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Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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R. C. from Dalton, GA (10/27/2015)
"Organization killed my Run" (about: 2015)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

I know that I am the exception to all the positive posts but I feel let down by the organizers of the race.
EXPO: we had a couple of questions regarding the beginning of the race so we went to the info desk. The volunteers knew nothing - not about corrals, timing, food, etc... They referred us to the booklet we got when we picked up our bib.
Pre Race: security was a disaster. I arrived 1 1/2 hrs. before the start of the race. I didn't get through security until after the race started. They were allowing non runners through to the start area. It turned out that the decision to allow theses folks was the slow down. In the meantime, I didn't drink or eat much because there were no port-a-potties around. Great waste of energy.
Racing from the back: Since I started A FULL HALF HOUR AFTER THE RACE BEGAN, I tried to make up time and get through the folks who were in the back of the corrals and now the pack of the runners. they were where they were supposed to be but I simply couldn't weave through all of them. So it slowed me down. now my modest goal was shot. During the race, there were water stations that seemed very unorganized. one was running out of water, another ran out of cups. I don't get it. 40 years of putting this race together and you run out of cups?
After the Race: The race organizers give you a chance to meet other runners under the Iwo Jima monument, but it is before the after race food. So you have to either backpedal or miss it. If you needed something to put in your tank at the end you could miss it. I was supposed to meet other runners there, but didn't realize that you had no access to the monument going out and around the little pond next to it.
I was really looking forward to this race, had trained in the heat of summer and even supported a charity so I could this year. The event organizers let me down.


Guy Beels from Rockville, MD (10/26/2015)
"It depends on what you want" (about: 2015)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This is a great, huge event put on by capable and cheerful people, supported fantastically all the way. All honor and thanks to the Marines and friends who put it on every year. What an undertaking!

About 'huge,' though: It took 90 minutes to get through security, causing a start 20 minutes after the gun. Trying to BQ while toe-to-heel with thousands who intended a 12 to 15 minute pace, many walking, was pointless. So I just settled into a long Sunday run.

Having said that, it's spectacular, the spectators are in throngs, and the sights are incomparable, if you can divert your attention from the runner traffic. Also, the post-race crowd at nearby Rosslyn metro was manageable - apparently an improvement on prior years. I got home easily. I didn't do post-race stuff, so I can't comment about that.

It all depends on what you want. BQ? I would not stake the price of a cross-country trip on it. Pick a smaller race. (But if they solve the security problem, this negative might go away.) Chatty run with tens of thousands of your new best friends? It is a very nice event for that.

Security this year was a big issue in an otherwise fine event. There must be a better way to do it.


N. C. from NJ (10/26/2015)
"Beautiful course / sloppy organization" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Security is critical but whoever decided to bring in about 8 airport scanners to process 30,000 runners plus family and friends goofed big time. Post race was also disappointing. Took a long time over a long confused walk to find baggage. Could not get a simple drink of water for about 10 minutes. Course was awesome and Marines were wonderful. Organizers just need to bring their management skills up to the scale of a big city race.


A. D. from Brooklyn, NY (10/26/2015)
"Unorganized mess" (about: 2015)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Marine Corps Marathons

My subway arrived at the start at 6:40 and I finally got through security at 8:15. The race started at 7:55. There were several thousands of us standing around for an hour waiting for security to get to us. My thoughts were that someone with an IED could sure kill a lot of us w/o having to bother going through security, which sort of kills the whole point of security. By the time I finally got through, it was too late to line up correctly. However, having done this race before, I'm not sure it's possible to line up correctly since so many people cheat and line up with the front of the pack in order to be able to walk 6 abreast and still beat the bridge. For fun, look at the last 100 finishers and compare their gun and net times. Amazing. Will not do this one again until actually racing the marathon is no longer important to me or the race organizers grow a pair and decide to police the start.


R. W. from Maryland (10/26/2015)
"Bigger is not always better" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Marine Corps Marathons

My experience with this year's race can be summed up with five words: Lines, Lines, and more lines.

I ran this race as my first marathon 19 years ago. After running it several times I 'retired' from this event and stuck with just doing smaller races for the last 8 years. Coming back to it this year it was a shocker how big the event has come. I really recommend that you do NOT take metro to the starting line. There was a security check with metal detectors which took almost an hour to get through, and this was still pretty far from from the start. My train arrived at Pentagon station about an hour before the start, but by the time I get through the security mob, the bag check, the bathroom line, and the walk to the starting line the course had been open for over 20 minutes. Having that much time on feet before the start is definitely not ideal. Yes, you can start a race a half hour late these days, but it took 10 miles before the crowd broke up enough that I could pick my own pace and that is also not ideal.

And at the finish, they corral you way far away from the finish through so far that it took an hour for me to get to the bag pickup trucks. And then there was a two block long line at the Roslyn Metro.

I guess I have been spoiled by doing smaller races with a lot less fuss. Don't get me wrong there is no course like this one, the 'Wear Blue Mile' is... well I don't have the words. And the marines are awesome and given the constraints they are under they do great work. But if you are doing a marathon because you just want to run then this sort of mob scene is not for everyone and if you do not have the patience for crowds, long lines, and long waits this can detract from the race itself. I really think you need to approach this thing as an 'event' rather than a 'race' to have the right mindset.


