calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Cleveland Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.3 
Number of comments: 299 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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M. H. from Highland Heights, KY (5/25/2006)
"Average marathon - couldn't get any WINDIER" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cleveland Marathon

I am giving this course a 2 stars because when we turned the corner at mile 19 the WIND was 25-32 MPH! WOW. I don't know if this is lake effect, or what, and I realize the race folks can't control the weather, BUT... I have a feeling it is like this more often than not and could be minimized by using a different course layout. Weather ran the gamut... cold, rainy, drizzly, sunny, and then enormous wind for the last 7 miles.

This is not a flat course. There is even a hill at mile 23. They do say that this course is hillier than the old one, but just be aware. It also seemed like a couple of mile markers were off early on, too. Generally, not one of my favorite courses. Oh, and they need more port-o-potties. PowerAde was served, but it was never the same at each station... and a couple had stuff floating in it. Possibly due to the wind.

For a Cleveland "Rocks & Runs" Marathon, I would expect there to be some support and MUSIC, but basically there was none. I wouldn't tout the marathon (and put a guitar on the medal) as that if they don't have any music. Not that I need music - I've done plenty without it.

There was basically no crowd support, if you need that sort of thing (can't much blame them, due to the weather). The best part for me were the pacers. I ran with two throughout the race, and they were great.

They also had food at the finish line for us back-of-the-packers.... That is mainly why I gave Organization a 4. Some marathons forget those of us who are out there for more than 4 hours. The medal is nice. Tech shirt is nice (though a little thin) for something different.

This is just an "average" marathon, at best, in my mind (I've done far better ones in my 16 total), and one I will not likely repeat mainly because of the wind. It was basically pushing us backwards, and made it an extremely slow (grueling) 7 miles to the finish.


M. A. from Cleveland (5/24/2006)
"well organized, good bang for your money" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Cleveland Marathons

Interesting course, especially the first half; enthusiastic volunteers, lots of runner support, nice shirt this year; are Hostess Twinkies really a good post-race food?


G. H. from Upstate NY (5/23/2006)
"First-time marathoner" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cleveland Marathon

Well, this was my first marathon. My legs are still sore, but I feel great for having completed it. The course was alright. Loved the view of the city we got. Loved the rain and the wind (made the stories a little better). I felt the "goodie bag" that we got at the expo was weak. I would have loved to have a cup or something that says "Cleveland Marathon" on it... but alas that didn't happen. Could have used more porta-potties. The people handing out drinks need to learn to yell out what they have (water or powerade) and also to hold the gels out and not leave them on the table. All in all I am very happy I did it. My only complaints are that we didn't seem to get too much for the money we spent. The post-race festivities needed a lot of help. They shouldn't have all the food right after you finish because all I wanted to do was walk out and relax and then they won't even let you back in! For the first-timers I would recommend something better organized... but I may do this one again.


M. S. from Ohio (5/23/2006)
"Disappointed" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cleveland Marathon

This was my 12th marathon and first in Cleveland. I thought the organization was a bit weak. The expo was too cramped and EXTREMELY difficult to get in and out of the airport due to traffic jams. There were 2 water stops that were undermanned and had nothing available when I passed - just a couple people dipping cups in the PowerAde cooler as people waited in line for a drink. The bag drop at the start was not where it was supposed to be (9th and St. Clair) according to the information. I never did find it. I ended up leaving my bag on the side of the road at the start. Course is not bad, but the circling around the city streets at the end was pretty weak. Crowds were sparse. I love Cleveland, but will not be back for the marathon. Least favorite of 12 I have run. Sorry Cleveland.


David Trevino from Arlington, VA- (5/23/2006)
"Cleveland does Rock!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cleveland Marathon

My first time in Cleveland, OH, and I have to say that it was one of my best times ever. Not only did I enjoy the city of Cleveland, but I also experienced a new PR. From the Expo to running the marathon, everything was 1st class. The support by the volunteers, and those who came out to cheer on the runners, was also 1st class. I highly recommend this race to anyone, and this is one event that I know I will return for. The City of Cleveland, OH, is a great area.


J. H. from Wadsworth, Ohio (5/23/2006)
"First Marathon, had a great experience" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cleveland Marathon

My first marathon, and enjoyed it thouroghly. The marathon gets a bad rap for lack of fan support,but because of the route there were only certain places fans could congregate. Where they could the fans were very supportive and knowledgable. My only critique was with the course elevation map online. It appeared the miles 20-25 were downhill, when in reality it was a significant uphill grade. I would have run miles 13-18 differently had I known. Overall very well run. The kids race was extremely well done. My goal was under 4 hours which was easily met.


S. T. from United States (5/23/2006)
"Not sure if we'll be back again....." (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 6+ Cleveland Marathons

For this race to be known for its 10K, which gives the highest purse of the weekend to the winner, it was really a shame that no medals were given to the finishers of the 10K as they have in past. Plus for the 10K runners to leave after their run, you might as well forget it. The parking in the city is encircled by the marathon course with basically no way out. The expo, gosh can they find a smaller place to have it? I think of the last 8 years of running it, the expo location was the worst this year.


M. F. from Butler, PA (5/22/2006)
"Not worth it" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 2 Cleveland Marathons

I ran this marathon in 2003 and finished in 3:35. This time it took me over four hours. Part of the problem was that I was trying to just pace in a slower runner, but the main problem is some idiot changed the course and miles 15-22 were run in a 20- to 30-mile an hour headwind off of Lake Erie! Unless you can promise yourself a pleasant day you are going to get buffeted by the weather. Other gripes are for the lack of crowd support, lack of port-o-johns (I saw lines of six people on the course), and no Mylar blankets at the finish lines for the runners who crossed the finish line in the 50-degree weather and were freezing/chilled. On a good note, the medal is very nice, but not worth it for what you have to go through. The only good thing is I got to urinate on Cleveland Brown Stadium, and for any Steeler fan that is a dream come true.


P. H. from Columbus, Ohio (5/22/2006)
"Nice Course - Organization needs improvement" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cleveland Marathon

I ran the half.

Overall a very nice course. I enjoyed running by the lake and through the residential areas.

There were not enough porta-johns, and the water points were too few and far between. Not enough people staffing them either, to be fair the weather might have chased them away (cold and raining for first 45 minutes of race).

The expo was poorly organized. It was crowded and getting in and out of the parking lot was a nightmare.

I'll be back next year.


T. K. from Broadview Hts., Oh. (5/22/2006)
"Excellent marathon for a first-timer" (about: 2006)

First Marathon

Despite the ungodly wind around mile #19, this was a terrific race. The water spots were well-manned and the directions out on the course were great. Traffic control was excellent and the crowds, although relatively light, were upbeat and enthusiatic. I'll be back next year!


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