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Drake Well Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 39 [displaying comments 31 to 39]
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Dave McCorquodale from Wilmington, Delaware (8/10/2009)
"Beautiful and challenging" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Drake Well Marathon

In this first year of the road marathon, the race went off with only minor glitches. Cups at some of the (mostly early) water stops were extremely small and flimsy. Dane promised that would be rectified.

The course is challenging, especially the first seven miles, with two 300-foot climbs and another climb for good measure. The drops were just as extreme, to the point that I had to hold back rather than letting it go. Nevertheless, before the end of the marathon, both my quads and hamstrings were exhausted from these early efforts.

The course is quite pretty, with several early miles of gravel road in the climbs through wooded areas, about three miles running through Titusville, and about 16 miles out and back on a paved bike trail along Oil Creek (about 99% shaded).

The scenery is great, although it was hard to appreciate the creek with the humidity so high that it created fog in places.

The humidity made it difficult to feel like I was getting enough air, but this was apparently not the norm for the weather. On the plus side, the sky stayed covered with clouds, so the temperature rose no more than to 72 by 11:30.

If you go, the best place to eat, other than the pasta dinner, is the Blue Canoe Brewery. Sleeping accommodations are a problem.

There's a small Comfort Inn in Titusville and a golf resort about five miles out of town. Reserve those early. I tried about two months out and had to stay in the Arlington Hotel in Oil City, 15 miles away. That has a lot of rooms, but if you go, don't stay on the fourth floor. There is a ballroom on the fifth floor and a wedding party was playing pulsating music, culminating, unbelievably, in 10 minutes of FIREWORKS! Not so good for people attempting to rest and arise by five a.m.


M. C. from Titusville, PA (12/28/2006)
"Drake Well Marathon = Great time!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Drake Well Marathon

This was only my second marathon, and I must say that I really enjoyed it. Yes, a track can get a little boring. But as one person said, I'm one of about 20 people who can say I ran a marathon on one. One real benefit was that my recovery time was so much faster than when I ran the roads of Cleveland. My legs felt perfectly fine within 3 days due to the forgiving surface of a track designed for distance runners. And it was nice to be able to keep track of my pace.
The race organization and volunteers were superb! I loved the individually gift-wrapped aid boxes. They really added to the holiday spirit.

Even though it got colder as the race went on, I couldn't have asked for better weather for the location. I was breaking a path through snow on the track two weeks before the race, so I was pleasantly surprised by the mild temperatures.

The greatest part of the race was the support of the other runners. It was wonderful to be able to see the whole field during the entire race. How many people can say that about any race? There were no problems when people were passing each other or going to aid stations. And I can honestly say that I have never gotten so many encouraging comments from other runners during a race! Everyone was so nice, and you would hear cheers from around the track when a finisher was announced. As one of the last runners, I was surprised at how many people stuck around to cheer the other runners on or to run a lap or two with them. One runner was actually apologizing to me because he was freezing and had to leave before I finished. This was probably about an hour after his race had ended! And Dane was such a great cheerleader to everyone both during and after his race. In all, this was an experience that was not to be missed and in no way the worst course imaginable! If it is offered again, I would run it!


Julia Murray from Butler, PA (12/27/2006)
"This race was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Drake Well Marathon

Judging any race course is a very subjective thing, purely an opinion. So here goes. When Dane first conceived the idea of a Titusville marathon, he simply described it as "unique and challenging." He most certainly delivered. It was perfect for me. Family, friends and even the other runners were able to see the entire race and support all of the runners in a way that would be impossible with a point-to-point or an out-and-back course. Another runner commented that he had never before competed in AND witnessed someone win a marathon. My eight year-old daughter and two nieces were even allowed to run some laps (probably a dozen or so). They had a ball and everyone cheered them, too!

For a "small town" race, the amenities were wonderful. We were all treated like elites. Every runner had a personalized "Christmas wrapped" box on a table with everthing you needed to replenish yourself during the race. A DJ was set up by the track and the music never stopped - what a blessing. After the race, everyone received a fleece blanket and there was plenty of hot chocolate, pizza and homemade Christmas cookies to go around. My finisher's medal even had my name engraved on it. Definitely a nice touch.

Is a race like this for everyone? No. The great thing is that a group of 20 runners accepted the challenge of trying something truly different. Isn't that a big part of what running is all about? It is for me. Five stars all around!


Jim Roeder from Titusville, Pensylvania (12/27/2006)
"Race was a runner's dream" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Drake Well Marathon

I thoroughly enjoyed the 105.5 lap format of the Drake Well Marathon. It provided a DJ, aid station, time splits, and a port-o-john every quarter mile. What more could you ask for? The organization and pre-race meal and fellowship the night before was also great. Thanks for putting on a first-rate race in Titusville!


K. S. from Pittsburgh, PA (12/27/2006)
"AWESOME" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Drake Well Marathon

This race rocked! Very unconventional, but a unique and fun experience. Having had the chance to see the way 50 other races were run this year, Dane knew what he was doing. The race was ideal for setting a PR since it was flat and the official time clock was almost always visible. The amenities were awesome, and the DJ throughout the race and fleece blankets at the finish added a nice touch. I felt that the organizers made a great effort to make every runner feel special. There were several spectators who were very enthusiastic, plus the runners encouraged each other as well. I hope there is a second Drake Well Marathon, and I hope it's on the track. The only thing I would change is I will train for it next time. ;)


Theresa Lyon from Manassas, VA (12/26/2006)
"Drake Well Marathon = A Christmas Gift" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons

First of all, the race itself provided more fun and inspiration that I had imagined. Running nearly 106 laps around a high school track may sound "boring" or "odd" to those who don't "get it" but I found it intriguing. And the humor woven into "aid stations and a port-a-john every quarter mile" or "the finish line is always in sight" was greatly appreciated. Getting a chance to run "with" the leaders and those being lead - all the while running my own race - is priceless. You can't imagine how fulfilling that is. And to have the rest of my family there to watch and cheer, and two of my daughters (Catherine and Josephine) joining me on the track throughout the race (and they knew and understood what and who we were running for) - I was delighted and grateful, to say the least.

