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Grand Rapids Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 329 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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Amy Post from Hudsonville, MI (11/4/2008)
"Wonderful 1st Marathon Experience!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Being that I am a first-time marathon runner, I was EXTREMELY nervous leading up to race day. However, my fears were put to rest with Don's weekly emails. Those are by far what motivated me the most to get up on race day.

As for the course, it was gorgeous. I loved running through the trails, especially in such perfect running weather; I was able to focus on the amazing fall colors rather than the throbbing pain in my knees. I did notice things got a little tight in some areas on the trails though. We just recently moved back to the Grand Rapids area after living in a hilly area in Pennsylvania, so for me, I didn't even notice any elevation. The course seemed very flat.

The crowds were spread out here and there, and they were always excited to see us. It didn't really bother me that they weren't everywhere; I realized I don't love seeing hundreds of people watching me, thinking,"Wow, she looks like she's hit her wall." But I do have to say that I really liked the spectator with the sign that read, "Your feet hurt because you are kicking so much @##!" (You can probably fill in the blank.) That sign gave me a much needed laugh in the midst of my wall.

The aid stations were great! I think the looks and smell of the pickle juice towards the end almost made me puke, but I realize some people need certain things while they're running. For those of you who like GU, there is no shortage at this race! I don't care for it, but I know it is the lifeblood of a lot of avid runners. Just as a side note - my favorite volunteer (of the many great volunteers) was the guy handing out gummy bears somewhere around mile 6; they were exactly what I needed.

The race medals are lovely and I am thrilled to have been a part of such a beautiful day in Grand Rapids. For those of you who are thinking about making this your first marathon, I would really encourage you to pick Grand Rapids - it's really a first-class event.

PS. To the guy I ran with from the early mile 6 all the way to the finish line, I am so sorry that I didn't even ask you your name! You are the reason I made it through miles 15-26. My end time was 4:12, but better than the 4:30 I was expecting. So thank you to whoever you are!


Andy Thomson from Chicago, IL (11/2/2008)
"Pretty Hard To Beat This One" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

The fact that this race is not hurt by scheduling it on the same day as the Detroit Marathon and another very good Midwestern marathon in Des Moines says a lot about it. I have talked to many runners who recommended this race, and it lived up to all of my expectations.

The organization, packet pick-up, medal, t-shirt, food at the end, "extras" at the aid stations, and even the course photographer are all excellent.

The aid stations were where they needed to be and were well-staffed with very nice people. Considering that Grand Rapids doesn't have as many people as Chicago, I was very impressed not only with how many spectators were out on the course, but with how vocal and enthusiastic they were about cheering on the runners.

The two unique aspects of this marathon are the race director, Don Kern, and the course itself. I have not met Don personally, but I believe that he may be THE running enthusiast in the Midwest. I enjoy the blog, the email subscription that comes with registration, and I see a guy willing to tweak the system and try new stuff. For example, you can buy a "lifetime membership" to this marathon, and I think I remember something being set up so that an injured runner can defer his registration to the following year.

The heart and soul of this race is the course, which winds for many miles through the woods where leaves fall on you and you don't cross any streets at all. There are a couple of "out and back" sections where you really have to stay on your toes as runners are going both ways, but, as you can see from all the comments about people BQing and PRing, those places will not seriously slow you down. I started literally at the back of the pack because I had run Chicago the previous week and I wanted to take it easy, and I was able to comfortably move up to about mid-pack by the end of the race.

There are a couple of dark wood posts, which maybe could be wrapped with some kind of foam or at least a bright color, and there is a place coming out of Millenium Park where a narrow sidewalk runs between two boulders that seem to jump out at you. But these are not a big deal; they are just little tweaks that might help runners who are not watching where they are going. Of course, watching where we are going is a good idea, too.

Keep up the good work, Don!!!


ken whitener from chicago, il (10/29/2008)
"Great race - fast course" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I am an ex-high school long-distance runner who weighed 129 pounds my senior year in high school who now weighs 172. I've been running again the last 11 months with hopes of breaking 4 hours again for the first time in 12 years. I ran a few marathons in June this year and the closest I came was a 4.12. Strangely, I ran the Air Force Marathon in Ohio just last month and ran one of my slowest times, even though that was a well organized and inspirational race - I think the weather bogged me down a lot (it reached 80 by the time I finished).

So, fast forward to Grand Rapids. This was my last planned marathon for the year and my last chance to break 4 by the end of the year, which was my initial goal. The weather was perfect (about 40 at the start and upper 50's by the time I finished). There were clear skies, which isn't necessarily what you want during a long race like the marathon due to risk of sunburn or having the sun beating down on you and causing other physiological problems, BUT, the race was mostly run through tree shaded areas which was absolutely perfect to go along with the cold temps. Even the exposed first 2.5 to 3 miles were not a problem because the sun was still low on the horizon. I didn't know how I would do at this race because I've run enough races to know that I can't always trust how my body feels at the beginning of a race and how that will carry throughout a race. By mile 7 I felt decent and was able to maintain an 8-minute-per-mile pace through mile 12. A "lucky leaf" also literally fell into my arms as I was running around mile 7, which I ran with until I handed it off to my girlfriend at the finish line. By mile 15, I was still feeling pretty decent and thought I had a good chance to break 4 hours. By mile 17 I KNEW I would as I was only fatiguing at a slow rate as opposed to "conking out" like I've done in previous marathons. I was so happy by mile 19 that I knew I just had to cruise to the finish to break 4 and ended up running my 2nd fastest time ever - in 3 hours 55 minutes - and breaking 4 for the first time in 12 years!!! Was it the "lucky leaf" that fell into my arm from the various leaves being gently blown off the trees at around mile 7? Was it due diligence in keeping up with my running, even after disappointments in earlier marathons this year? Was it the perfect weather conditions? Probably all of the above.

