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Houston Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 365 [displaying comments 221 to 231]
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G. R. from Cypress, TX (1/19/2006)
"Very Good Course - FANtastic Event" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Houston Marathon

2006 weather a little warmer than usual for Houston (mid-50's at start upper 60's by noon). Elite and sub-4 runners had an easier time than rest.

Positives first.
* Corral system worked well after the start; I was in back corral, crossed start sooner and did not feel as crowded as 2005.
* Course is actually very nice for an urban race. I like running through the smaller neighborhoods from miles 2-6 and people there were great.
* Spectators were amazing, larger than last year, certainly due to warmer weather.
* Mile timers were right on and easy to hear/see.
* Post-race set-up was better than last year; got my bag, and finisher's goodies much faster.
* Both the participant shirt (black) and finisher's shirt (white poly running) are awesome.

* Corral entry system needs to be improved. Front corral folks had real problems getting to their section because of high fence and no gate. Back corral had a NOISY band playing over the national anthem.
* Mile 4 was shifted short by at least 100 feet (GPS confirmed this, and many fellow runners noted shorter times during that lap).
* No 5K and 37K timing pads this year; wish I'd known since runner alerts are based on those timings and my family didn't get alerts when expected.

I'm not a fan of yearly course changes, but if I were to make a change, it would be to find an alternate route from miles 14-16. That stretch along the SW freeway (to mile 16) is pretty lonely and noisy.

Overall, it's a race I have come to love and will continue to participate in.


R. R. from Palatine, IL (1/19/2006)
"Great Organization; Great Race!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

Very impressed how the Houston embraced this race! Like Chicago and Boston, Houston welcomes runners at the airport and throughout the city, which elevates the excitement of the race!

This was my 8th marathon and I can only complain about one of them - not Houston! Getting the race packets at the expo was convoluted, but the expo was pretty good overall.

Thought the starting corrals were OK, but probably should have had more entrances to the corrals to avoid confusion.

The course was not as flat as advertised, but was flat enough. By the way, no course is flat and fast! The course may be flat, but it is up to the runners to be fast! I've never seen so many porta-johns along any race I have done. This was great!

The route was enjoyable from start to finish and crowd support was surprisingly good. Having first names on the bib was awesome too! I felt like everyone knew me - a very nice touch! I loved the neighborhood with all of the U.S. flags! Very inspiring! I prefer timing clocks at the mile markers versus a volunteer shouting times.

Water and medical stations were frequent and well managed. Thank you!

The finish line area was pretty good. I liked going into the convention center at the end. A Mylar wrap would have been nice. I didn't see them. Loved the finisher's shirt!! And the mug!

While this was one of my slowest marathons, I really enjoyed the race and would do it again!


O. P. from San Francisco, CA (1/18/2006)
"Improved from 2005, if that is possible!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Houston Marathons

I ran the Houston Marathon last year when it had a different sponsor and was a little concerned it would suffer from the change. I was completely wrong. Amazingly, it was even better. I love this marathon. I tend to pick my races based on reputation for organization, spectators and course. Houston really knows how to excel in each of these categories. I don't want to repeat what others have said, so I will briefly summarize the highs and (few) lows:

1. Improved shirts: Houston is unique because it gives you a shirt when you pick up your packet and when you finish. Last year we received a nice, but not entirely functional sweatshirt. This year, we received finisher technical shirts that will be cherished and used by all - everybody was excited about them. Medals were improved as well.

2. Separate corrals: I see that a lot of people hated the new system of two starting corrals, but I thought it worked very well. I was in the front and found it made getting off to a fast and easy start MUCH easier. Fewer people to navigate around.

3. Staggered fluid stations: I haven't noticed if all marathons do this, but I like that a lot of the fluid stations come between miles (or not exactly at mile markers). I find it gives me two goals to look forward to each mile as I struggle to get through the late part of the race - first I try to make it to the mile marker, then I can focus on making it to the Gatorade. Don't know if it is purposeful, but I think it is nice.

4. Spectators and volunteers: I know there are parts of the course that don't have many spectators, but for the most part, there are smiling, cheering people everywhere. And it really seems like Houston turns out the greatest number of volunteers that I've seen -- and everybody is so friendly.

5. Location of start/finish: I LOVE that the start and finish are right by the convention center and right by the hotels. I was at the Four Seasons (great marathon rate for such a nice hotel) and it was so nice to be able to stay in my room until 10 minutes before the start and sleep in a bit longer. And with the hotels right there, no need to rely on bathrooms pre-race or checking in bags. And, special thanks to the Four Seasons for the nice little gift bag at check-in and the WONDERFUL ice cold washcloth when I got back from the race.

