calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Mississippi Blues Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 260 [displaying comments 151 to 161]
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Dean Murphy from Jackson, Mississippi (1/13/2010)
"Can you say, "Brrrrrrrr!"" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

This is the second time I participated in the Mississippi Blues Marathon. In 2008 I ran the half, and this year, 2010, I ran the whole. I enjoyed it so much the first time that I could not wait to come back. The course was challenging, but beautiful. The volunteers were outstanding. Looking forward to doing this again in 2011; I hope the temp will be above freezing next year.


A. B. from Arkansas (1/13/2010)
"Great marathon experience" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons

What a great experience! Expo was small but well organized and very friendly. The goody bags were awesome: great t-shirt, engraved harmonica, and blues cd. There was even live blues playing at the expo. At the start there was a warm-up tent (since it was so cold) with live blues playing, which really got you ready to run. There seemed to be no porta-potties around, which was weird, but after the race we found some sort of hidden. They could have made these more visible or at least announced where they were. No one knew when we asked. Bag check was not made clear on the instructions, so maybe a little more info in this would help some.

The starting line was a little weird; I'm not sure if everyone knew which way we were heading as it started in the middle of a big intersection. Not a big deal at all since the race was fairly small anyway. The course was very hilly, but all in all, I loved it. For every uphill there was a downhill. Some great scenery of the city, especially the older estates. The volunteers were the best and most friendly of any race I have ever done. Great aid stations. Not a big deal for me, but my wife would have liked to see more porta-potties at the aid stations. Most just had one, which if there had been a line would have cost a lot of time. We ended up running into a Shell station along the route. The course gets hillier toward the end, but I still loved it. I was a little disappointed with the finish line; we took over 5 hours in finishing, but still... the announcer was saying nothing and crowd support had dwindled. It was 27 degrees, so anyone who stayed was awesome - not a big deal.

Post-race warm up tents had great food, including sandwiches, though I heard there was pizza earlier. Best part about this race was the people - both the volunteers and runners we met were some of the greatest people ever. All in all, I loved, loved, loved it. I'd do it again and would recommend this race to everyone.


M. D. from Oxford, MS (1/13/2010)
"Well organized race given the weather conditions" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons

Race (half marathon) was well done with a few exceptions. Having ice chips in the water is not a good thing for runners. I picked up my race packet after registering 6 weeks earlier and found only a t-shirt and race number. My racing compatriots had CD's, harmonica's and other amenities. That should be rectified. Music tent should have had heaters, as the blues were excellent but the environment frigid. Volunteers and support staff were excellent in their jobs and support. The hills and course was very challenging, and the road surface was poor. Had great empathy for those marathoners 2-6 hours out in the cold. Medals were nice, though the t-shirts could be upgraded for a race of this caliber (i.e., long-sleeve, tech material).


A. B. from Northern Virginia (1/12/2010)
"Awesome Support" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

The volunteers at this event were top notch. It was like having a big Mississippi welcome mat, with each supporter thanking the runners for running. Such hospitality! There was plenty of aid, from water/Gatorade to power gel (or was it GU?). The hills were no surprise - they were clearly indicated on the elevation chart - but were a bummer nonetheless. The cold was a real challenge.


Neil Mandel from CT, USA (1/12/2010)
"True Southern Hospitality" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

The warmth of the spectators and volunteers more than compensated for the frigid temperatures on the day of the race. Coming from New England, I never expected it to be colder in Jackson than it was in CT, but it was. Despite that, the spectators and volunteers cheerfully came out to cheer us on, man the water stations, and direct traffic. The course was hilly, but none of the hills were long or particularly steep (more just rolling). My only complaint is that there were no clocks along the course to check the time (even at the halfway point). Unfortunately, the cold prevented most of the bands from coming out, so that was disappointing... but we can't control Mother Nature. The event was well organized and parking just 2 blocks from the start was a cinch (which was nice when it's 17 degrees and I could wait in the car until 5 minutes before the start).


Cassy Russell from Tulsa, OK (1/12/2010)
"Super friendly volunteers and pretty course" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

The volunteers and police officers were the friendliest I've ever encountered!! I could have done without the out-and-back along the highway, but the rest of the course was pretty, though hilly. Loved running through the neighborhoods. No yellow vest in my packet. Thank you, Jackson, for a wonderful race!


William Tichenor from Dallas Texas (1/12/2010)
"What great organization!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

What excellent organization given the extreme weather conditions! Great support and very friendly. Difficult hills, but I broke four hours.


M. B. from Tennessee (1/12/2010)
"Great Race" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons

I honestly considered dropping out due to the temp because I had never run a race when it was that cold. I am so glad that I didn't. I've only done 6 half marathons, but this was by far one of the best races I have done.

The course was a little more challenging than I thought it would be, but so what? I know how to train for next year.

The organizers and volunteers are to be commended. The hospitality, accommodations, volunteers on the route, traffic, residents on the route coming out of their houses to cheer you on - all just made for a well "put together" event. Top notch!!!!

Thanks, Jackson....


Peter Boysen from Dallas, Texas (1/12/2010)
"Wonderful from Start to Finish" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

You won't PR here. Hills roll from mile 4-9, and then again from 14 until the end, and the three or four big hills on Old Canton Road and State Street in the last three miles are huge challenges (at least they were for me).

However, you will be pleasantly surprised by the beauty of Jackson, especially running by Belhaven College and in the neighborhood north of Lakeland Drive, and the start/finish area by the old State Capitol is fun.

Great post-race food (hot food really came in handy after a whole marathon under 25 degrees), and a GREAT Saturday night trolley for runners, carrying us around to several blues venues.

Outstanding volunteers  smiling and thanking us for coming out, standing out there in the freezing cold -  at least we got to run and stay "warm."

I am working my way through the 50 states, so I won't be back here for a while, but it's an extremely well-run race from expo to post-race party, and I would highly recommend this whether you need a race to cross off Mississippi or you're just looking for a mid-winter challenge.


D. W. from Memphis, Tennessee (1/12/2010)
"COLD & Hilly" (about: 2010)

3 previous marathons | 1 Mississippi Blues Marathon

At race start, it was 18 degrees with a "feels like" temperature of 12. I think it may have actually gotten colder during the race rather than warmer. This was my 3rd half marathon and definitely the most miserable weather. I don't think that is typical of Jackson, Mississippi though.

The race organization was phenomenal!! At one point in the race, there was a fairly large-sized water run-off (coming from maybe a busted pipe or something) that had frozen. It had been salted and there were race organizers before the ice letting you know it was coming up, and on each side of the ice patch pointing and making sure everyone got across the path safe. They were also amazing at pointing out ice patches at water/aid stations from people throwing half full cups on the road.

All in all, a great race... even if I did freeze!!


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