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Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 651 to 661]
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M. R. from Florida, USA (11/24/2004)
"This race was AWFUL" (about: 2003)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Something must be done about the crowded expo, the crowded metro, the chaotic meeting area. I don't mind line-ups but they moved very, very slow. When I ran this in 2003, they did not give pins with the bibs and the convenience store across from the expo ran out of them, and so did the hotel housekeeping.


R. T. from North Carolina (11/22/2004)
"Great for first-timers and experienced marathoners" (about: 2004)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Marine Corps Marathons

This was the 16th time I have run the MCM. The course this year was quite different from previous years. The start (for the first time) headed north on Route 110 instead of south - which accounted for much of the unexpected congestion getting to the starting line. If they continue to use this start, I'm sure they will get it fixed by next year.

Despite what other may have seen (or not seen) I saw every one of the mile markers on the course. The support at aid stations and throughout was excellent like always.

The course is quite flat. With the new route there are a few small hills in the first couple of miles - but they are over before you know it. The most difficult spot on the course is crossing the Potomac River back to Arlington - the one-mile-long bridge can be daunting.


Jeff Newcorn from Buffalo Grove, IL (11/22/2004)
"JUST PLAIN BAD. AVOID 2005" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This is my 13th marathon. Finished in top 500. I know a well run race when I see it. This was NOT well organized.

In fact, WORST organization marathon I have ever witnessed. Expo a mess, inadequate water, getting to start line actually dangerous, missing mile markers, no electronic mile splits, reunion area a chaotic mess. Only saving grace: A nice course.

Very disappointed in most areas with fan support. It is almost as if someone told spectators to stay home.

Next fall try Mount Desert (Maine) for a beautiful, well organized race.


J. L. from Southeast Michigan (11/16/2004)
"Great Race, Great Race Organization" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was the biggest race I have run to date; the organization (the Marine Corps) did a fantastic job. The expo was a bit congested, but what would you expect at a race with 24K runners entered and their families and friends also. It was a beautiful course, beautiful day, (I know the Marines really can?t take credit for that), and overall a great race. The hill at the end was notable but not too daunting.

As some have already mentioned in the way of constructive criticism:
? Signs about a quarter mile before water stations. Some of them snuck up on me and I was left in the middle of the road fighting to get to the table.
? Showers at the finish line. Not to eliminate going back to the hotel after the race, but just to wash the road salt (sweat) off before getting on the Metro to return to the hotel. The Crim 10 Miler, in Flint, Michigan, does it with several shower heads hooked up to a fire hydrant.
? Bands, music, radio stations, along the course. The music in Crystal City really pepped me up, for about a half mile.


H. B. from Alexandria, VA (11/15/2004)
"More Organization" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

First, A big 'hooah' to my brothers in arms for pulling off a good marathon, however; the expo needs work. I stood in line for about 2 1/2 hours the day before the race to pick up my race packet. This was too much time on my feet the day before the race. Hopefully, this situation will be better next year by moving to the DC Armory.

Second,the Marine Corps Marathon planners needs to work a deal with the metro system for race-day transportation. It was too congested before and after the race trying to get in and out of the station. This was a huge security and safety concern for me. I recommend benchmarking off the Atlanta MARTA System. They do an excellent job for the Peachtree Road Race in getting people out of the system rapidly.

Also, if your were running over a 10-minute mile, you were certain not to get any food replenishment in the later part of the marathon. That was bomber for a lot of the runners who did not bring any replenishment along with them.



D. H. from Baltimore, MD (11/15/2004)
"Fine if you want huge crowds and a big deal" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

First off, the marines were fantastic and the medical people were first-class. You rock!! I was never lacking help if I needed it. There were ambulances throughout the course, picking people up that may have collapsed or whatever. It was a pain to have ambulances coming down your back when you are having problems moving yourself, but you knew that someone was in trouble, so it's ok. You just hoped that people were ok.

I've never seen a marathon have so many people with health issues, and just about everyone walking latter in the race. It was a really tough day with the heat and humudity. I spent much of the last 10 miles in a daze. I was dehydrated, and couldn't stand for 1.5 hours after I was done. The medical people at the finish were awesome, and plentiful. They were there if I needed them, and approached me several times to make sure I was ok.

