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Georgia Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 459 [displaying comments 391 to 401]
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S. M. from Atlanta, GA (3/26/2007)
"Great course, but lack of support ruined it" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

I was so excited to run this marathon! I love running in Atlanta and while hilly, the course is awesome. They need to get a corral system like Chicago so that people don't have to enter from the back and push through the crowds to the front; I had to listen to people laughing at the thought of a 5:30 marathon as they pushed ahead. Start was great, until I missed the first water station and couldn't get over by the time I realized it was there. The second water station was two tables with no cups and volunteers struggling to find something. Then there was no water again until we hit Decatur; several water stops were missing. None of them had PowerAde. I was extremely dehydrated and the water that I did get had been baking in the sun, which made it hard to get any kind of fuel down. Many water stops didn't have cups. If not for the awesome spectators setting up their own stations, I may have stopped before the finish. I was proud to cross the finish line, but frustrated that I could have done better with more support. And I have to mail my chip in, there was no one around to take that. (And I finished within the supported time). The last few miles left me crossing most streets on my own, though I was still well within the time limit. I want to see this marathon succeed; please, please support this better next year! It's one that I would run annually!


J. D. from Atlanta, GA (3/26/2007)
"Race filled with ups and downs" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons

The Ups
The course: Hilly but scenic...I trained on the course and never got tired of the your training on hills and you will be fine!

The spectators: Awesome - this was a case of quality over quantity....many of them stepped up to the plate with sponges...even food!

The Downs
Aid: Non-existent aid for those of us in the middle to back of pack. The race organizers announced over the PA at the start of the race for people planning to be on the course over 4 hours need to switch to drinking Powerade only....kind of hard when it wasn't even offered. For a race with a seven hour time limit...they should have been prepared for the slower masses.

Weather: Okay, I am a local and I know our weather is terribly unpredictable this time of year...BUT our 10 day forecast was calling for the temperature we got! It was a record high of 87 - our car read 91 in the sun at noon! Why on earth they didn't make 100% sure they were ready for the heat was beyond me! No water sprays...nothing...borderline reckless.

All that said...I will run the race again next year for I need to redeem myself. I am a 5 time marathon and Ironman Triathlon finisher and the race handed me my first ever DNF!! At mile 18 my legs cramped...I stopped extremely dizzy and resembled a salt lick...I was done.

Even with my humbling and heartbreaking experience...I would recommend the race to anyone. My advice....carry your own supplies ;)


P. G. from Kalamazoo, MI (3/26/2007)
"Very scenic but hilly course" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

This course was a bit of a surprise with all the hills. It was a real roller coaster. I'm used to training on hills and actually enjoy some during a marathon. However, the elevation chart provided on the ING Georgia marathon website is very difficult to find. The race organization needs to be upfront and state clearly to runners that this course is not for novices. Its a bit challenging. But overall, I was pleasantly surprised by all of the beautiful neighborhoods and mansions.

The second surprise and a biggie was that ING needs to learn how to provide H2O and sports beverages for runners, especially on a challenging course and on a very hot day. While a Race Director can not control the weather, they should have known a few days in advance that it was going to be very hot and that they would need ample water. Its a bit perplexing to me because ING sponsors New York, Miami, Amsterdam and several more and generally does a good job. How could they not have sufficient water stops (with tables on both sides of the street) and sufficient water and PowerAde? I heard runners complaining at about mile 8. The stations were too far apart (not 1-2 miles) and they ran out of vitally important hydration beverages. Also, what was very strange to me was that not only did they run out, they actually went out of they way to post numerous signs on the course that PowerAde and Publix water were right ahead. What false advertising! This was my 25th marathon and that has never happened (well maybe Paris). ING should know better. Hopefully, they will get this right in the future.

Besides that faux pas, people were very nice, Atlanta was a very clean city, The Aquarium was great and the tech shirt is one of the better ones I have received. Thank you!


S. G. from Atlanta, GA (3/26/2007)
"Great course, race organization subpar" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

I ran the Half Marathon, and really enjoyed the scenic and challenging route. Given the heat expected on race day, I was very disappointed to find no PowerAde, particularly towards the end of this race when it was most needed. Also, the number of water stations was inadequate and they ones that were set up were not well organized, too crowded with runners.

Given the number of runners, the race starting area should have been better marked, besides the one big banner at the actual starting line. Many people around me, including myself, were questioning whether we were in the right place to start the race, we were too far back to see the starting line banner.

Only saw one group of port-a-johns near the start, and the lines were too long to wait in, I ended up running the entire race with a semi-full bladder.

One last area that needs improvement is the packet pick-up. I waited for over an hour Friday to pick up my race packet. The line outside the Apparel Mart was ridiculously long with no one around to advise about wait time, etc. Once inside the building, I found the organization to be even less impressive. The line divisions by number were only marked behind the tables, and the lines were so long, no one knew which line matched the corresponding bib number group. Also, there appeared to be only two people at each number group, one pulling bibs, and the other pulling chips, making for a very slow process.

I realize this was an inagural event for Atlanta, but ING sponsors the same race in many other cities, so they are not inexperienced race organizers. They should seriously consider consulting or partnering with the Atlanta Track Club for help with next year's race.


