calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Grand Rapids Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 329 [displaying comments 241 to 251]
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R. K. from Ann Arbor, MI (10/30/2007)
"Best Small Race in the Midwest" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons

I had the unfortunate experience of being one of those 2007 Chicago Marathoners, so I was looking forward to the cool weather and limited field that this race offered. I was pleasantly surprised by how well this race was organized and the runner goodies that were offered. Even the 2007 Detroit Marathon wasn't this well done! Yes, it is a small Midwestern race, but the visit to Grand Rapids was totally worth it. If you are looking for tons of crowd support and the sight of tall buildings, you may be disappointed. The course was rather rural; running on paved paths, and through parks and forests. A friend of mine actually saw live deer just off the course at one point. I would do this one again in a heartbeat!


Chris Nicholas from Grand Rapids, Michigan (10/30/2007)
"1st Time Marathon Now Life Time Runner" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

This was the first time I ever ran a marathon and I couldn't have picked a better one. From the start I ran side-by-side with a stranger till the 1/2 and that was her first marathon as well. I was feeling great till mile 19 and then the brick wall hit me. Not only did I have to walk to the aid station at 20.5, but I was almost ready to give up. But, the help of Metro Health to throw numerous blankets over me, lots of fluids, even put Vaseline on my blistered feet showed me that I had made it this far and I know that god was giving me a breather and a helping hand. At that point, it turned from beating a certain time, to just finishing the race. But, it didn't end there, after about 20 minutes of recovering I still was cold and I got up and started on my way to the finish line when a runner handed me her gloves as I struggled to run/walk. By mile 23 I was almost up to par when I cleared the woods and the sun blazed the was amazing! Even at the end when a pace team member began running next to me to the finish line's time to smile for the camera :). Even though it was 5 hrs later, the crowd at the end was cheering...for that moment cheering me on and it was great! That is my little story, but for a first timer running the 26.2 it was one of the best experiences of my life. And for me it wasn't just the course, it was each event that took place to get me to the finish line. Thank you for a wonderful marathon and you bet you'll see me next year!


V. D. from Holt, Michigan (10/30/2007)
"Better than Chicago" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I signed up for this marathon after the fiasco in Chicago. I found it online and found the communication by the race director to be very entertaining, to say the least.

I will return to Grand Rapids instead of Chicago next year.

The communication between the race director and the runners was fabulous. The expo was perfect - no chaos, very organized. They had an early start for the 'velocity challenged' which I loved. I never felt rushed (being a slower runner) and the fans cheered each runner on as if they were in 1st place.

The water stops were very well organized with porta johns at each one. The even had gummy bears and Oreos at some of the stops!

I can't say enough wonderful things about the organizers and volunteers. This goes down in my book as my favorite and I'll return each year.

Thank you volunteers for all your hard work! You really made a difference!


S. S. from Darien, IL (10/30/2007)
"Amazing marathon!" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

For the most part, the course was scenic with few hills. Aid stations were well-stocked and well-run. Everything about the race was perfect! Don and his crew of volunteers were the friendliest staff I have ever encountered!!! I would recommend this race to anyone interested in a fantastic experience!


J. F. from Ann Arbor, MI (10/30/2007)
"Incredibly Unique Experience" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons

This marathon is absolutely first rate in every way. The course is gorgeous on paved trails near the river and in parks, and mostly flat. The organization and aid stations were wonderful and each and every runner gets personal attention from the race director, Don. I ran this one for fear that Detroit would be too warm for me (and alas, it was), and Sunday was a very crisp day, so I got what I wanted there. The pace groups are made up of 'celebrity times' where you can run with Oprah at 4:29 or Will Ferrell at 3:56 (I kept saying to myself, 'Stay ahead of Will!!!'), or Pi at 3:14. Don shakes every runner's hand at the finish line and sends out witty emails for weeks before the race. Absolutely the best marathon I've run, in every way. I just hope I can get into this marathon next year, if the word spreads!!


S. M. from Chicago (10/30/2007)
"Awesome Race!!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Beautiful course and very well organized. Race shirts and medals were great. Not a ton of spectators on the course, but the ones that were there at various points were encouraging, energetic and fun! Volunteers were awesome as well. Great race and the organizer, Don, and his staff, get BIG, BIG kudos from me!! AWESOME race!!!


B. S. from Ann Arbor, MI (10/30/2007)
"Amazing Orginization" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I couldn't have had a better experience in my second marathon. Chicago three weeks ago left me disappointed and Grand Rapids blew my expectations out of the water. It seemed the race was set up to ensure that every runner was happy, taken care of, and enjoying themselves.

Oh and there are free hot showers in the adjoining YMCA at the finish.


A. R. from Illinois (10/30/2007)
"Fast, Very Well-Run Marathon" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

This race is the best. Very flat course, a couple slight inclines, but short and not steep. What makes this course fast (and I would say faster than Chicago) is that its not crowded at all - the path does get narrow in places but I never found myself being slowed down like I have at Chicago.

The course for the most part is very beautiful, and if there had been wind (we were lucky), runners would have been sheltered for the majority of the race because of the beautiful trees that cover the path. Aid stations were great as well.

If you want to run a fast course and have a time goal, there is no better race - I PR'd by 28 minutes (previous PR set at Chicago)


K. J. from Detroit, MI (10/30/2007)
"BEST MARATHON!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

What a tremendous experience! This marathon has the best staff, course, support, organization that I have ever seen! Loved the early start option and the fact that us early starters had all the amenities of the normal start time. I was so impressed by the aid station volunteers - they were very helpful and full of cheer. The course is spectacular - mostly scenic paved trail through trees, along a river. This is a real marathoner's marathon! Having run Detroit 7 days earlier, after suffering through the cancellation at Chicago, this was the perfect ending to my marathon month! To top it all off, I finished 26 minutes faster than Detroit 7 days earlier! I HIGHLY recommend this marathon. Many thanks to Don and the entire team - I'll be smiling fondly for a long time!


M. G. from Wisconsin (10/30/2007)
"A top notch marathon" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I came to Grand Rapids after running in the sauna that was Twin Cities this year. GR is a very well organized race with a perfect field size. The course was beautiful and the out and backs were actually a nice distraction. The only downside was that for much of the race the path was severely cambered and it was a little tough on the feet. Also, the path got very crowded at spots. But overall it was a very fast course and it was a lot of fun. I set an 11 minute PR even though I had just run a marathon 3 weeks before. The perfect weather also helped. I would definitely do this one again. Thanks to Don and all of the fantastic volunteers. I would call this a must-do midwestern race.


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