forever, BUT.... It is a very well organized race, especially with both the 1/2 marathoners and the marathoners running the first 13 together. I would recommend this race to anyone. Terrific volunteers, great crowd, and a beautiful day!


L. C. from Arkansas (3/8/2007)
"Tough course, GREAT medal!!!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

My hat's off to the LR crew putting the race together. They did a great job with the marathon event. It was a very tough course, but the enormous and beautiful medal I got for finishing made it all worth it! Markham and Kavanaugh hills weren't as bad as what I thought they were going to be; however, the hills in the first half did make the second half ones tough. The out-and-back portion seemed eternal. I liked having my name on my bib because people called out for me. They had a narrow chute-like area leading to the finish line so people were cheering and clapping on both sides of me, which encouraged me to pick up the pace for the final .2. I'll definitely do it again. Perks tent is worth the extra cost: massage, beer, and pizza. Also, the finisher's shirt was a running shirt and not a cotton one. That was great!

If you are thinking of doing this one, just incorporate some longer gradual hills in your training and you'll be just fine. Hope these comments encourage you to participate in 2008.


E. G. from NJ (3/7/2007)
"Challenging course and great organization" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

I ran this one to notch AR on my list of states. I did not have a great running day, but this event was extremely well run. The organization was spot on. The volunteers were very friendly at the expo. Those at the water stops were just the best at boosting morale. They worked so hard and it was really appreciated by this runner. The course was challenging, particularly the hills at 14-16. Perhaps if I was running better, I would not think so; but they were good ones. The medal was "bodacious," and I appreciated the tech finisher's shirt.


A. M. from Madison, Wisconsin (3/7/2007)
"Loud and Fast" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

The people in Little Rock are loud and enthusiastic! They love this marathon, and it shows. I was cheered along the whole course, encouraged by pace runners, and well cared for at organized and stocked water/food stations. Also, Little Rock is a beautiful city. Yes it is a bit hilly for a couple miles, but I wouldn't trade the views of river and forest for the world. The race heads past President Clinton's library, Central High, the state capitol, and other sites. An outstanding race! And at the end, a very, very large medal!


J. W. from Fort Smith (3/7/2007)
"A job well done" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Little Rock Marathons

Another wonderful job done by all those in Little Rock. Great support, friendly people, good course - especially the bike path that took out one of Cantrell's hills, and a great finishing sight. Expo was nice, especially the way you pick up your packet. Little Rock, you do this Arkansas resident proud. I recommend this race highly. I have done all 5 years (2 halves, 3 fulls) and will be back next year. Congratulations LR, you ROCK!


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