S. R. from Atlanta (3/26/2007)
"Embarassment for city and running community" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

How does a race in a major city with major sponsorship make such basic and dangerous mistakes? With an inaugural race some 'kinks' always need to be ironed out but these errors were major and easily avoidable. Your local (volunteer) 5k race director could have avoided most of them.
There are two ways to put runners at high risk of major injury or death: poor control of the roads and inadequate hydration. The streets were well controlled by the local police authorities (they were outstanding). The water/Powerade situation was a disgrace but more importantly, extremely dangerous! Being the home of Coca Cola, this city should have had Powerade flowing down the streets. Here are a few of the errors: one-table water stops, missed water stops, no cups, no water, no sports drink, giving out gels with no water stop right behind it, no electroyte drink (or even Cokes) at the end of the race, and many more. With the thousands of articles written over the last 5 years regarding race hydration and hyponatremia, one would expect (especially when one pays good money) every race to be over-prepared in this aspect.

Some less important mistakes:
1. This is a convention city; get a bigger room for the expo. Don't make the number pick-up so crowded and annoying.
2. Separate the half marathoners at the beginning and do a better job of moving them to one side at the end.
3. Have mile markers for the half marathon (their lack is just bush league)
4. Have a group of volunteers near the bag pick up to answer questions and direct people. (sit them in high chairs like at Falcons' games)

Like the ING New York marathon, I think this race needs to partner with the local track club (ATC). I have no vested interest in the ATC but they seem to know how to put on a major/large race in this city.


C. B. from Madisonville , KY (3/26/2007)
"HOT, HUMID, ICE COLD COKE" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons

There is no way any race team can control the weather, so you should always plan for hot humid weather, like it was for us. The spectators were the best; they all had their dogs out, their water hoses out to give us refreshment, and their kids cheering. The neighborhoods were also beautiful. The volunteers who worked this marathon, the police, firefighters, were so friendly and helpful. One of the best parts was crossing the finish line and having an ice cold Coke. Any problems they will work out for next year. They really seemed to want this to be a good experience. The heat just made it hard to enjoy, but hey, I finished it.... One more state checked off my list.


S. J. from Atlanta, GA (3/26/2007)
"Pretty Course; Lacks Organization" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

This was my 2nd marathon and while I enjoyed running through the intown nice neighborhoods, it was obvious that there was a huge disconnect with the race director and her staff. Yes, I fell into the same category as some of the other runners; there was no PowerAde available and some water stations either didn't have water or they had run out of cups. I felt sorry for the volunteers at these stations, having to tell everyone that they were out. I too thought this would be a much higher caliber race and expected more at the expo. I feel for the race director, as all of the press coverage - including Atlanta's wonderfully political AJC - was pretty brutal on her. However, everything written was accurate, according to my experience. Ultimately I love Atlanta and will continue to support a great initiative such as bringing an ING marathon to our town. It can only get better from here.


P. D. from Atlanta, GA (3/26/2007)
"Good Race with a Few Glitches" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

The expo and the goodies were good (esp. the technical shirt). Overall, I enjoyed the half-marathon - great course, good crowd support. My 2 biggest complaints: 1. There didn't seem to be any PowerAde on the course despite references in the event materials and even signage on the course. Not sure if it was because I was in the back of the pack and they'd run out, but I definitely wished I had brought my own. 2. There was very little signage for the half. Even though I'm an Atlanta resident, and am familiar with the area, it was still a little disconcerting.


j. s. from atlanta, ga (3/26/2007)
"lots of hills/needs better organization" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Georgia Marathon

I ran the half marathon, which was very scenic and very hilly, going through several beautiful neighborhoods. As mentioned, there were no mile markers after mile 4!! This was the biggest problem for me, because oddly enough, I lucked out and there was water at most of the stations I went to. The end of the race was disorganized with no way to find your party such as a reunion area.

I guess they have a few kinks to work out but that would be expected in a new marathon. Live and learn.


S. S. from Columbus, Ohio (3/26/2007)
"Unorganized" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Georgia Marathon

When you see the signs that say powerade up ahead,you are kind of expecting it! Not only did the full marathon course have NO POWERADE anywhere to be found, I had to get my own water and they had no cups. I was trying to drink out of the gallon jugs that were just lyng on the side of the road. But I had to go 4 miles with no water and only signs promising water AND POWERADE up ahead to get there and have nothing at all. I was very dizzy from the heat and sweating and only had water, which did not help with any replacement that I needed from the hot temps. I almost quit at mile 21 due to the heat and lack of PowerAde. If it would not have been for the homeowners outside giving us drinks, I don't know what I would have done. Thanks to the homeowners of Atlanta. They deserve more credit than the race itself.

I got to the 20-mile marker at 5:22:42 and the chip pads for times were already gone.

The course was very hilly, which I know the race cannot help, but this made for slower pace for me. I got to the finish at 7:13:38, and the pads were already off and being picked up.

I don't have an official time and the race website has me as not finishing the race. Thanks, ING Atlanta.
Thank God for my Garmin device to give me my finish time.

The hills killed me, but I know that if I would have had some sort of replacement from PowerAde, maybe I would have not been dizzy and could have actually run and got in before the 7-hour cut-off.

I will never do another ING race if this same crew is organizing. They still hung a medal around my neck, so I finished, and that's good enough for me. The medical crew in the tents at the finish was awesome and thank God they were, because a lot of us came in in a bad state. Medical team: A+.


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