Jim McNevin from CA (10/25/2015)
"Unorganized" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This years MCM was terrible when it came to how the runners were processed at the security checkpoint. Both runners and spectators were filtered through the same point and despite arriving early, I waited with 1000's of other runners outside security. In over an hour, the line moved a total of 15 feet. Once the race started they let everyone in with just a gander at their gear bags. So why was all the fine tooth comb gear bag search and wanding necessary? Need less to say, the race went off at 7:55 as scheduled and I finally crossed the start line at 8:07. Penalizing runners for the acts of spectators is illogical. Runners and spectators need to be handled differently and separately. I sincerely doubt that i will ever run this one again..


Jeni Enjaian from South Carolina (5/31/2015)
"Excellent Big Big-City Marathon" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Half the battle seemed to be getting into the race. I spent nearly 2 hours refreshing the page in an attempt to get in which I did with 20 minutes to spare. This was the last year before the lottery.
This was also the year of the government shut down. The organizers communicated quickly and honestly about the possibility of cancellation. Everyone was overjoyed when the shutdown ended and the race was given an official go ahead.
Getting to the start was a piece of cake. We left extra early to make sure we were there at least an hour ahead of time as specified. Even with the ridiculously long walk from the closest Metro stop to the gathering area and the bag inspection line (heightened security post Boston) we had way too much time to spare and it was cold. It goes almost without saying that the Marines are quite efficient.
The opening ceremonies were fabulous. You really can't beat Marines parachuting down into the start area with a giant American flag. The 'corrals' are self-seeding but I didn't have any problems.
Another awesome thing about this race? The number of Team Hoyt participants and the rousing ovations they all received as other runners passed.
The course, with the exception of the final (brutal) hill is fairly manageable and scenic. That excludes the final couple miles on the highway. The only redeeming factor for those miles is that you can see the Pentagon and know that not too much of the race is left. The final hill makes you really earn that medal which is handed to you by Marines who congratulate you. Surreal feeling.
Speaking of the medal, it is hands down my absolute favorite. The design, colors and craftsmanship are spectacular.
Post race there is plenty provided for the runners as well as a designated family meeting area with large banners denoting letters of the alphabet. However, this ended up being the most frustrating part for us. I found the area just fine. Mom did not. While waiting for me to finish she did a bit of sightseeing so by the time she arrived at the finish I was almost done. However, they would not let her into the finish area with her bag. Nothing about this had been said pre-race. Then when she was trying to make her way through unfamiliar streets to the meeting area some streets were blocked and no one seemed to know what she was talking about when she asked for directions. This could have been handled better.
Despite that, I definitely recommend this race.


Jessica Sotomayor from Northern Virginia (3/26/2015)
"Amazing views, spectators,motivation, and support" (about: 2014)

3 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was my third marathon. After running the hills of San Francisco the amount of support from fellow runners and spectators was AMAZING.

I did not train for this race don't do that. But with that said, I finished in 5 hours, and surprisingly the support never ceased! The neighborhoods, police officers, Marines at water stations, volunteers, my family and friends never gave up on the runners that were considered 'slow'.

I learned my lesson from my first marathon and conserved my iPhone battery, I kept it off until mile 13 then had music to help get me through the last half of the race. But at a few points, I did not use it! The spectators are so great around certain landmarks, (think obvious big monuments) that I was overwhelmed. The hardest point of the race is the 395 bridge, leaving DC and entering back into Northern VA at mile 19 to head for the finish line.

I wish the race would have had more spectators congregated at this area, heading into it. It was so grueling. This is wear I walked with many others and lost a lot of time.

I worse shorts and a tank, although the race is in the North East and October I am glad I did.

This is a truly amazing race. The expo was below average because of the odd location and lack of 'trendy' namebrands. BUT THERE'S MARINES EVERYWHERE (swoon) or (oorah) .

The HQ hotel is NO WHERE near the start (pentagon) or finish (Iwo Jima memorial) line. WTH MARINE CORPS MARATHON ORGANIZERS?! I felt like my family was totally robbed staying at that hotel...

I did participate in the dining in experience the night before at the HQ hotel, this was not the best pasta in the world... I may be willing to pay slightly more for a better choice of food. The speakers and motivation however were fantastic.

The start line is incredible. The sun is rising, the planes and helos fly overhead, the national anthem plays, the rock music blares and you're off! I get chills thinking about it. The hill at the end definitely brought me back to my boot camp days of sergeants screaming TAKE THE HILL!!!! There's so many spectators urging you up that last 200 meters of hell it's amazing!

I will definitely run this race again, and I would recommend it for a first time marathoner.


S. S. from NJ (1/16/2015)
"Great race, but too crowded. Need staggered start" (about: 2014)

1 previous marathon | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was my first marathon, and overall it was an excellent experience, and very well run marathon. My biggest complaint is the crowding. With a marathon of this size, you expect it to be a bit congest for the first mile or so maybe, but for the first 11 miles (yes 11 miles!!) I could not run any faster than the person in front of me. There were no corrals or staggered start at the start line...this would have helped ease the congestion and I'm surprised with a race of this size that they don't. This greatly threw off my stride and resulted in a lackluster time. It was still an enjoyable race, especially for a first timer, but I likely will not be back. I will search for either a less crowded run next year, or one with a staggered start.


S. P. from Manitoba, Canada (1/16/2015)
"Exceded My Expectations" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Overall this marathon was top notch. I found the logistics at the expo easy, however, did go late Friday afternoon. This was my 11th marathon and the MCM definitely had the best start! The course was scenic albeit much more difficult than I thought it would be. I didn't find the course that crowded - I ran the race in 3:30 and started in that group. Based on previous reviews I was very concerned about the finish area, but again found my family easily and had no issues with the metro and getting back to my hotel. Overall a great experience and I would run the race again.


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