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Providence Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.9 
Number of comments: 169 [displaying comments 151 to 161]
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K. C. from Boston, MA (5/7/2008)
"Providence deserves better" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Providence Marathon

I ran the half marathon, and the race itself was a major disappointment. The race could not control the weather, but other aspects were poorly planned. I was rudely kicked out of a building at Johnson and Wales, and sent outside in the rain where there were only 15 portable toilets for far too many runners. Some of the water stops did not have any water, and there were not enough water stops to make up for that. There were several intersections that needed better traffic control - a car taking a left-hand turn across the course is far too dangerous. The course itself provided a good way to see the city, but did it have to include two strip clubs? In short, I won't be back. It's a shame that a city such as Providence, which has come so far, does not have a first-class running event.


k. D. from RI (5/7/2008)
"room for improvement" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Providence Marathon

This was my 15th marathon and I've done some very large (5 Boston's) and some small. Overall, it was a nice race, and the fans I came across were very supportive and helpful. I do have one complaint: if Johnson and Wales wanted to sponsor, they should have been prepared for the weather and allowed access to the buildings. I arrived early and was abruptly thrown out of a building. (The security guard was not only abrupt, but downright rude - even going into the women's room to tell runners to "get out.") Instead we had to stand in the rain for 45 minutes until the race started. I suggest that if they sponsor next year, they be prepared to be more welcoming. That experience just left a bad impression of Johnson and Wales University.


N. P. from RI (5/7/2008)
"Lots of potential" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Providence Marathon

For an inaugural race, this was a very good race. The organizers obviously could not do anything about the rain or the humidity that followed.

Some clear positives:
*Contact from the race directors was frequent via email. Good website.
*Pickup on Saturday ran smoothly
*Spectators weren't that numerous, but I have never depended on them and those that came out were enthusiastic
*I knew most of the course, which was very relaxing
*Plenty of water stops
*Some very nice stretches and a great finish downtown

A few suggestions:
*Starting late was not cool, especially because I had told friends to expect me at certain times along the course.
*Was there any food at the finish line? I finished under 4 hours and didn't see any.
*The section in East Providence was really, really long and not that scenic. This could definitely be improved.
*The medal was cool. I think it would be even cooler if every year, the organizers picked a different image (i.e., Federal Hill, Brown, etc.) so that runners could "collect them all."

I would run this race again, and I think it has the potential to be a very strong marathon for Rhode Island.


J. B. from MA (5/7/2008)
"Well-run for first time" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Providence Marathon

This was my first Half Marathon, but I have run many races in the past. To address another comment: Yes, we were kicked out of the buildings at the beginning of the race and there was an immense lack of restrooms. The building issue has to do more with the host-site, Johnson & Wales Univ, but I do blame the lack of port-o-johns on the race directors.

It was pouring so there was a necessity to change indoors, and to a certain extent, we weren't given that opportunity. The race did start 10 minutes late, but it was not a big deal. There was a fair amount of spectators for such a dreary day (chilly if youre just standing there), although the rain did subside about 10 minutes after the start.

The course was well-designed, although the finish was nowhere near the start, so you needed to check your bag at the start and it was shuttled to the finish for you. That went smoothly. There was no parking at the start line, so they urged you to park downtown (near the finish) and they provided shuttles to the start, which again ran smoothly; they provided approximately 1,000 free spaces downtown.

As for the course, there was one hairpin turn which I thought wasn't necessary; they could have moved the start back or the finish up to eliminate that. There were plenty of water stops, seemingly every couple of miles or so. Every mile was CLEARLY marked by a large sign and paint on the pavement. The hydration given at the end was so-so. They had very small (10 oz maybe?) bottles of water that they were giving out at the end, and I had to take 2. They were giving out 16 oz Gatorade too, but some waves of finishers received them, and some didn't (I don't know why). So when my wave finished and I found out they were giving those out, I had to jump back and get them.

Overall, a few minor things went wrong -one major (bathroom issue)- but it went very well considering it was the first year running it.