The race amenities were one-of-a-kind. I felt like an elite - my very own Gatorades and Gu, all gift-wrapped in a festive, personalized box. A small race in a small town, with first-class, high-roller treatment. The fruits of the race director's labor (and his family's) put the big-ticket races to shame. The cookies and finisher's treats were delicious (I would know!). The fleece blanket was great. The finishers' medals were awesome. And the race director's family is beautiful. I am humbled and honored to have been able to participate in this event. And last but not least, the pasta dinner was 5-star as well.


R. P. from Leeds, Alabama (12/25/2006)
"Small-town place; big-time race" (General Comments)

3 previous marathons | 1 Drake Well Marathon

I ran L.A. and Disney earlier this year, but this race was just as well organized and more friendly than either of those.

Dane was not only a great organizer and host but also an excellent cheerleader. The crowd of spectators was small but that only emphasized the uniqueness of the event. Running 105+ laps on a quarter-mile track originally sounded like a nightmare. Fortunately, the 21 runner-field was full of great people. As far as I know, I was the only one to almost hit someone with a water cup (again, sorry about that).

There were more water and food stations per mile than anywhere else (every 1/8 mile). The support was excellent. The post-race carb re-load of homemade muffins, pizza, and cookies was more than enough and more than expected. Hand-carved finisher's medals, fleece - not Mylar - blankets, no snow, no rain, no sunburn. What's not to like? Sure there were no conga drums or Disney characters, but you know, they weren't missed at all. The people were great, the music was great and appropriate runners songs went on all race.

Ultimately this was organized for a very special charity (L'Arch Mobile) and that should not be forgotten. Next year I will have run a race a few weeks earlier and will still be hobbled, but I will attempt to be available to volunteer.

Thank you to Dane, Dane's parents, Dane's family, Dane's coach, all of the volunteers, and all of my fellow runners for making this a time to remember.


M. Y. from Pittsburgh (12/25/2006)
"Great run for a great cause" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Drake Well Marathon

This is a very flat, fast course. Perfect for a PR. The race and pasta dinner were very well organized. The course itself was a bit boring, but I guess 105 laps around a high school track can only be so exciting. This race was more of a mental test than a physical one. The crowd support was great and you could hear the DJ from every point on the course. The best part, other than the charity aspect, is the fact that runners were never more than 1/8 of a mile from water and the finish line.


Larry Herman from Frederick, MD (12/24/2006)
"Great Experience... Great Charity... Part of Histo" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Drake Well Marathon

My view of the inaugural Drake Well Marathon:

Taking out the expected monotony of running 106 times across a timing mat on a quarter-mile track, this was a great race! That was my only minus on this day.

Race director Dane "Fiddy2" Rauschenberg did as spectacular a job setting things up as he did in his awesomew quest to run 52 official marathons in 52 weeks while working a full-time job. This was #51. Here are some observations....

Pasta dinner organized by Cowboy Jeff was fun. It is not often that almost every runner can sit at the same table and fellowship before a race. We were even treated to desserts homemade by Dane's mom, Barb!

Packet pickup and chip/number distribution 10 minutes before start time went smoothly, with Dane knowing everyone's number offhand (ex. "#2 - hey, where's Larry?").

The weather was perfect! Not a comment to take lightly considering where we were and that a few days earlier there were 18 inches of snow on the ground. The sun even came out for about 250 meters of the race (trust me, I'm sure it was 250 meters).

There were no corrals, no staggered start... heck, it was my only time lining up in the front with the elites. I was actually in the lead until sometime between G- and -O! Then Dane took over and went on to win.

We all had our own boxes filled with Gu, energy drink, bananas, and various other things supplied by Dane that were available every lap, thereby rendering an expo unnecessary.

Every QUARTER MILE, you could do any of the following: stare at the time clock to hone your pace I STILL went out too fast!), smile for the folks that took pictures seemingly every lap (someone must have 75 pictures of me), check in with the medic, throw away your top shirt or jacket, pick up and wear your top shirt or jacket again, get water (actually, there were places on either side of the track, so every EIGTH of a mile!), or use the porta-potty.

Speaking of porta potties... you'd think with only 23 runners, there would be enough. There was STILL a line just before the start! It just goes to show you there are never enough. Maybe next year we will all have our own personal toilet....

By the halfway mark, I knew everyone's footsteps, breathing sound, brand of shoe, the names of their relatives in the stands, etc.

There were a few cute doggies (and kids) that ran with us at various times.

Our laps were counted and timed with chips every time we went around. Every so often, the timer would announce the totals over a loud speaker. He would also update each runner personally on each trip around if you asked.

There was a great DJ who played all day to keep us from going insane. OK, from going more insane.

No time limit, no pressure, no sag wagon.

Great medals that were hand-made by Dane's dad and lots of other finisher's goodies!

Post-race food was plentiful and good.

Even though I finished last, I got to break a finsher's tape held up by the timing folks. It was perhaps my only chance at ever doing this, and I will always cherish that memory.

Being that Drake Well was the only marathon on the planet on December 23, 2006, I am excited to say that for one day, I was the "Slowest Marathoner in the World"!!!

I had a great time and am proud to support Dane and this wonderful charity.

Next year, Dane plans to take it off the track and into the beautiful counrtyside in and around Titusville, PA.

Keep it going, Dane! One to go!!!


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