In short, thanks Don for a well organized race on a relatively flat, serene course! The odor that was written about in other posts is not a major issue. I only noticed it at most for 2 minutes in one area and 1 minute in another. However, that still does nothing to diminish the mostly serene nature of the course. The only drawback would be some of the tight congestion in some of the restricted turnarounds and "curves" of the course that happened during the first 6 to 6.5 miles. I read how most people got a handshake or hug from Don at the finish - I didn't and my feelings are hurt now (laugh).

I've run mega races like Chicago and big races like Houston and San Francisco, and I can vouch for Grand Rapids as being a top-notch race. I heard that the course might change next year, but I hope it doesn't as I really enjoyed the peaceful bike path portion of the race and I plan on running it next year. I don't care much for spectators but the ones that were there were helpful if you are the type who needs cheering on. An important factor of this race is the number of aid stations and amount of various "energy stuff" - such as gel and candy - that were available on the course. I've never been in a race that had so much plentiful GU. If you are considering a Midwest, late-year race, this is the one to run!!


M. K. from Chicago, IL (10/28/2008)
"The race of a lifetime!" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Beautiful, flat course, perfect weather, fantastic volunteers and a race director who knows exactly what a runner needs/wants make this marathon a must-do. I loved the emails leading up to race day, and the bear hug from Marathon Don at the finish line was the perfect celebration for my first BQ! This is a first-class marathon all the way!


P. N. from Cleveland, OH (10/23/2008)
"Great fall marathon" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I've run nearly 20 marathons and organize an annual community fun run - and this is an extremely well run race. Don Kern does a fantastic job, including getting some of the best volunteers you will come across. Pretty course and it's spectator-friendly for family/friends. I loved it.


D. M. from Chicago (10/23/2008)
"Outstanding organization and BQ qualifier course!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

Really enjoyed this almost flat course and solidly organized race! Other than the normally hectic finishing chute, shouldn't the snow-fence reach to Pearl St.? This race is my top Midwest race, even compared to Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Duluth and St. Louis!


Derek Reed from Rockford, MI (10/23/2008)
"AWESOME RACE! Thanks to Don and all!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

This was a great experience for my first marathon. Very well organized. Nice expo. Cool stuff in the race packet (technical shirt, socks). Cool theme (Vote Rundependent, etc.). Really nice finisher medal (good for impressing family and friends).

Most of the course was very scenic, with plenty of fall colors to see. Mostly flat. One section through an industrial park, but I heard that section will be eliminated next year in lieu of more Downtown Grand Rapids streets.

The crowd was supportive, although sparse at times. If the course does run through more of downtown, I bet we'll see a larger crowd. I look forward to running this one again next year!


k. b. from chicago suburbs (10/23/2008)
"I love this race!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

This was my second trip to Grand Rapids and I will definitely be back! The race is very well organized, the volunteers are amazing, the scenery is beautiful and the race has a great overall feel to it. Getting a handshake from Race Director Don Kern at the finish is the icing on the cake! I can't say enough good things about this race....


J. K. from Boston, MA (10/23/2008)
"All-around CLASS-ACT!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I have run about 50 half marathons and a dozen marathons, Boston being 5 of those. I ran the half marathon this year. The experience was so good that I will be back to run the full marathon in the near future (and I already have a Michigan marathon toward 50 states). This is a first-class race. Everything from packet pick-up, to the small but complete expo, to the course, to the staff and volunteers, to the beautiful medals and post-race food (chili, hot dogs, beer as well as the usual bananas and bagels) was great; even the weather was perfect! The race gets extra points for having the start at a YMCA, complete with comfy chairs and a multitude of HOT, CLEAN SHOWERS!! The Y staff was EXCELLENT and welcoming as well! Where else can you find an RD who actually SINGS the national anthem? The staff was excellent - upbeat, helpful, smiling. They were ALL having a great time along with the rest of us! I highly recommend this event for newbies and veterans. You know the RD is a runner - gummy bears and GUs were plentiful! Who has at a GU at mile 18?? Most of us start earlier and the RD made sure GU was available before Mile 7. This race should be on everyone's list to do!


T. D. from West Michigan (10/23/2008)
"Narrow, two-way course was distracting" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

This was my second marathon, and first time in GR. Beautiful day, and for the most part a great course, except the bike path where we were meeting runners going the other way (miles 12-14, and mile 16) - that was terrible and if it's not fixed, I don't know if I'll run again next year. I was VERY disappointed in the media coverage - especially the GR Press. What was up with that? I loved the aid stations; please add bananas to all of the aid stations in the last five miles! Can we find a way to create a course where we can have more spectators evenly distributed?


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