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Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 2.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.8 
Number of comments: 736 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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T. S. from WA (12/13/2011)
"Policing Corrals" (about: 2011)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathons

I am a Race Director, marathon runner, ultra runner, have ran over 160 marthons and ultra marathons, etc, I am heavily involved in every aspect.

The BIGGEST issue I have with Competitor group is that they really don't care about competitors since they NEVER police their corrals. In all the R & R events I've done they have NEVER given a care if a 6 hour marathoner is in the 1st corral, in fact when you sign up you just tell them what you think you can run, no proof necessary! Why would you call yourself 'Competitor Group' when you really don't care if you have competitors in your race, what a joke!!!!!

This was by far the worst event I have participated in. I paced one of the pace groups in this race, I was constantly asking half runners to give us room and let us run, most of them were very nice about it, but a few wearing headphones in our lane, completly ignored us. I also had a RUDE half runner tell me I should have started sooner, like I have any control over when I start.

I also never got the 'sorry' letter from the organizers pertaining to how crappy the race was.

I am so amazed no one died during the race and afterwards in Mandalay Bay, WOW that was intense.

I'm running R&R New Orleans in March I hope they learned from this lesson!


R. R. from California (12/13/2011)
"stay far far away from this one" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons

I've run 26 marathons, and this was by far the worse race I've ever done from the registration process to the finish line. First, there were no emails, not even during the week of the race, to let anyone know that we have to print a 'confirmation page' to get our bib at the expo. The expo itself was chaotic - there was a huge section where they were trying to sell all sorts of things. It took a while for me to find the 'actual' expo.
The course was absolutely horrible. It REALLY is a half marathon with an extra 13.1 miles tacked on. The first 13.1 of the full marathon course had more turns than I could count, and was complete devoid of spectators. We were simply running in circles in the dark. Once we got back on the strip - mayhem ensued. The course was taken over by a hoard of SLOW halfers (people 'running' 3 hours or slower) People were walking 3-4 abreast, pushing baby was absolutely ridiculous to call it a 'race' There were people on bikes who were maybe supposed to be course monitors, but no one paid any attention to them, and the course was so crowded, I heard two of them talking about getting off the strip.
The water stations were a mess, you couldn't tell when they were coming up, and you never knew whether you would get cytomax or water. By the half way point, there were many un-manned empty tables, and I got to one table where I had to wait for them to fill the cups.
This was not a cheap marathon - entry was $140, plus $10 to register through This was not Competitor's first marathon -they put on a RNR 'series' - so please explain the lack of organization!!!
I will NEVER run another RNR event again, and would NEVER recommend one to anyone.
What is most appalling is that no one from Competitors has stepped up to take responsibility.


L. B. from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (12/13/2011)
"Never Doing This One Again!!!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

This race could have easily been a great course; however, they put 44,000 people all together to run on the same street at the same time. I never was able to run my normal pace, I spent a full 13 miles running over other runners or being run over them. Water stops were near to impossible to get to and were so trash filled that I slipped multiple times. The finish-line again had all of the runners jam packed into a small space with all of the food water and blankets on one side, so if you were not lucky enough to be on that one side you got nothing. It took me so long to pick up my bag from gear check that all of the shuttles were done running and getting a cab was going to be a multiple hour escapade... I ended up walking back to my hotel... I DO NOT recommend this event! They need to totally reorganize the event and consider breaking the event up so that the 1/2 and full marathons are run either at seperate times on the same day or are on seperate days (at the very least run one where all of the participants are well clear of the second).


Donald Sevesind from Covina, California (12/12/2011)
"OVER RATED!!!" (about: 2011)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathons

In a nutshell...this marathon SUCKED!!! Unexcusable Rock n Roll. First off my race results are lost and my finish time is not even posted...Anywhere! Secondly, everybody else has already commented on how crappy the organization was and the fire hydrant water that got folks sick. All that money for the entry fee and this is how us marathoners get treated. As a veteran runner of over 50 marathons...I say again...unexcusable! I hope the folks that say this is their last RnR L.V., stick to their guns and not register for next years race. This is my last L.V. marathon!!!


K. V. from Portland, ME (12/12/2011)
"There's Something in the Water" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

I would consider myself an intermediate runner. The Vegas Marathon was my 5th. I have run other marathons that had more participants than the Vegas Marathon so it is possible to have an organized race with 44K participants. However, it was poorly organized and likely by people who have never run a race themselves. Why would you combine a marathon with a half marathon at mile 13 when both sets of runners are at completely different paces? Why would you serve water that clearly tasted dirty and/or chlorenated? Why would you run out of medals for participants? What was up with the barely edible food at the end of the race? Why did it seem that no one knew about the marathon that worked in the hotels? Why was the course so dangerous with random cones, turns, and almost complete stops? What was our $130 race fee used for?
I was so excited to run in Vegas in the lights and excitement, but didn't have a chance to enjoy it as I was totally in survival mode. I got really sick after the marathon - I have never gotten that sick from running - and supposedly the organizers are 'looking into it'. Don't run this race. There are so many marathons to choose from - choose another.


