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Air Force Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 344 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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Eddie Hahn from Rancho Cucamonga, CA (9/22/2007)
"Very Well Organized" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

I arrived just as the expo was closing down, so I can't comment on the quality of the vendors at the pre-race packet pick-up.

The circular geometry of the inside of the building made it more practical. (This is easier than trying to figure out "what row something is on," as with most expos.)

I do agree that the 5K finish site's near the expo created additional vehicle congestion; though I found a parking spot with relative ease.

Conversely, the pasta dinner was not co-located. This is somewhat inconvenient. (A map to its location was provided.)

The dinner was very expensive at $20, but there were no portion restrictions, and I felt the quality, volume, and variety made it worth the price.

The pasta dinner spokesperson(s) included famous "Duel in the Sun" marathoner Dick Beardsley, his coach (Billy Squires), and Wright-Patterson AFB officer/event staff. The setting in the museum/aircraft with the giant C-5 Galaxy and other planes is one of the most unusual I have ever experienced.

Based on previous accounts, I expected to see a course that was dry, brown, and devoid of vegetation.

I found the course to be quite green, with a fair variety of trees.

I very much enjoyed the section of the course where we exited the base, just before the 10-mile turnaround point.

We ran past a quaint, rustic walk in a brick movie theater. Its marquee stated, "Welcome Wright-Pat AFB Marathon Runners." A great example of a community getting behind an event!

All of the aid stations had very enthusiastic volunteers, were well placed, and well stocked.

It was windy and cool, perfect for a marathon (though in retrospect, coming from Southern California, I would have worn a long-sleeve shirt).

The longest "hill" at 23 miles, is probably a quarter mile long moderate grade.

The cotton t-shirt is long-sleeve, with a nice plane logo/emblem on the back and "United States Air Force" on the right sleeve. An Air Force Brigadier General awarded me a giant finisher's medal commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Air Force.

The finish line pizza and other refreshments complemented the coffee, oranges, bananas and PowerBars given at the start.

A great event. I highly recommend participation.


L. P. from Plainfield, IN (9/22/2007)
"Not for First-Timers" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Air Force Marathon

This race was very well organized, except for the parking. Absolutely ridiculous getting out of the parking lot. They need more exits. Also a suggestion: do not allow anyone to enter the museum area; exit only after the marathon.

The course was great, except for miles 11-19. This was my first marathon, and it was very hard with so little crowd support! The hill at the end was a killer, but all in all, a good experience. I'm glad I got one under my belt!


L. E. from Columbus, OH (9/20/2007)
"Great race, but parking needs help." (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

This was my first Air Force Marathon and I had a great time running the race. I joined a pace group which kept me motivated and allowed me to finish very strong. The expo was mediocre with parking/traffic issues. Parking on the base was also a problem. While we arrived an hour or more early, it took 30 minutes to get in and 45 minutes to an hour to get out. Maybe assigned gates would help disperse the traffic coming in and out. The medal is biggest I have received so far. I would definitely do the race again.


L. T. from Ohio (9/20/2007)
"First Time for the 5K" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Air Force Marathon

I enjoyed the WSU campus - it was beautiful, especially at this time of year.

The organization was good overall, though there were some parking issues on Friday night with the 5K racers meeting at the same place where the expo was being held. Plus, the traffic getting there at 5:00 p.m. on a Friday night was horrendous.

I was surprised and somewhat disappointed that there were not more spectators along the open course. The ones at the aid station were not very enthusiastic.


T. H. from Beavercreek, OH (9/19/2007)
"Race was good, traffic was unacceptable" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Air Force Marathons

I ran the half, and left my house, which is 5 miles away, at 6:30 a.m. I was not able to park until 7:30 a.m. That is a joke! I saw lots of people bailing out of their cars to run the mile or two to the start line just to start the marathon more or less on time. I left 1:45 before my race started, and I had to hustle a bit to warm up, use the restroom, etc. That is totally unacceptable. To get home, it took me another 30 minutes just to get out of the museum area; then I couldn't turn left, and had to drive a bit before turning around. It literally took me about as long to drive 5 miles there and back as it took me to run the race. Being on base, the spectators are few and far between, although the course itself is nice, and the aid stations were great. I also thought the mile markers were off a bit.


Gara Schommer from Indianapolis Indiana (9/19/2007)
"Very classy, peaceful run" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

Very friendly people helping before, during, and after the race. Great weather. The mile markers and water stops were about every mile so you never had to wonder if you could make it to the next stop. Very quiet route. From mile 11-25 there aren't any people around except at the stations. Neat pirate theme in the pirate county. Walking the museum afterwards with my family kept me from getting stiff. Great first marathon. More hills than my friend Chris and I trained for, but it didn't make much of a difference because we made our goals anyway. We had fun!


C. N. from St Louis (9/19/2007)
"Challenging Race - Awesome Finisher's Medal" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon


Pro's: Finisher's medal, water and Gatorade stops almost every mile; organization; track worker support.

Con's: Too many walkers blocking the course in the last 6 miles or so - why not start them later when runners are slower paced, not in the high 2's and low 3's? Not much of a crowd - bring some tunes.

I would recommend it, and did get a PR - despite the hills.


C. H. from Louisville, KY (9/18/2007)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

This was the most well organized marathon I have run. Plenty of water stops and all were well manned. The course is difficult with the hills at the end, but everyone is very supportive along the course (where they are allowed). I would have liked a technical shirt, but the shirts are nice, long-sleeved, cotton shirts and the medals are the best I've seen. Overall, a great run, and I would do it again.


K. S. from USA (9/18/2007)
"okay" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

I didn't have any problem with getting to the base, as we left bright and early to ensure we didn't have a problem. However, the expo was a mess. Coming in from out of town combined with the 5K going on made trying to park at the Nutter Center a hassle as well as trying to find it. Additionally, there was not enough room to be able to move around, as the expo booths were in the hall.

The race was well organized. The course was okay. Ample port-o-potties, well manned aid stations, lots of volunteers. However, the mats for the chip times were off for mile 12. We had already passed the half-marathon point when it chipped us for mile 12, making the split times meaningless. Additionally, having the chip mats in the exchange zones for the relay zone was a bit confusing. The finish is excellent, medal is excellent, and it was very special to be awarded my medal by a general. I also very much appreciated being able to take a shower at the gym.


B. G. from Lancaster, Kentucky (9/18/2007)
"Mediocre race" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

- Great support at hydration stations.
- Beautiful scenery.
- Course was fairly flat with 4 hills.

- Poor organization at the expo; the 5K race was taking place in the same location as the expo, which made traffic horrendous. Not enough signs.
- Traffic and parking at race start was poorly organized.
- Had to wait in traffic for 30 minutes leaving race and I was one of the first to finish the marathon.
- Hardly any spectators.
- No free beer.


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