calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 801 to 811]
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R. W. from Ottawa, Canada (5/16/2003)
"I'll be back!" (about: 2002)


The Marine Corps Marathon was my second marathon (and second this year). My other was the Disney Marathon, so a lot of my perspective is skewed by the Disney experience. That said, I would say that MCM is by far the better marathon.

At Disney, the start was much better organized and we were placed into corrals - much better than MCM. At MCM, people stood 'near' signs with expected finishing times and it was hard to move about. There simply wasn't enough room for 18,000 people to move and little effort seemed to have been made to address this. There was enough grass space to use a corral system, but they still didn't. Why not do corrals on the parkway near the start? It would certainly thin out the parcel drop-off and the rest of the service area.

That said, once the run started, the crowd thinned out to a comfortable density very quickly, and we were off. The run around the Pentagon parking lots was a bit dull (I guess we were killing miles) but running through the neighbourhoods was fun. I liked running into Georgetown, but it wasn't a good place to offer oranges. Since there was no natural place to throw the peels (there were pedestrians on the sidewalks), people threw them on the ground and it was slippery. Better to have something like this in Rock Creek next time so people could throw the peels on the sides. I liked the run up and down Rock Creek Parkway, and didn't find it to be too steep. The run on the Mall felt like an absolute victory lap. I didn't mind the hill at the Capitol and it was great to run among such stately buildings - even better than running through the Disney parks.

Leaving the tidal basin area for the 14th Street Bridge (and leaving the fans behind) made it feel like we were now starting the 'real' marathon. We got onto the bridge about an hour or so before it closed and it looked like a lot of people had burned themselves out trying to beat the bridge. We were the only ones running!

The finish was great, with wonderful fan support the last three miles... except that I thought I had passed the 26-mile marker and I picked up the speed, when I had actually just passed mile 25. I just kept running, because there was no way I was going to stop running and walk so close to the end, and with so many people looking.

The finishing area was particularly well organized and I was impressed by how easy it was to get something to eat, have my picture taken, retrieve my things and meet my friends.

I will be back. I planned never to run he same one twice, but this one's hard to beat!


Sandra Plate from New York (5/5/2003)
"Excellent in every way!" (about: 2003)


Wonderful marathon experience. Crowds were very supportive! Beautiful, historic. Two notes: as always, water/gel pack stops tend to deplete early--'back-of-pack' runners should note this AND the 14th Street Bridge is a lonely, lonely looooooong stretch!


A. D. from Washington DC (4/18/2003)
"The Marines organize a fantastic experience!" (about: 2001)


Perfect race for beginners and veterans alike. The support is unrivaled and the fans are unbelievable. One of the great marathons this country has to offer. It had special impact right after 9/11.


C. J. from Annapolis, MD (3/26/2003)
"100% Motivation and Inspiration" (about: 2002)


I ran this as my first marathon last year, and I recommend it to ANYONE. I was so inspired and encouraged by fellow runners and spectators that the mental breakdown I was told to expect around mile 20 never happened. Our nation's capital is a beautiful backdrop for this race.


D. P. from Chisholm, Minnesota (3/19/2003)
"An excellent marathon" (about: 2003)


This is the largest marathon I have run in, and the organization is as good as it gets. The course is incredible, the spectators are great. Everything I have to say about this marathon is positive. I would highly recommend this marathon to anyone of any level. My son also ran the 5K and he had a great time too.


Keith Whited from Northern Virginia (3/7/2003)
"Good Course - - Bad Ultima" (General Comments)


The MCM is a great marathon. Last year was my 8th consecutive run. My only gripe . . . ULTIMA ! ! ! Ultima may be fine for elite runners but it just doesn't provide the carbs that the mid-pack runner needs. Besides it upsets many people's stomachs - - AND it just plain Tastes Bad ! ! Over the years Many, many runners have sent e-mails to MCM requesting that they switch to another fluid replacement drink. The MCM has even been asked to conduct a poll (it has nearly all the runner's e-mail addresses) to determine how many people would rather see a different sports drink offered. The Marines do fight for Democracy - - why not practice it? I'll go along with any majority vote! (or is ULTIMA in somebody's pocket?)
Bottom line - - unless you have trained with Ultima and know that your stomach can handle it, carry your own fluids in a CamelBack - - or don't risk running MCM. Other than that - - It's a darn good marathon!


G. R. from Annapolis, Maryland (2/7/2003)
"Would reccomend this race to anyone. " (about: 2002)


I ran this marathon as part of the AIDS Marathon training program and it was my first.

Very good organization, very good crowd.

Bring your own gels/food. If you run in the 4:30 plus group, the last Cliff Shot stand will most likely be out when you get there at mile 18.

Food from fans at mile 20 saved me.


T. S. from from Langley AFB, VA (2/2/2003)
"Great marathong with great people!!" (about: 2002)


Won the MCM lottery and ran the race. Very well organized with plenty of support. Was not real happy about running around the Pentagon what seemed to be forever--recommend you change just a part of course. Water stops every other mile was a shortfall. I think the MCM medal was a little cheap--recommend they redesign the entire medal. Overall, great marathon and I hope to win the lottery next year!!


e. j. from kissimmee,florida (1/24/2003)
"The most organized event of the u.s.a. !!" (General Comments)


Being a handicapped individual, I have found this race to be one of the best inspirationally and motivationaly. I have participated in the past 4 years and hope to keep on running in this event...It does make you proud to be an american.... and a daughter of a marine!!!


K. M. from Douglassville, PA (1/18/2003)
"Inspiring" (about: 2002)


This was my marathon it was a truly inspiring event. Everything about this race is first class. From the orginization to the crowd to the pasta dinner and party the night after the race. You could not ask for a more scenic, historic location as well. I salute all the marines and other military service men and women involved. They all did a fantastic job.


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