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Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 261 to 271]
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S. K. from Houston, TX (10/29/2008)
"A Marathon You Must Do... Once" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

It is a one-of-a-kind course that practically demands that you do it, and it would be truly great if it had about half as many people running the race.

Most of the race's problems stem from having more racers than their course can handle. I'm a regular at the back of the pack and I've never had a race where I was dodging other racers as constantly as this race. And the huge number of racers has turned the finish area into a real mess. Someone commented about the shuttles to Crystal City; they still haven't fixed that.

Spectators are solid at the beginning and at the end and surprisingly sparse in lots of other areas.

I'm really glad I did it and I do recommend that everyone do it. But I don't see a need to do it again.


D. H. from Arlington, Virginia (10/29/2008)
"Great Marathon, but the course could improve" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was my first marathon and overall I had a great experience. The crowds and volunteers were great.

One piece of constructive criticism is the portion of the course that runs through Crystal City. It was frustrating to run in the opposite direction of runners that were ahead of me and see the BACK of mile markers as I ran by. It would be better for the runners (but maybe not better for the Business Improvement District) if the course separated those runners coming into Crystal City and those coming out. This was especially daunting at miles 22-23 of the race.

Thanks to the fans, volunteers and, of course, the United States Marine Corp (both for putting on a great race and for their service to our country).


N. M. from Chicago (10/29/2008)
"Back of the pack: Don't pass MCM up" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Overall great experience.

Beautiful course. Few hills in beginning and end, but not as bad as the they appear on the chart. There are many comments about the course being too narrow for so many runners, but I ran 5:30, it was not a problem for me. There were only a few crowded spots, but nothing major. Marines at water stops and volunteering all throughout the course gave it a special feel.

Only cons:
Transportation to the start involved a super long line. It moved fast, but it still took about hour and a half to move through it and then get to the start. Plan to be at the shuttle at 5 a.m. if you want to make it to the start on time and not feel rushed. It's a half-mile walk from the shuttle drop off to the start. The shuttle at the end again had super long lines. And the post-race concert needs to be later; people were still running up to 7 hours after the start, then had to recover and get in the shuttle back to Crystal City. Many of us missed the concert. It would be nice if it was at night (7 p.m.-ish concert). That would leave time to shower and get to Crystal City and mingle with others. Otherwise, they should move the post-race concert to the finish area.

But overall, this was a great race, with great support, organization, expo and experience - a must-do, and I would do it again.


Sid Busch from Goose Creek SC (10/29/2008)
"A MUST-RUN MARATHON" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Marine Corps Marathons

This was my ninth MCM, and they have all been fantastic. The course is great, the marines are the best, and the finish gives you goosebumps. SEMPIR FI from this retired Senior Chief Petty Officer.


T. F. from Orlando, FL (10/29/2008)
"Fabulous support from marines and spectators" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

I was amazed and humbled by the overwhelming support from our military as well as the spectators. This was also one of the most organized large runs I have seen. Nice bling too! The only challenge is getting back to the hotel. Metro and shuttles were jammed. It's the price you pay for a stellar event.


C. W. from Barre, Vermont (10/29/2008)
"Phenomenal race but do your research." (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

What an unbelievable race and weekend.

Sure, you have to get there a little early to avoid the crush of participants and spectators arriving at the start. You know that there are going to be 25,000+ running beforehand, so you are warned well in advance. It was a beautiful cool morning with the moon over the Pentagon and the sun rising over the city. What more can you ask for? I'll take a cool start to the race any day!

Sure the streets were congested. You signed up for a race with 25,000+ runners. What did you expect?
Sure the finish area is crowded. Did I mention the 25,000+?

Come on people. Do a little research beforehand and save yourself the headaches. Metro started at 5:00 a.m. Use it. You knew the race would be really congested for 8-9 miles. The info was out there. You knew where the water stops would be. MCM provided you with a map with all of their locations. You knew the finish area would be totally packed and pretty disorganized. People have complained for years. You knew that the Rossyln Metro would have a 2-hour wait. You could have walked up the hill a few blocks and hopped on at Courthouse Plaza and had no wait at all.

People spend so much time preparing for the run that they forget to prepare for everything else. If you didn't know in advance about the many issues with the race, it's your own fault. All I can say is: great job, marines. This was an incredible race and experience. I'll be back again next year!


S. M. from Philadelphia, PA (10/29/2008)
"Great first marathon" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was my first marathon and came highly recommended by another first-time marathoner (and also from another experienced marathoner). I couldn't have agreed more.

The Good:
1.) Well-organized
2.) Having the marines volunteer and run this whole thing is incredible - it really does add to the spirit of the experience and makes you thankful for all they do for us.
3.) The fans are incredible. DC is a nice middle location for people on the east coast, so a lot of people from the north and south meet in the middle for this marathon.
4.) It's DC! Great city and great views on the course
5.) Weather is perfect this time of year and the start time isn't too early.
6.) Flat course - slightly uphill at mile 26 but not that bad at all.

The Bad:
1.) I finished right around the middle for most marathoners and it was incredibly crowded at the finish line. I had to wait in line 10 minutes to even get a bottle of water.
2.) Fans and a crowd are sparse right around the time you start to hit the wall at miles 18 and 19, but there are a ton starting back at mile 22 - 26 and that's where it really counts.
3.) Expo isn't nearby at all and is somewhat difficult to find/get to, but there are a good amount of vendors so they needed it to be a big location.

Overall, fantastic marathon and I highly recommend running this one first if you haven't run one before and I definitely recommend running this energy-charged marathon even to the experienced marathoner.


Garry slaven from leconfield,England (10/29/2008)
"brilliant" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

I'd just like to thank the people of Washington for their support on the day of the race. It was my first marathon, and I hope to be there next year.

- a very sore and happy runner


A. B. from Washington DC (10/29/2008)
"Great race if you are not running for time" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Marine Corps Marathons

This is a great race if you want to experience a big marathon with lots of crowd support and a huge expo. But the hills at the start and crowded course are significant enough that it's not a good race if you are running for time. I was looking to stay with a Clif pacer but couldn't get anywhere near him because there was such a mass of humanity crowded around. Despite being REALLY determined to stay with the pacer, I could barely get within 100 yards of the dude and eventually gave up trying. It was a lot of work just to keep from getting tangled with other runners. All this while running up and down some significant hills made it really tough to get in a groove. The water stops, particularly early and up near the front of the race were an absolute zoo. I had five friends all aiming for various Boston qualifying times and all reasonably well trained for it - none of us made it. Great race to run for fun, but do something else if you are running for time.


C. H. from Arlington, VA (10/29/2008)
"A Must-Do Race" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Born and raised in DC, this was a must-run for me. This was my second marathon, and it was fantastic. Seeing the city everyday, I forget how beautiful it is. Forget the PRs and enjoy this city and the crowds. Carry a camera and have some fun! I will continue to run this race as long as I can - there's no better city anywhere to run! Semper Fi!


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