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Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 417 [displaying comments 121 to 131]
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M. M. from Buxton, Maine (6/4/2008)
"Good course, lots of fun" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

RnR Marathon was very well run and lots of fun. Course was good, not as bad on the freeway as I had heard. It was very scenic, and had GREAT fans. San Diego is a great place to visit as well.

c. w. from Canada (6/4/2008)
"Well Done" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

TNT - although occasionally annoying, I respect their cause and effort; HOWEVER, the coaches need to stay out of the way. One coach ran out to join his runner in the finishing corral and almost collided with me. After 26.1 miles, please get out of the way.

Course - fantastic! I've heard some absurd complaints about the hills and road surface. Where are you people training? The 163 climbs 200 feet over 3 miles - that is not a hill worth worrying about, if you've ever run uphill in your life. I thought running up a major interstate freeway was one of the coolest parts of the course.

My main complaint is fruit punch Accelerade. That stuff is NASTY. Perhaps they could have 2 flavors to offer in the future? I ran with as much of my own drink as I could carry, but of course it was not enough.

K. G. from Temecula, CA (6/4/2008)
"This was fun... I'll be back next year!" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I had a blast and I'll be back next year. Can't believe I've lived here for so long and I've never run a marathon in my own backyard. Bands were great, spectators were great, start line was very organized. First half of the course was tough... I was excited to be able to run down the middle of the 163 freeway, but I didn't take into account that it's mostly uphill and there's a horrible slant on the road, both uphill and downhill. MCRD did a great job organizing the finish line/reunion area. I've never been able to sit down and relax in the grass after a marathon, so this was a huge plus. I had tons of fun and I'll be back again next year!!!

Arsiyanti Ardie from Venice, CA (6/4/2008)
"A 26.2-mile music, food, and fun extravaganza" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I have run beautiful destination marathons with generous time limits (Honolulu, Florence) and this was by far the most fun.

The course is lovely, encompassing the best of downtown, harbor, and suburban San Diego. Yes, there's some camber to the highway portion and uphill/downhill, but it's for just a few miles, and not egregious. I would call the course relatively flat. (In comparison, I would call California International Marathon "rolling.") Miles were perfectly marked, as was the course.

The bands were frequent as promised, terrific fun, and many of the runners were dressed up (shout out to the running Elvises!) or had funny slogans on their shirts. There were almost too many refreshment stations and the provisions were outstanding (also, many spectators provided food and drink). Upon finishing, you were given a cold towel and bottle of water, and then there were plentiful snack tables.

The organization was stellar, especially for a big race. Registration and packet pickup went very smoothly. The expo was huge and selection excellent (they needed to give out expo maps, though). The clothing check in, corral system, and being on time was great. The shuttles to the parking lot were great (certainly beat walking), and it was a brief (5-minute) wait for them.

The spectators were to die for. I can't believe how many San Diegans turned out for this event. There were large groups of cheerleaders every mile or so, and then spectators lining the whole course (even the highway overpasses), many of them offering snacks and libation along with encouragement.

J. M. from Collegeville, PA (6/4/2008)
"Great experience for my 1st marathon!" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

Easy packet pick up, great expo, and good organization at the start. The 163 is not that bad if you run the lower shoulder. Plan for the sun eventually coming out from behind the clouds. I didn't and got a nice sunburn. Remember your sunscreen! Great bands and crowd support! Really enjoyed the post-race concert in the evening.

a. p. from VA (6/3/2008)
"Disappointing" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I'll agree that the TNT runners had better race manners this year, but they are no better trained if they have to have coaches and mentors dashing on and off the course for them. Too many coaches crossed the course almost tripping runners - at the narrow turn around mile 23, a TNT coach on a cell phone almost sent runners to the hospital. Absolutely unforgivable to see coaches running back from the finish to run TNT runners in.

Outstanding organization, and the course was okay (I loved the 163 part). The T-shirt was designed to make you buy the RNR merchandise.

Bands were wonderful - especially the band at the finish. We stayed extra long to listen to them.
Which brings to mind a burning question: Why run a RNR race with your iPod?!

D. T. from NYC (6/3/2008)
"Awesome Race!" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I read a few comments about this race before I ran it and most of the negative comments were way off-base. The stretch of the race on the highway wasn't that bad. It was tough, but it's during the beginning of the race. The race is mostly flat after the highway. I highly recommend that runners run this race if you can. I made tracks from NYC to run and I am very happy I did. The spectators, bands, etc. were awesome. Also, San Diego is a great city to visit. Thanks.

P. K. from Southern California (6/3/2008)
"Unsure about another RNR San Diego Marathon" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy the entire Rock N Roll series of marathons and events. This was my first San Diego Marathon. I loved the scenery. There were as many spectators as there were at the Arizona Marathon. The main thing I was upset about was that they ran out of fluids to drink just at the 15K mark. To compromise for their lack of fluid replacement, they gave out plastic leis instead.

C. S. from So Cal (6/2/2008)
"The original is the best" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

The Arizona RnR Marathon was a big disappointment, so I was reluctant to spend $100+ on another marathon. After hearing the positive reviews on San Diego Rnr, I decided to enter. To put it simply, it was worth it. I've never before described a marathon as enjoyable, but this was the most enjoyable marathon I've ever run.

Chris Korn from San Diego, Ca (6/2/2008)
"Fantastic Race" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 3 Rock 'n' Roll Marathons

This is my third RnR Marathon. The support and fans along the course are just amazing. There is one residential street where the whole neighborhood is passing out orange slices. This is a great, great race. My only complaint is running north on the southbound Highway 163. The surface is rock hard and very funky. Luckily, it's in the first half of the race.

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