The course was pretty. I have no complaints with that.

The mile markers were pretty bad. I only saw about 3 mile markers in the first 10 miles. Otherwise, I saw one at each mark. That's hard to imagine, in a big race like this. I don't think I missed them because of the big crowds. I think they weren't there.

There wasn't much for food at the end by the time I was able to peel myself off the ground without fainting. That was still in the middle of the pack of finishers, so I imagine a lot of people were left without too much food and water.

The expo was a nightmare. I went early on Thursday, but it was still worse than it should be. I know this is a big race, but you should have the choice of making packet pickup a quick thing, and not a time-consuming event as it turned out to be. I'm not in town just for this event, and that's all the focus, like many of the people. I live in the area, and this is just another race. This hordes of people at the expo, at the start, and in the metro, made me thinking this is my last big marathon ever. And they're taking 30,000 runners next year!

The metro worked pretty well, even with the horrible crowds getting out and in the station. A thought for the future? - having an all-day pass on a day like today seems like a good idea.

The crowds, and horrible finish time due to the heat, made me want to get out ASAP and do a normal marathon again. 2 weeks later, I did Harrisburg, finished 45 minutes earlier, race-day packet pickup, small crowds, great runner core, with great people. Ahhhh.. :-)

To close, I want to stress that the marines make this race. They really make you feel proud to be an American. What an awesome group of people. Thank you for your help during the race, and service to our country!!!


Bruce Evans from Friendswood, TX. (11/14/2004)
"The MCM was a fantastic first marathon!" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was my wife?s and my first marathon. It was an unbelievable experience. The sights, the people, and the Marines were all fantastic, and were a great motivating force for the run. During training I never went more than 21 miles so I was a little worried about beating the bridge on time, as well as, making it to the finish. To anybody that has never done a marathon before, I don't think there is a better first race to run. We will definitely do this one again.


E. A. from North Carolina (11/12/2004)
"Too hot, spotty organization, but good race" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Marine Corps Marathons

Overall, with the positive fans, the beautiful course, the supportive marines, its hard to rate the MCM as anything other than a great race. However, I will echo what many others have said re: constructive criticism:

1. Start the race earlier. 8:30am is not early enough, esp. since it's after daylight savings time. An earlier start would help with temperatures (which have been too hot both of the last two years, and only get worse towards the middle of the day) and with post-race showers before hotels are charging you extra for missing 'late' checkout times.

2. Work on the flow of people from the bag drop to the start line (way too congested as 20,000+ people funneled through a 3-foot wide pathway).

3. Work on ways to improve spectators ability to get to finish line (they funneled through the same narrow pathway) and to meet up with runners post-race... much better than in '03, but still difficult compared to other races.

4. Get the metro to permit people to exit the station without putting their cards through the reader -- an MCM unlimited day pass? -- it backs up too many people for more than 30-40 minutes in some stations getting on/off trains.

5. Improve the delays (nearly an hour on Saturday) for packet pickup and flow through the expo.


L. b. from Ohio (11/11/2004)
"Not enough water stops, fewer Marines than in 2003" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Marine Corps Marathons

Latest course is very nice, especially liked Haynes Point and the finish. For its size, more stops are needed (every mile), especially given the propensity for hot weather (80 degrees this year, and humid and hot last year). Unfortunately, fewer marines on the course this year.


R. H. from Atlanta, GA (11/10/2004)
"Nice course, tough day." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

I thought the course was nice and not as hilly as I expected. The spectators were great. It was a hot day and the wind off the Potomac during the 16-20 mi. stretch was tough, but what can you do? Some constructive criticism:

1) Put mile markers at every mile! At Crystal City I had to ask a fellow runner which mile we were on (he did not know either).

2) Water stops should be consistently manned and on both sides of the road. I've never seen people attending water stops scramble to fill cups as they were handed out. Also, had to cross over the road to get to a few.

3) Getting out of the end/meeting area (alongside Arlington Cemetery) was entirely too congested mostly with spectators. The race must make more room here if they intend to double the amount of runners next year.


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