6. Holy water and communion: I am not even a Catholic, but by far the most unique thing I've ever seen on a marathon course was the Catholic church near the medical center that was throwing holy water and handing out communion. Very funny (or appreciated, depending on your religious conviction).

1. Packet pick-up: It wasn't a big deal, but I didn't understand why we had to go through so many checkpoints at packet pickup. I felt like I was being led around in circles so that I would see more of the expo, but really it just made me spend less time at the booths because I had to take so much time to get my race stuff.

2. Weather: Beyond anybody's control, so not really a negative. More of a cautionary tale for those interested in running next year. Last year it was pretty cold the whole race and this year it was near 70 by the end, which seemed hot for many. I thought it was pleasant and liked not having to wear gloves, but just be aware to plan for possible warm weather.

I really can't think of any other lows. The course is almost all flat. There is an overpass around 13 that is relatively big, but really not a problem. There are a few other little points of elevation, but I consider this to be a very fast, flat course. The end is one straight shot through downtown that is very nice. Also, the January date is nice because it is a long weekend for many (MLK Day) and because it keeps you active during the holidays.

A great race that seems to get better every year.

Looking forward to next year.


J. T. from Plano, TX (1/17/2006)
"GREAT race - I'll be back!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

This was my 3rd marathon - Marine Corps and Dallas White Rock being my previous two. And Houston was definitely the best of the three.

The negative comments other writers have mentioned on the expo should be taken with a grain of salt - this was really minor in the grand scheme of things. Sure, they made you go to various points in the convention hall to check your chip and pick up your T-shirt, but that's a simple way to ease congestion since there were a record 17,000 runners running the 3 races. My only negative concerning the expo was the amount of "official" Houston Marathon apparel; it was rather limited in that regard.

The only negatives in this race were that the corrals were hard to figure out how to get into the correct one. For us to get to the front corral, we incorrectly ended up going through all the people in the back corral, since we didn't know there was an opening between the two corrals. This can be easily fixed and is a minor annoyance.

The course is great - I may be biased because I set a PR, but it's a nice course. It takes you through some parts of town you would probably be afraid to drive through, but it was nice to see different parts of Houston. I ran a lot of the race with the 3:30 pace team and they were a lot of fun and held a steady pace (unlike my experience with the same pace team in Dallas, who ran a 7:15 first mile!).

I loved having my name on my bib - that really helped out in the last 6 miles. The fans in the last miles of the race seemed really exuberant. Houston was also smart to put most of the bands and music at the end when we runners needed it most. This was a well thought-out and well-organized race.

The food after the race was amazing! Lots of fruit, bagels, ice cream (yeah!), not to mention the hot food line - incredible! The finisher's medal was great, and the finisher's shirt wasn't a cheap cotton thing - it was a nice polyester short-sleeve.

Well, done, Houston, I'll be back!


A. G. from Scotland (1/17/2006)
"Difficult to beat" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Houston Marathons

Sincerely believe that this will be one of the most popular marathons in the US within a few years. Combine the weather, the time of the year and the five-star organization and it will soon be a "must-do."

The corrals were a definite improvement this year. Personally, I had no issue with the fences - maybe arriving at the start 15 mininutes in advance is just common sense, but others panicking and trying to gatecrash the fences in the last few minutes must have thought otherwise. Whose fault is that then?

Great, flat course. Wide roads at all points, lots of very well-manned water stations, a gel point at 20 miles, supporters wherever needed and a complete absence of hairpins or double-back routing. Various bands and DJs. Missed the mile of Elvis impersonators this year, although the belly dancers were some compensation.

The organization - from the expo to the finish line facilities to the quality of results reporting (some real natty computer graphics) - is simply the best I've encountered in 48 marathons. Everything is slick, relaxed, high quality and served with a smile. The medal, beer tankard and tee-shirt(s) are excellent stuff.

The general feeling I am left with is that both the city and the organizers really wanted us there. Sounds trivial, but after so many cities that appear to either resent or endure marathons, it is so refreshing to be genuinely welcomed. I'll be back.


J. S. from Mission, TX, USA (1/17/2006)
"This was my first marathon!" (about: 2006)

First Marathon

Since this was my first marathon I don't have anything to compare it to but to me it was awesome. The only complaint I had was that the elevation chart was a little misleading. Other than that I was very pleased. The crowd support was awesome especially for those of us who finished slightly after the finish line closed. It was nice to see people still out there urging us on. I would definitely like to do this again some time.


a. b. from Coral Springs, Florida (1/17/2006)
"Outstanding race! Great course, great support!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons

Would highly recommend this race to anyone! The course was scenic, the volunteers were wonderful and the spectator support was just amazing! Great job!


