calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Houston Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 365 [displaying comments 291 to 301]
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B. O. from Cleveland, OH (2/10/2004)
"Great Boston Qualifier!!" (about: 2004)


Running only my second marathon, I went to Houston for one reason and that was to qualify for Boston. I was able to do it with a fast, flat course, great weather, and the Clif Bar Pace Team. I also want to give credit to the Houston community for coming out to support the race. Great turn out for a race of this size.

As for some of the complaints that I have read, the only one I can agree with is that finisher medal was too plain, and with all the comments I am sure that will be fixed by next year. Otherwise, this course was as flat as a pancake, except for one overpass (less than 200m) and some rolling hills through some underpasses and the city park.

I would suggest this race to anyone who is looking for a good winter marathon!


R. H. from Houston, TX (1/27/2004)
"Super Bowl happenings made things difficult" (about: 2004)


As usual, the Houston Marathon delivered an enjoyable experience. However, I'd have to say this was the most unorganized I've seen it. The reason is because the Super Bowl had a large portion of the convention center already claimed, which meant that a bunch of stuff had to be squeezed together, and other things had to be put outside. I'm not too concerned about future marathons, becuase they won't have to deal with a space crunch.

My one main gripe is the finisher's medal. I was genuinely disappointed when it was put around my neck; hopefully next year they can make it a bit bigger. The course and fans were great; the spectators near Rice were phenomenal! One thing I've noticed quite a bit the last few years is people crossing over the median during the first mile, perhaps it should be blocked off so that someone doesn't add or take away mileage.


P. G. from Houston, TX (1/25/2004)
"There are no negatives in this race" (about: 2004)


I love this marathon. While I could go on about its many positive attributes, I only wish to respond to some of the negative comments posted on this site about this marathon -- negatives which I do not quite understand.

Complaints about a concrete course? With the exception of trail runs, what marathon is not run primarily or exclusively on concrete or asphalt? That is the surface for Houston, and for almost every other marathon in a major city.

Lack of an elevation chart? There really is no need for an elevation chart. It is a flat course. The only ?hills? are one overpass over some train tracks (at almost the midpoint of the race) and 3 or 4 underpasses that run beneath some crossing streets. If there was an elevation chart, I would guess that the 95% of the course does not differ by more than plus or minus 10 feet.

Crazy set of shaky stairs that you had to climb after the race to get out? This is totally untrue. If you went over those stairs, you went out the wrong exit of the Brown Convention Center when the race was over.

That?s all. This is a very well organized marathon. I recommend it.


C. G. from Arlington, VA (1/24/2004)
"Great crowd & course, congested water stops" (about: 2004)


Elevation chart would help - there are a few slight hills at the end of the race. However, was a PR race for me due to cool weather and overall flatness.

WARNING: there were many young kids at water stops and it was difficult to get water without completely stopping to walk and/or approaching a table and pick it up yourself. Saw a runner actually get into a fight with a 10-year old volunteer over this issue. Finisher's mug is QUITE cool.


S. K. from York, PA (1/22/2004)
"Great weather! Great crowds! Great race!" (about: 2004)


We were looking for a Boston Qualifier and we found a great one in Houston. Only my second marathon, but having the help of the Clif Shot pace team made it much easier to make my time (3:10). The crowds were great throughout the course even at 7:00 AM when the race started. More hills than I expected for Houston, but they were nothing to talk about. I thought it was relatively flat and fast. I don't do too many races twice (life is too short and there are too many opportunities!), but I would consider Houston again if I needed to qualify for Boston or just wanted to do a fun race.

We traveled all the way from PA to do the race and it was well worth it. Stayed at the Residence Inn instead of the official race hotel. The staff and the hotel were great. Saved about $250 and had a great breakfast everyday.


Owen Raun from Houston (1/21/2004)
"What big marathon is not concrete?" (about: 2004)


26.2 miles of concrete? I've done Dallas, Austin, NYC, Marine Corps and Chicago and I didn't see anything but concrete. Wear thick socks next time. The only legit complaint is the medal, which would probably be bigger if they tried to save money on the finisher glass mug and great sweatshirt. Great job again, Houston!


D. S. from San Antonio, TX (1/21/2004)
"Splendid organization/course, and supportive fans" (about: 2004)


This was my first marathon. I was really impressed by the outstanding organization, fan enthusiasm and support for runners. Even with a large group of runners, race organizers were excellent - before, during and after the race. Fans lined the entire course and were enthusiastic and supportive to all of the runners. Hats off to Houston for making this race enjoyable and memorable for all of us.


G. E. from Kansas (1/21/2004)
"Wonderful marathon for anybody " (about: 2004)


This was my first marathon and what a wonderful experience it was. The crowd support and the organization of the volunteers was absolutely exceptional. I never once felt like I wouldn't finish since there was so much going on around me that I didn't realize I was even running. My hats off to a wonderful marathon. I thought it would be my first and my last but after such a great experience I am headed to number 2 in just a few months.


J. A. from Florida (1/21/2004)
"Very challenging 25 miles is pure concrete!" (about: 2004)


I enjoyed running this marathon. It is really tough because about 25 miles of it was pure concrete. The spectators were great. The spectator turnout equals the LA Marathon. Very well organized.


Joe Cortese from Connellsville PA (1/21/2004)
"You GO!! Houston!" (about: 2004)


Well let's start here....

1. COURSE: This being my 5th Marathon. (Baltimore 2x, Pittsburgh, and Tampa). The course is a little bumpy in areas but that is the norm... however the LADDER going over the exit of the marathon was BRUTAL... need to find something better... hurts to walk after you run 26.2 miles.

2. FANS: (Great 10++++) Cheered like crazy.

3. EXPO: (AWESOME) Big, FREE WATER (Love that).

4. SHIRTS: (NOT BAD, I like the finisher sweatshirt).

5. MEDAL: (WELL this I felt was very LAME). Come on HOUSTON you had a wonderful MARATHON finished off with the WORST medal of all that I ran... GET CREATIVE, make it the shape of Texas or something... NEEDS ATTENTION!!

Overall, a GREAT marathon. GOOD JOB!!!


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