D. A. from Vancouver, BC, Canada (12/12/2011)
"So Disappointing" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

This was my 11th half marathon (2nd RnR half this year). I previously did the RnR in Seattle this year, which was a great race. Not sure why this one was so terrible. Where to begin: The race expo was huge and overly crowded, they could've used a larger facility; The protesters at the start with the 'You're all going to Hell' signs (since when is running evil? - hehe); the 2-mile walk to and from the start-finish from our hotel, no shuttles; the escalators on the strip were shut down so we had to take many stairs to cross streets; the unruly and congested start-finish areas; the poorly stocked aid stations (one woman was actually pouring mineral-tasting tap water from a jug into cups as runners came by; the aid stations were also littered with thousands of empty cups, tripping over those piles (arent there more volunteers?); the hourdes of walkers (for the love of God, please keep to the right and start at the back); the twists and turns down dark streets heading into Fremont (this is a Vegas night race, where the lights?); some sections were dangerous, narrow streets and turns; the lack of bands on the course; the food at the finish (green bananas? really?) Seattle RnR was nothing like this and was a much better event. Next time, Vegas may want to change up the route considerably (although I enjoyed the first 2 miles along the strip with the lights, the rest of it sucked). They may also want to start the race early, like every other race. I found it difficult waiting around all day, trying to stay away from a cold beer, before the dinner-time start. This is Vegas. I thought they'd put on an unbeatable race, but I left very disappointed. Positives? Great medal and nice shirt. The Cheap Trick show was also a good way to start.


G. M. from Vancouver, BC (12/12/2011)
"Pathetic" (about: 2011)

2 previous marathons

The level of stupidity shown by the RnR race organizers is beyond comprehension. How could they screw up so badly?! It is almost like they put this together the night before over one too many drinks. The major screw-ups were:

1. Massive crowding on the course. Impossible to run anywhere near a normal pace unless you were in the first few corrals. So many walkers blocking everyone.
Way too many 'race tourists' walking and taking pictures of themselves. This clearly was not a race.

2. Start line was chaos. Getting into your assigned corral was near impossible. No crowd control, no signage.

3. Corral numbers were useless and not enforced - hence many walkers starting before seasoned runners.

4. Gear check was way too far from the start line and almost no signage. Took 30mins to get there and back. Pick-up afterwards took 45mins waiting in line.

5. Water / Gatorade would have been nice! Aid stations were a total joke. The fastest few corrals probably were ok, but for 95% of the runners, there was either no liquids of any kind or no one staffing the aid stations. I NEVER saw any electrolyte drinks, (glad I wore a fuel belt).

6. How about some course mileage markers?! Yes I had my Garmin, but almost nothing on the course.

7. Finish line chaos. I actually had to slow down the last KM or so as it got so crowded. Upon reaching the finish line, we all came to a dead stop as there was so many people. No ability to walk or stretch.

8. Pathetic post-race food. Got my own Cytomax out of a box (no staffing) and passed on the green bananas and stale bagels. Had one power bar.

9. Horrible post-race atmosphere as most runners were either cold, sick, pissed off or all of the above.

10. Oh yeah....had severe stomach cramps after 40mins of running which ruined my pace. No clue whether it was the on course water but 100s of people had similar or worse stories to tell.

11. And washrooms would have been nice... I honestly think there were 20-30 port potties alone the course for 44,000 people!!! The lines were crazy long.

12. Insane crowding in the Mandalay Bay post race. It was the only area with heat and the only way to get to the gear check. A sea of humanity. Plenty of people sick and vomiting. Women using the Mens washroom as too sick to wait in line. Again, no signage anywhere.

13. Almost missed the start of the race as the 'free hotel shuttles' never arrived (at least for the 45mins we waited). Hailed a taxi instead and just made it for the start.

14. Many runners did not receive either race shirts or medals. They ran out. I can't even imagine not receiving a medal after enduring such a mess.

15. Finally, after a week of a zillion complaints, the Competitor Group still has not done anything to own up to their complete failure. A total classless organization.

Pros (very very few).

1. Running the strip at night was indeed very cool. Let someone else organize it from now on however.

2. The race shirt is pretty cool.

3. Great finisher medal. Glows in the dark! Being picky, but how about putting all Vegas landmarks on the medal instead of the Seattle Space Needle? (which was supposed to be the Stratosphere Tower). Just shows little attention to detail which was magnified throughout the entire race.

Overall, my first and LAST Rock 'n' Roll run. Will stick to the professionally organized runs in the future. Still cannot believe the level of stupidity of the race organizers.


T. d. from Central Coast of California (12/12/2011)
"What a mess.." (about: 2011)

2 previous marathons

So much confusion, runners were rude and water stations were just that, water. Was really expecting some electrolyes at some of the stations..water seemed to be somewhat scarce by the time 1/2 marathoners arrived..well at least for myself. I don't think I would ever run this again. I think we runners deserve 1/2 our entry fee returned..very expensive run. and a black shirt!!! really...did they not think that we runners use these to run in...white would have been a better me we can work on this together for future runs.


K. B. from El Segundo, CA (12/12/2011)
"Marathon course was a disaster!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathons

When the marathon course merged with the 1/2 marathon course, marathoners were forced behind 1/2 marathon walkers.

Out of the 41 marathons I have completed, this was the worst 2nd half of a marathon course I've ever experienced.

My advice: Stay away from this one until the race organizers fix their mess!


R. H. from Virginia, USA (12/12/2011)
"WORST MARATHON EVER" (about: 2011)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Run, don't walk, away from this race!! Everything everyone has said is true. Complete disregard for runner safety and experience, complete money grab. I can't say a single good thing about this race (other than the 4 pm start time). The worst was the tiny marathon lane that ended for much of the second half and the dodging that caused me to lose at least 15 minutes off my time and killed my IT band. WILL NEVER RUN ANOTHER ROCK AND ROLL RACE.


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