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Route 66 Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 254 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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M. G. from Oklahoma City (11/19/2007)
"Fun race, good course, and I set a PR!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

This was my 1st time running the Route 66 Marathon, and I really enjoyed it. The hills at the end are tough, but give the course character as well.

Constructive comments for next year's consideration:
1. Move the finisher's food tent closer to the actual finish line.
2. I finished in just under 4 hours (for the 1st time), and by the time I recovered for a few minutes and went for my post-race beer, it was gone. That seems a little quick (and I was disappointed because I had earned it).

Excellent race, though. Supported well throughout the course.

Rob Klein from Aurora, Colorado (11/19/2007)
"A Fun Marathon and an Awesome Medal!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

The race was well done. It was laid out well, and it was an enjoyable marathon. The hills at the end were tough for me, and I heard similar comments from a few others I spoke with. But it was fun looking at the nice homes in that neighborhood. Wow! The support stations were appropriately spaced out, and were well stocked and staffed. It worked out well. The staff and volunteers were quite friendly, and as helpful as they could be. That is part of the mind-set of people in the South, I think.

This is my 11th marathon, and is the first time I have seen the elapsed time at each mile marker. That was novel, although I am not much of a clock-watcher myself. My mind-set is 'If I finish the race, then I won'.

By the time I finished, they were only letting runners have one piece of pizza, and there were folks in there taking pizza who were not runners. That was unfortunate. Also, I could not find any bananas at the end, but it could have just been a timing issue.

This race organization did not allow packet pickup on race day morning. That makes it tough for out-of-staters, like me.

And finally about the medal: It was awesome! I am so very glad I came to Tulsa and ran in - and finished - this marathon. Grand Rapids and Denver had heavy-duty medals like Tulsa did, but this medal is far superior, and is (and will probably continue to be) my favortie! The Tulsa Marathon Staff did not spare anything on this one. For that I say a big 'Thank You!' And thanks for an overall fantastic marathon experience.

Harley Thomas from collinsville, OK (11/18/2007)
"2007 was awesome" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Route 66 Marathons

This was a great race that is world class among marathons. The weather was sooooo unlike the cold last year. It was cool at the start and was 65 degrees by the time I finished (3:56). Thanks and kudos to the amazing volunteers and organizers. I recommend this race highly. This year there were people from all 50 states and as far away as Italy.

J. M. from Kansas City, MO (11/18/2007)
"Great event!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons

What fun! The course was pretty and interesting, if a little tough at the end with the hills. I like the way the half starts an hour after the full, so there's less congestion at the beginning and then they combine for the last six miles. The organization was superb. Good expo, good pasta dinner and speaker, and great food at the finish line.

D. D. from texas (4/13/2007)
"GREAT SWEATERS" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

I liked the car show and fireworks the night before the race. I wear the sweater a lot and have had a lot of people ask about the race because of the sweater. I hope your race will be where my daughter will be able to race with her top-end wheelchair in 2007. She usually races with me. Thank you - keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!

SD Taylor from Tulsa, OK (3/1/2007)
"Awesome perks for running this race" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

The pasta party was awesome and elegant for a race event. The organizers did a great job and it was better than expected for a first-time event. The perks runners got for the race were awesome: sweatshirt, finisher shirt, and sandals from Spenco. I heard that they may not have the sandals for 2007 but I still think it's great to get two shirts out of the race. I also loved the poster they sold at their expo as a commemorative item, and I hope they do it again. The race course was scenic and there were times I wished more spectators were out on the course... but then again it was their first year. The mixture of both asphalt and concrete can be a bummer, but what marathon doesn't have that??? Overall it was a great race and I'm looking forward to the next one!

J. s. from US (12/16/2006)
"Concrete!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

Everthing was great except that half the course is run on concrete. This needs to be made VERY CLEAR in the course description.

J. M. from Northville, Michigan (12/5/2006)
"Excellent organization" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

This was my 55th marathon. I was extremely impressed with the organization - especially considering this was the inaugural event. I liked the size of the event - big enough but not too big. Some of the many positive aspects include: clocks at each mile mark; sweatshirt plus a quality finisher shirt for marathoners; plenty of water stations; the volunteers were very friendly; excellent pasta dinner; having the start and finish downtown; and plenty of free parking on the streets. Having the marathon the same weekend as the centennial kickoff celebrations provided a lot of extra activity to enjoy. Areas for possible improvement include: lack of crowd support; hills in the last few miles were tough; too much concrete pavement; and the long out-and-back stretch was boring. For a first-time event, it was excellent. I am glad I came to Tulsa to run it.

K. P. from Oklahoma (12/4/2006)
"Not disappointed at all with this run" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

What I liked:
The police support.
The crowd support at the start and at the intersection into and out of Jenks.
The finisher's tech shirt.
The diverse water stations.
The size of the race.

What I did not like:
The hills at the end - killer.
The short detour back east on Peoria before heading to the finish line - very much a bubble-buster.
Crowd support toward the end.
Christian radio station at the most difficult part of the run - don't need Jesus there; need something a little more exciting.

Overall, I enjoyed myself and was glad I ran in Tulsa.

L. B. from NE Texas (12/3/2006)
"Great Job on this Inaugural Marathon!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Route 66 Marathon

I thought the course was great, although hills at the end were not so good for me; and the headwind?! I wasn't aware that would be there. The aid stations were wonderful with encouraging volunteers. The crowd support was slim, but they did encourage us. I was expecting more music along the route, especially the last mile. If you advertise a course with music, it would be good to deliver. The police/traffic control was wonderful and so supportive as well. Great job for your first. I know it will only get better from here.

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