Jeff Wang from Humble, TX (1/17/2006)
"Some improvement, some disappointment" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Houston Marathons

Having been a runner for this race for several years, I still find the Houston Marathon to be one of the best in the country.

However, I do want to put a few grips, as usual. The changes this year were a bit baffling. First, the organizers decided on the corral system. After doing multiple marathons elsewhere, I am familiar with that. However, they had only 2 sections: the front and the back, which were not really well organized nor strictly enforced, so there was still a bit of a jam. I was hoping for 3 or 4 sections - front, middle, back, and walkers. Maybe they'll listen to me next year and improve on that. However, to add to the corral, they also added fence around the convention center, which was really bad. The runners literally had to walk all the way to the back of the line to get to the front, and since there was a small opening to get through the fence, the jam was ridiculous. I nearly missed my start and had to run to get to starting point. Not the brightest idea.

Aside from the fencing issue, the course was nice and flat for the most part, and there was nice running weather, at least for the first 2.5 hours. It got a bit hotter than last year at 45-65, so many people didn't do as well, but it really didn't matter honestly. The water stations were plentiful, the police patrolled the streets well, the mile markers and signs were well placed, and there were plenty of spectators. It was a fun, flat, quick, and well participated marathon.

As for the pre-marathon event, the expo was worse than before - it seems to be getting smaller by the year. In addition, the merchandise for this marathon was practically nonexistent - which makes me wonder how they make money. For someone who loves to collect souvenirs, I was extremely disappointed that there was no marathon pin, poster, mug, hat, running shorts, or sweatshirt that had "Houston Marathon" printed - like they did every year. There were also far fewer freebies. If you are a big expo person like me, you would be disappointed as well after going to this expo every year and seeing the change.

As for the after-event, there was the usual warm breakfast and plenty of drinks. That was something we all looked forward to every year, and we would continue to appreciate that if they keep providing it. There was also a finisher's mug and a wonderful finisher's tech shirt. The medal actually got bigger this year - I was very happy to see that we got a Texas-size medal for once. The only thing I wished for was a party or concert for the runners, like they do at Nashville or San Diego or New York or, oh wait, Houston is among the few marathons that I ran that didn't have a planned post-marathon event? HEY!

Nonetheless, it was a wonderful experience. I'll be there again, January 2007.


C. S. from Amarillo (1/17/2006)
"Made me want to run another one!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Houston Marathon

I am a first-time marathon runner and my experience of the Houston Marathon far exceeded my expectations. Excellent organization. Great music, dancing (hula and belly dancers were not what I expected on a marathon) and plenty of water stations. There were plenty of supporters and most were enthusiastic. I think that this is a tremendous experience for a first-time marathon runner.


C. P. from Georgia (1/16/2006)
"Great Job Houston" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Houston Marathon

Great job, Houston, with your marathon. This was a very good race and I feel as though the race does live up to its previous reviews. It does not have the stature yet to compare to the other BIG city marathons like Chicago, NY, Boston, or MCM, but it certainly has the organization to handle it if the runners do decide to make this a top-tier marathon.
The weather this year was perfect with a slight breeze, maybe a little warm toward the finish, but humidity was low.

The convention center is the ideal start/finish and expo location. There is a abundance of space and everything was well layed out. Something other than breakfast food (eggs, hash browns, etc.) would have been nice post-race, but others seemed to be getting their fill. Myself, I enjoy the pizza and soups seen at other marathons. Not a big deal.

The corrals were a little hectic, as another poster indicated. Maybe a better set-up with something up in the air (sign posts, etc.) or banners to indicate where half and full marathoners should go. Small detail to fix. No countdown to the start gun???

Good movement through the start line. Not too crowded from the first corral marathon side.

The first 4 miles are pretty bleak. Certainly not the nicest areas of Houston to showcase, but the course scenery does improve. I had run Twin Cities in the fall so I may be a little jaded toward my last marathon.

Good water stops, people handing out oranges and bananas along the course. Everyone was friendly and encouraging.

Good finishing area back at the convention center with great organization. Nice shirts and mug. Easy bag check. More chairs set out would have been nice instead of having to sit on the hard convention-center floor.

Hilton Hotel was awesome. Premium room at discount price. Quiet considering it was sold out.

Overall, very well done. A good choice for a mid-winter marathon.


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