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Houston Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 365 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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G. R. from Houston, Texas (1/17/2007)
"Great Urban Marathon" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 3 Houston Marathons

The Chevron Houston Marathon continues to be one of the finest winter marathons with it's excellent organization, volunteers and spectators.

The weather for the 2007 event was about as good as could be hoped, with temps ranging from the mid 50's to the low 70's. The day before the race the temps were in the 70's and on Monday, they were in the 40's with rain. Texas weather for you.

Unlike other runners, I had no problems navigating in the corrals. A plus this year was having extra Port-O-Lets by the rear corrals (good idea).

As always, the volunteer support was excellent. I was most surprised by the large spectator turnout, given the uncertainty in the weather.

I have one negative comment. The 'hydration initiative', while well-intentioned, was poorly executed. Runners were weighed in their street clothes at packet pickup (Fri/Sat) and given a 'clothing factor'. Immediately after the race, runners were weighed again and checked against their pre-race weight. The idea was to watch for runners who lost too much weight due to fluid loss.

There are two flaws in the system as configured: 1) Scales should be medical grade, or at least identical in model and properly calibrated, and 2) pre-race weighings should be made before the race start.

According to the records, I GAINED 4 lbs. Good thing I weighed myself at home before/after (lost 2 lbs).

Given the setup, I highly suspect the data and consider it scientifically invalid.

That said, I must again commend the organizers for making this such a runner-friendly event. The Expo, give-aways (t-shirt, medal, mug, Under-Armor finishers shirt), hot meal, and free massages are more than one could hope for the race fee. I'll continue running this race as long as my body will let me.


H. G. from Houston, TX (1/17/2007)
"Ready for more!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Houston Marathon

I'm an endurance walker, so since most people are runners, I thought I'd add a different perspective here to the glowing reviews. I did the half, my first official distance event, and it was a total pleasure.

From a walker's perspective (I averaged a 16:00 mile), the race isn't super duper walker friendly, but they did at least wait to close the course after the stragglers, but because you double back near the end on Montrose, you actually have to see them tearing down the course right on your heels. It's a little discouraging, but if distance events aren't mostly mental, I don't know what is. So, it is what it is. I'd say if you're doing at least my pace, it's not enough to discourage you from doing this race.

I didn't find the corral systems to be confusing at all, but then I wasn't particularly concerned about my pace positioning, I went out at 6:30 like they asked, etc. No problem.

I'm shaking my head at the reports of huge spectator crowds. Don't expect that if you're walking. They'd thinned out quite a lot by the time I came through. The weather didn't help, I'm sure. Still the support that was there was totally wonderful and so welcome. The water stations all had water (though the Gatorade they had was WAAAAY too strong and I couldn't even finish a cup) but I'd brought a bottle of water and a bottle of my own Gatorade mix and I ended up using all the water. Those little cups just can't hold enough to hydrate you on such a warm day, I don't think. Especially when you're sucking down Gu and such along the route.

Anyway, the medal is beautiful and the finisher's shirt is technical if a bit bland. Didn't check out the food because I was really really hurting after and just wanted to go home and die. Plus, food just didn't sound good for a couple of hours after. Gonna stock up on recovery drink next time.

Anyway, come on out next year! I'll be doing it for as long as I'm walking.


S. B. from New Jersey (1/16/2007)
"Flat, fast course" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

This is only my second marathon, having done Chicago before, so I am a bit spoiled! The spectators were really good in sections and in other spots they were spread very thin. I was a little surprised at the end when running through downtown that all of the crowd was at the finish and there were very few in the last two miles, unlike Chicago where the whole place is jammed and screaming. Water stations were perfectly placed and never seemed to get clogged. Unfortunately there was a heavy fog during my entire run so I didn't see as much of the city as I hoped, which actually has some great, inspiring views. There was definitely a large amount of crowding early in the race, which made for an uncomfortable opening 10K. Also the corral system was a bit over-engineered. I crossed the starting line only a minute behind the gun despite the large crowd, so I guess it worked out well enough. Finally, I had sort of hoped the packet pick-up would be more like Chicago's with a lot of booths about other marathons and races.


A. L. from New York, NY (1/16/2007)
"Come Here to Run Fast" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

Houston, despite the concrete, is a PR course. I have no complaints as to the course. Come here to run fast. Don't come here to experience breathtaking scenery, culture, or a wide array of attractions. Houston is a decent city with great restaurants, but it's no London, Berlin, NYC etc.... The finisher's shirt is the best finisher's shirt I have received for any marathon. Free massages pre and post-race were a nice touch. Loop course is friendly for runners. This marathon caters to the runners and makes sure they have the best experience possible.

As for the course, the only sizeable hill is an overpass at mile 14-15. You go up the overpass, then you go down it. There are 'rolling' hills in the last few miles of the marathon which seem like mountains when you're that tired. But since the rest of the course is flat and straight, the hills won't slow you down as much.

It's a course for people who have a goal time and want to achieve it. If you want to BQ, OTQ, or make any other sort of time goal, definitely put Houston on your 'to-run' list.


Paul Petera from Glen Allen, VA (1/16/2007)
"A great experience from start to finish!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Houston Marathon

What a great, and well-run, marathon. Let's start with the Expo. Packet pickup was very easy and everyone was very helpful. There were a lot of people there, but I never felt crowded or rushed.