M. S. from Rhode Island (5/7/2008)
"Good inaugural race" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Providence Marathon

I ran the half, and I thought that overall the race was pretty well-organized, for a first-time race. Problems: not enough bathrooms at the start, and most of the runners didn't even realize there were porta-potties at the start line, so we were going into J&W campus buildings, and rudely getting kicked out. Course was good, but very hilly and challenging. It would be nice if the first two miles weren't through one of the ugliest parts of the city, but the rest of the course showed off some very nice parts of Providence. I thought spectators were great, and especially given the lousy weather, was impressed with how many people showed up to cheer runners on. Bag pickup at finish was a bit chaotic, and could be run better, but a volunteer who saw I was having trouble quickly stepped in and helped me. Volunteers were great throughout the race, although I did hear that some water stops ran out of water. A few tweaks to be made for next year, but I would definitely run this race again.


Roger Marquis from Old Town Maine (5/6/2008)
"Providence Marathon - Nice Job" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons

I've run 10 marathons in 2006, 15 in 2007, and four already in 2008, for a total of 29 in the past 2-plus years. I would rank this race in the middle of the pack of marathons that I have completed. This may not sound like a resounding voice of approval, but I really have nothing bad to say about this race. It did not wow me as much as some other races. The organizational team did fine in their first year with this marathon. The course, fan and spectators were about the same as any other small to mid-size marathon. The water stations were well stocked, and the volunteers and participants I met in the Providence area were extremely nice. I think this race will get even better with age.

I think that, beyond anything that I may have written, the finest compliment I can give this race is that I will run this it again in 2009, and I will recommend it to others.


J. W. from Ithaca, NY (5/6/2008)
"Hilly course; very well done for the first year" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I was impressed at how well-organized things were for a first-time marathon. Despite only 600 or so signing up for the marathon, I thought traffic control was very good, the course guides were very good, the water stops were well-staffed and well-stocked, and the fans were great. The course was a little hilly, but not bad at all and it went through some nice neighborhoods and along the bay. Registration was easy and getting to the start line was no problem.
A few small complaints: 1) the woman who could not remember the words to the National Anthem (the runners picked up where she left off and finished the song for her- very funny). 2) a 3.2 mile stretch without water (from 16.5 to 19.7) was a bit too long without water at that point in the race, 3) the medals were a little too rinky-dink, 4) race day was cold and rainy, but the Johnson and Wales security kicked us out of the buildings before the race.

Finishing through downtown Providence was nice, though the cobblestone streets were rough on the feet! I would run this race again; I expect it will get bigger as word gets around.


J. W. from Florida (5/6/2008)
"Well run inaugural race" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Providence Marathon

I flew up from FL to do this marathon since I have friends and family in the area. Since it was the first year and the weather was horrible I really didn't know what to expect. I have to say that RI people are awesome! There were so many fans and volunteers out even though it was cold and rainy. I give the spectators 5 stars just for the fact that they were out in such yucky weather. Since it was such a small field I almost felt famous because people were yelling my number as I passed by. The race was really well run. I guess some people might complain that they moved us from one building to the next and then outside in the rain to wait for the start, but at least we got to wait inside for a while and use regular bathrooms. It was a tough course for me since it was really hilly, but I ended up getting my best time by far. The last 2 miles or so are downhill - I think that helps. Also, the cops were great about directing traffic away from the race. It seems that the race directors put a lot of thought into the race and I hope to see more people running it next year. Good job.


J. O. from United States (5/6/2008)
"Wonderful first marathon experience!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Providence Marathon

What a great race! Although this was my first marathon, I have done several races before this, and I have to say this was one of the most organized. Never once from the moment I signed up to the end of the race did I ever feel lost (except for driving around Providence, but that changed by the end of my stay). I always felt well- informed and confident. Being my first full marathon, I was pretty tense and nervous, so having everything run smoothly was a big part of keeping this race stress-free. The many volunteers and police also did such a WONDERFUL job of keeping us safe, on-course, and well-hydrated (the placement of the many aid stations were perfect). Cox did a wonderful job.


J. B. from Boston, MA (5/5/2008)
"More Water Please!!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Providence Marathon

I ran the half-marathon, and could not believe the lack of everything. We were kicked out of 2 buildings at the start in the pouring rain, there were NOT enough port-o-johns at the start, there was NO WATER a miles 4 and 6, there was hardly any Gatorade, and some of the volunteers didn't know what the heck was going on. I know it was the first-time this was run, but you really need to address and fix these problems if you want anyone else to run this next year. No spectators - I'm assuming it was due to the weather - and I almost was run over by an upset driver, due to a HUGE lack of police/traffic control presence.


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