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Grand Rapids Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 329 [displaying comments 201 to 211]
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P. F. from Holt, MI (10/20/2008)
"Incredibly well-organized race, beautiful course" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I truly enjoyed this race.

PROS: Everything about the race was well organized - registration, aid stations, start/finish, even the porta-potties. The course was beautiful, with lots of fall foliage along paved bike trails. Locally brewed beer at the finish! The volunteers were enthusiastic and well-trained.

Cons (minor): Things did get a little congested at a couple points on the trails, but everyone worked together to keep things moving smoothly. (I'd rather have a little congestion than run on boring city streets.) My pace team ran the first six miles about ten seconds per mile too fast.

This was only my fourth marathon, but I wholeheartedly recommend it and will do it again.


G. B. from Byron Center, MI (10/20/2008)
"Great RD, Great Day, Great Race!" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

I don't think I have a good enough command of the English language to express what a great job Don does. The expo is first-rate for a small marathon, the aid stations are great, and the volunteers are excellent. Whatever nitpicking negatives can be said about the course's few out-and-backs are completely nullified and overtaken by the overwhelming number of positives. This race is one most runners should seriously consider doing. I've run Boston, and big marathons are nice, but I don't like being stuck in a sea of humanity. At GR, it feels like there is plenty of individual attention heaped on each runner.


J. K. from Hudsonville, MI (10/19/2008)
"Perfect First Marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I am so glad I chose the Grand Rapids Marathon for my first. While I have no other marathons to compare to, I can say that everything about this race seemed top notch. The race director is awesome and sends out the most encouraging and supportive weekly emails. The volunteers were amazing and made everything from the expo on Saturday night to the aid stations on the course perfect. The size of the marathon was perfect for me, a nervous first-timer. It was just the right number of participants to keep me from feeling overwhelmed, but not so few that I felt alone at all along the way. Overall, I had such a great time and experience and would definitely recommend this race. Thank you to Don Kern and all of the other wonderful volunteers who put this on each year!!!


Amy Bowden from Homer Glen, IL (10/19/2008)
"FANTASTIC!! This is one to do year after year!" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Oh, wow. What a fantastic race! My husband and I (and our baby!) just ran the 2008 GRM and had the time of our lives. It was my second marathon and my husband's first, and it was just such an enjoyable experience from start to finish.

We loved running along the tree-canopied course, especially with the vibrant Michigan colors. Even though the weather was perfect and brisk this morning, even on a warmer day it would have been comfortable because of all the shade. The pace teams were great, the bathrooms and water stops were well-stocked and well-staffed, and there were some fun additions to the standard fare at the aid stations (gummy bears, cookies, oranges, and even pickle juice!!).

The crowd was just terrific, too. Even though the entire course wasn't lined the whole way like some of the mega-races, it was really kind of nice to have the contrast of those specific places every few miles where there was a big crowd. In bigger races, I have kind of zoned out when crowd support is constant, but here I was more aware of it because there were some moments where it was just us runners, and then we'd entire a crowd zone with all of their cheering and music and posters and cowbells!

And how great to have a race director that is so involved with his runners that you really feel like you know him at the end, even if it's your first time running this race!

This is truly the way marathons should be run. A+!!


T. J. from Big Rapids, MI (10/19/2008)
"2008: GREAT RACE, GREAT DAY" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons

My wife and I just completed the 2008 marathon. This was a first-class race on a picture-perfect day. We enjoyed ourselves despite the fact that we fell short of our personal goals. Thank you to the race director and everyone who volunteered. You are definitely appreciated. If you have never run this race before, give it try and you will not be disappointed.


J. D. from GR, BABY! (10/15/2008)
"GRM Rocks!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Yes, the GRM course takes you through an "industrial" section, but then it takes you along the Kent Trails. I ran the half last year and I have trained year round on the course, and I can count the times, on one hand, when the "odor" was bothersome (for a minute). I'm proud of GR and all that is being done in this city - I think the course really represents that. Where would you want the course to be, out to the Bryon Center and back?! How boring! Then, you would be complaining about the cows and their "odor." GR is a city. Period. Even walking down the road you will smell car exhaust and bus exhaust, etc. Also, running the course lets you see your tax money at work - the EPA helped clean up the land behind the Coke factory. (And it looks like they are still monitoring the ground water due to the presence of the work trucks and people). I ran my first marathon in June and it was a horrible experience. (Hear that, Red Rock Company? Run Charlevoix Marathon needs A LOT of retooling.) I appreciate the very personal and ORGANIZED feel of the GRM. I love that the start is four blocks from my house - and I love how GR is represented to people from out of state (and in state!). If you want to whine about a course, then hop on your treadmill.


N. L. from Maumee, OH (10/15/2008)
"Great smaller-sized race..." (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I, too, could not disagree with W.O. more.... This race is about as first-class as you can get. It is about running and enjoying a marathon for what it is. And this one is great! A hoot of a race director, superb organization and a scenic course (fast, too). I can't wait to be there again this year!! See you in a few, Don!! (Ps. I was so impressed with this race that I am bringing my husband along this time for his very first 26.2!!)


Tracy Wren from Chicago, Illinois (10/15/2008)
"Completely Disagree with W.O." (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

My husband and I ran the Metro Health Marathon in 2007. The GR Marathon was our 3rd marathon, and by far it surpassed all of our expectations.

The pace groups were incredible, the support (water stops, potty breaks, etc.) was frequent, and the organizers could not be more committed to putting on a great marathon experience.

Yes, you run by a water treatment plant. It's maybe half a mile of unpleasant smell, but so what? (In truth, I really do not remember any smell, but I do remember running by the water treatment plant).

If the small truly bothers you, then use it to motivate you to run faster.

As for crowded conditions, the only time that we experienced it was passing through a narrow gate opening to go from one part of the path to another. This took, maybe, 3 seconds.

Other races (including the majors) could learn something from the Metro Health Marathon. They put on one heck of a run.


John Klees from Grand Rapids, Michigan (10/9/2008)
"Excellent Event" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Grand Rapids Marathons

I have run 35 marathons, large and small, including every Grand Rapids Marathon and the last seven Bostons. I could not disagree more with W.O's comments, below. True, part of the course is on a bike path, but I have NEVER experienced overcrowded conditions, at any point on the course, EVER. And the implication that the course is ugly is totally unfair and misleading, as well. I'm not saying it is Shangri-La. It is GR and West MI, OK? What were you expecting, W.O.? I have seen plenty of worse courses, when it comes to scenery. About 95% of it is run through woods, meadows and country roads, and a good 50% (probably) runs along the Grand River. What better scenery is there around here? More importantly, for the serious runner, this course has all the ingredients for a PR every time you run it, weather permitting. Pretty flat, not crowded, well-supported and absolutely the best race director and organization you will find. I simply cannot state strongly enough how much I disagree with you, W.O.!!!


W. O. from Michigan (10/6/2008)
"Three sewage treatment plants - smelly race" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

GR is a great city, but this race is run through the WORST of it. Several sections are on bike paths - a source of huge savings for the organizers, but very crowded for the runners. You will also run by the city's three sewage treatment plants. Bottom line: if you don't like the smell of sewage, or running on an over-crowded bike path, then you will not enjoy this race. GR could be an excellent place for a great marathon... but not on this course.


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