The Convention Center was a great venue for the Expo, as well as pre- and post-race activities. Plenty of room for everyone. On race morning, there were plenty of port-o-potties, and I had no problem getting to my corral.

The weather cooperated for the runners, and the spectator support on the course was overwhelming. I can't thank the volunteers enough - they did a super job. The course was actually more scenic than I anticipated, especially miles 10-20.

Post-race in the convention center was also well done. I didn't have much of an appetite for the hot breakfast, but there was plenty of food and drink available. Everyone was so nice and helpful. The finisher's shirt, mug and medal were all top-notch.

The tracking mechanisms that the race provided were also great. Realtime email or text message alerts could be set up to inform friends/relatives of your progress, and you could track a runner's progress online as well. Pretty cool.

I've run in quite a few races, though this was my first marathon. This was the most well-run event I've ever been a part of, and I couldn't be happier to say Houston was the site of my first marathon.


M. S. from New Jersey (1/16/2007)
"Nearly Perfect" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

This was my 23rd marathon so I have experienced marathons having 300 finishes to having more than 30,000 finishers and everything in between. It is very difficult to find any faults with the Chevron Houston Marathon. It almost appears as though the organizers read every one of my constructive criticisms of other marathons over the years and packaged the best of the best into this marathon. The only thing I cannot comment on is the pasta dinner as I didn't make it to that. The marathon has fantastic sponsorship, one of the best expos that I have attended, fantastic organization and runners' amentities (especially the finishers gifts), truly appreciative fans and a fast course. The only reason I didn't give the course 5 stars was because it is primarily concrete, something that race organizers have no control over but runners should be aware of since it is a bit harder on the legs. I also don't understand why more marathons don't use the type of mile-markers that Houston and Grandma's uses. It is a great sponsorship opportunity and helps the runners a lot. I have also run many marathons where the half-marathoners were running some part of the course and by far, the way Houston does it is the best. Baltimore could take a lesson from this one. I do think it would be quite excellent if the finish could be inside Minute Maid Park. People love to finish in stadiums that otherwise they have no opportunity to be in. One note about the weather in Houston. You will probably not know what the weather will be like until the morning of the run so come prepared for anything. It was 75 the day I arrived, 53 during the marathon and 29 the day after.

I would highly recommend the Houston Marathon. Congratulations to the race director and all of the volunteers that make this marathon a huge success!


D. S. from Maryland (1/15/2007)
"Excellent Marathon" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

This race was excellent. I have run several marathons and half-marathons around the US and I can say that this one is by far the best in terms of organization, expo, medals and food. It appears that the organizers spent a lot of money for this event.

To make the story short, I believe that behind the success of the Houston Marathon is the oil industry (Aramco and Chevron), main supporters of this marathon. The increased gas prices pay off if you run this marathon. :-)


D. C. from Tx (1/15/2007)
"Great marathon, but organization needs some work." (General Comments)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Houston Marathons

Houston's Marathon course is a great course - very enjoyable to run - but always remember that weather can be a factor in this race. The spectators and volunteers have always been very supportive on the course. I thought this year that the spectators and volunteers where even better than any other years that I have run this race.

I do have issues with the race director and support registration personnel of this marathon. Their lack of response to people this year and in years past makes me very concerned that they are not interested in us as runners.

The other thing that I believe needs correcting is the elevation course map. From miles 21 or so to mile 25 the course is rolling and at mile 23 there is a decent incline. The marathon needs to represent this better on the elevation map. People need to know that these inclines are there, so they can plan their race accordingly.


J. K. from Morris, MN and Galveston, TX (1/15/2007)
"Excellent and still getting better" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Houston Marathons

This is the third year in a row I've run the half, and they keep improving it. Wonderful volunteers (seems like more every year!) and spectators. Same medal for the half as last year, but it's gorgeous, so OK with me!

Main problem was with 2 mile-markers in the half. When we were separate from the marathoners at mile 1, there was an Aramco half-marathon marker on the left (where the half-marathoners were). However, when we merged around mile 2, I assumed there would still be separate markers since the marathoners had gone off on a separate course (different distance?), but there was only one mile marker, on the right, saying Chevron Houston Marathon, so I assumed it wasn't for the half. Wrong... good bye accurate splits. Also, as mentioned already, there was a 15K marker instead of a 10-mile marker, and I just wasn't sure whether to punch my watch or not. Sigh... more inaccurate splits. It was just frustrating when all of the other details were so well done!

Houston has lots of extra perks, which I greatly appreciate, but key things for me as a runner are accurate and easily visible mile markers and reliable water/Gatorade stations (out of cups already at aid station around mile 8). But keep up the good work - it's a great race!


A. P. from Houston, TX (1/15/2007)
"Well done, Houston!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Houston Marathon

This was my first marathon and I was very pleased with how well organized and efficient the race was. Outside of the confusing start (unclear in the dark where exactly the "corral" was), it was smooth sailing all the way. One of the best things about the race was that we kept our chips at the end and medals were passed out inside. After most races I have run, there is always a logjam, with chip cutting and medal passing out. At the end of the race, I just want to be able to keep moving and not get caught up in a huge waiting line. It was great that there was room for me to walk around for several minutes once I came in. Also nice that I could collect my medal inside when I was ready (out of the nasty weather outside) and get my picture snapped once inside. Really very smart on the organizers' part. Also, the crowd support is fantastic. Despite the bad weather, there were fans everywhere cheering us on. It helped me keep a smile on my face all the way to 26.2! I'll be running this again next year!


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