calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 81 to 91]
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D. S. from Toledo, OH (10/6/2009)
"Akron was perfect!" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

I can't think of anything negative to say about the Akron Marathon. The organization was perfect, fan support was strong, water and PowerAde stops were plentiful, the finish at the stadium was amazing, and the medal was substantial. The Race Director has done a great job of making this race about runners. Well done!


D. Y. from Akron, OH (10/2/2009)
"Great marathon! Hilly!" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

Everything about this marathon is great. I have run two marathons (this one and NJ) and multiple half-marathons. The course is very hilly. There is a hill up or down nearly every mile. The biggest hill is 16.7-18. My first marathon was 4:14. I was going for Boston (3:10:59 for my age), and I completed this course in 3:16. Overall, a great race!


D. H. from Seattle, Washington (9/30/2009)
"Truly a first-rate marathon." (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my third marathon and is easily the best of the three (the other two were Portland and Chicago). This one was well organized and supported, with a challenging course, and a superb stadium finish - just a really great running experience. OK, so I'm a little biased being an Akron native, but it's very clear that Akron is putting its all into the marathon, and should you decide to run it, I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed.


J. P. from Concord, California (9/29/2009)
"Top-Notch Organization" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first full marathon. Compared to other races that I have run, this one is the best organized: Flawless expo, convenient parking, more than enough bathrooms at the start area, well stocked aid stations staffed with enthusiastic volunteers, and visible mile markers with clocks at every mile. The course is tough, but Akron is not flat, and you get a look at different neighborhoods, parks, and urban areas. The only drawback was the weather, which the organizers cannot control. I was on a sub-4 pace until the 93% humidity got to me and I had to slow down. The only possible solution may be to choose a date later in the year?

At any rate, you will find this marathon is a fantastic event run by top notch staff and volunteers. I would definitely do it again.


m. c. from Alexandria, VA (9/28/2009)
"Exceedingly well run smaller marathon" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

Fantastic spectators, helpful volunteers, and the numerous WELL run water and GU stations made this race A LOT of fun. While the course is not flat, especially through miles 18-22, it was enjoyable and scenic and I even managed a seven-minute PR and a Boston qualifier on it. I definitely recommend it.


D. G. from South Lyon, MI (9/28/2009)
"I ain't 'fraid a no hills." (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

As advertised on the website, you better be ready to run up some hills late in the race. I thought I was, but they took their toll on my legs by mile 17. Definitely the most challenging of the five marathon courses I've run, but I'm hoping to learn from it as I train for Boston 2010. Overall, very well organized, with good support and great swag. Highly recommended.


D. S. from Cleveland, OH (9/28/2009)
"You won't find a better mid-market marathon" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons

You won't find more variety on a course; who would have thunk that little ol' Akron would have so much to offer? Terrain includes: urban, university, diverse neighborhoods, limestone trails, heavily wooded parkland, even the grounds of a huge estate. Fluid stations were plentiful and well staffed. Expo: top rate; giveaways: top rate. The race is run on a Saturday, which I like because it gives you more time to recover before returning to work.

Nothing is perfect, so the only thing I wish were different: it can still be very warm in Akron in late September. We were lucky this year in that it was a cloudy and raw fall day, but had it been, say, 75, that would have been a struggle for me. I'm sure the marathon calendar is very crowded but I wouldn't mind seeing the race run later in the fall. Oh yeah, I also don't like busting my hump on mile 20 of a marathon when relay racers on their first mile are whizzing past me. I wish the relayers could somehow be segregated, but I do understand the money they bring in is vital to the vitality of the race.


N. B. from Nampa, Idaho (9/28/2009)
"First-class treatment, first-class organization!" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This is just my 4th marathon and I came all the way from Idaho to do it. It was well worth the trip! Everything was well organized and convenient for the runners, from parking near the start line to the stadium finish, also near all of the downtown parking. All aid stations were well staffed and friendly. The course had a great deal of variety in terrain and scenery and the fans in the neighborhoods were enthusiastic and supportive. I would recommend this race to anyone and was not disappointed in the least in any way. Thank you to the race director who shook our hands at the finish and to all of the volunteers who made this a great event!


j. n. from Cleveland, OH (9/28/2009)
"Nice course, well organized." (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

If you're running this race as a first marathon, or just to enjoy, then this is a suberb race. Top-notch organization, pace groups, crowd support, and the BEST schwag (this year we got a zip-up Brooks track jacket, Cool-Max running cap and beautiful finisher's medal). Easy parking, great food, and a terrific atmosphere at the finish in beautiful Canal Park.

If you are trying to BQ or set a new PR, then you are in for a hard day. I ran the 2009 edition. The weather was a little warm for my taste (62F). I prefer the low 50's. I ran this as a training/long run for a race two weeks later. In retrospect, I'm glad I didn't go out hard because the hills from 14-20 miles are brutal. These make the famed Newton Hills of Boston look like nothing, so beware. And they go on for six-plus miles so it really can wear you down. At least the last two miles to the finish are downhill.


Frank Duchossois from Solon, OH (9/28/2009)
"Exceptional Organization - Wonderful Experience" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

The race director has infused his staff and volunteers with his high-level of enthusiasm and commitment. The pre-race activities were first rate. The course was clearly marked, and aid stations were well-stocked and the volunteers understood exactly what they needed to do to assist the runners without getting in the way. Canal Park was rocking at the finish. What a great way to end the race! I'll be running this one again. In fact, I can't wait.


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