calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Grand Rapids Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 329 [displaying comments 291 to 301]
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H. B. from Rockville, MD (2/8/2006)
"Well organized race and fast course." (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I highly recommend this well organized race. Parking was within a few blocks of the start/finish and there were plenty of port-o-potties to support the crowd. The course was definitely advertised correctly as "mostly flat." In fact, the things they called "hills" I would call speed bumps! But there was enough rise & fall along the way to keep your legs from getting too beat up. There were several out-&-back sections along the way that were obviously thrown in to eek out another mile or so along the course - if that bothers you, be forewarned. For me, this wasn't really a problem.

I opted to run with the "celebrity pace groups" to help from going out too fast. The George W. Bush pace group leaders were supportive and ran like metronomes - I stuck with them almost the entire race and they definitely helped me reach my goal!

The long-sleeve CoolMax T-shirt and finisher's medal were world-class, and the YMCA hosting us with hot showers at the finish line was a very welcome bonus! Post-race food was pretty good, the beer was great (and I don't normally drink beer)! Hopefully they'll add vegetarian chili to the menu for future races. I crossed with a BQ and PR time and made sure to give the race director (who congratulates every runner crossing the finish line personally) a big hug!


Peggy Zeeb from Colon, MI (11/26/2005)
"Runner-oriented - organized by a runner" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

You can tell that a runner organized this marathon. It offers everything a good marathon needs. Beautiful awards, medals, shirts, aid stations, and food. The course is very scenic and fun to run. It is mostly flat with just a few small hills to add variety. The only negative thing is the smell of the waste treatment plant at the turnaround! I would recommend this marathon!!


Gavin Stuart from Chatham, Ontario, Canada (11/10/2005)
"The most scenic marathon I have ever run." (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Wonderful marathon. Traffic-free course mostly on paved trails through scenic wooded areas in the peak of their fall colors. Excellent volunteers and aid stations. Well organized. Very entertaining pre-race emails. Pretty fast course. I set a PB by 9 minutes. The most fun marathon I have ever run.


David Hoffman from Milwaukee, Wis. (11/6/2005)
"A grand fall marathon" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

A fast, flat out-and-back along a riverbank with the fall colors in all their glory. The luxurious host hotel is 3 blocks from the start-finish at the sparkingly, new Y.M.C.A. This is my definition of a perfect marathon. Only 3 hours from Detroit and Chicago, and only an hour from the Muskego Ferry for fellow Wisconsinites. The finisher and placement medals are done in grand style.


T. W. from Illinois (11/6/2005)
"One of the best in the Midwest!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

If you enjoy big marathons and everything that goes along with them, traffic, expensive hotels, $20 parking and crowded expos, then you would not like the Grand Rapids Marathon. I like the smaller marathon venues and Grand Rapids has become one of my favorite marathons.

The expo and starting line are right off the major interstate, which is easy to find with ample free parking. The expo was hosted at the YMCA. HOT showers with towels awaited you after the race.

The course is flat as advertised and offered plenty of water/Gu to drink (I drank water) and gels. The weather was perfect, although it did get breezy for a short time around mile 23.

I did not plan to run with the pacing groups they offered, but ended up running with the 'Baldwin' 3:29 group around mile 15. I've never had much luck with pacing groups, but the leaders of this group were awesome! They kept us motivated, they sang, they chanted, told jokes and all but carried us on their backs! I finished with a 3:28 and ended a long slump over over-3:30 marathons. I wish that I could find a pacing group like this one at future marathons! Thumbs up to the director, staff and pacing groups!

P.S I hope you enjoyed the London Porter! (They suggest that you bring beer for the race director at packet pick-up.)


Diane DuBois from Burlington, Michigan (11/5/2005)
"Great improvement over last year!" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

This is a marathon well worth considering. It is very well organized and real convenient (the hotels are withing walking distance). I ran it last year and it has improved a lot. Can't wait to see what next year brings. I could see it was organized by a runner; the shirts were real running shirts, not the cotton ones, and the medals are nice.


M. L. from Ontario, Canada (11/2/2005)
"Nice Fall Race" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I had fun at this race. It's somewhat small and quiet and I agree, it's a good race to just lay down the hammer without too many distractions. Nice course although very winding with lots of turns (it reminded me of a trail run). The hardest part for me was the out and back at 17-18-19 miles because you come out of the gorgeous trees to run an industrial-type road. However there were a bunch of spectators here. Thanks for the gels at the aid stations. Maybe next year I'll try the pickle juice at mile 20. Enthusiastic race director and volunteers. Fantastic long sleeved technical shirt. I'm looking forward to seeing the personalized DVD every participant will receive in the mail!


S. G. from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada (11/2/2005)
"Great marathon!" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Grand Rapids Marathons

Pros: flat, mostly shaded course; hundreds of caring volunteers; well placed/stocked aid stations; great parking, start/finish line; best shirt; extremely well organized; friendly race director; supportive pace runners; showers available; bag storage; great food; great city...
Cons: Cannot think of one
Thanks to everyone involved - this was a very positive experience; I want to be there again in 2006.


S. M. from Kalamazoo, MI (11/1/2005)
"A great value for your running dollar." (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

Despite having a really bad day personally, I have to say, 'GREAT JOB!' While the race was small and there were not alot of spectators, the volunteers more than made up for it. No only were they there long after most runners had finished, they were as energetic five hours after the start as they were in the begining. I know. I was there. A special thanks to the man who ran several hundred yards with me in the last mile wearing jeans and a button-down, offering words of encouragement. (Not to mention a great shirt and medal.)



Vicki Willard from Bay City, MI (11/1/2005)
"Great premiums, somewhat tedious course" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grand Rapids Marathon

I have to agree with D.R. about the course. It was beautiful for the first 15 or so miles, then it became monotonous; the trees and the river all looked the same. I am a social girl, so since there weren't a lot of runners, this may have played into my 'boredom' factor. Although there were few spectators (Don warned me up front that it was not spectator friendly), the volunteers were very upbeat. I wasn't real crazy about the sports drink, and the volunteers were calling it Gatorade, but it wasn't.

Now, let me say... I will WEAR my shirt! Finally, marathon directors are getting the fact that we would rather get a shirt that we can wear running. The logo is simple and eye-catching. The 'medal' is very unique, and I can prop it up on my desk at work for everyone to see.

Now about the director. Don is one the most personable directors you will ever meet! He was greeting runners at the expo and he was still at the finish at 6:00 hours to shake my hand as I crossed the finish line. I'm not a beer drinker, so I didn't have any for him, but he certainly deserved it! Thanks Don!


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