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Grandma's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 298 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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M. H. from St. Paul (9/27/2006)
"The Ultima dilemma" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Grandma's Marathons

I emailed Grandma's shortly after this year's run and begged them to consider an alternative. It turns out that this was the last year of the Ultima contract and they will be actively seeking a replacement. Good news.


B. S. from Baton Rouge, LA (8/18/2006)
"Great Summer Marathon" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Grandma's Marathons

I have run this marathon every year since 1999, and this was the hottest year yet. It seemed to affect many runners early in the race, as we had to clear the road for an ambulance around the seven-mile mark.

The one thing that needs changing is the Ultima sports drink. It is about time for a "normal" sports drink. I usually stash some Gatorade along the route, and wish I had this year also. I will try to keep my Grandma's streak going as long as I can. See ya'll next year.


Eddie Hahn from Rancho Cucamonga, CA (7/17/2006)
"Small Community Backs Marathon Big Time" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Grandma's has a renowned, well deserved positive reputation in the marathon community. In order to effect continued improvements - no marathon is perfect - a few changes could make the event better.

I disagree with the runner who suggested that complaining about Ultima sports beverage was going too far. It is about the most horrid tasting electrolyte sports beverage out there. Please, Grandma's, consider another product - Gatorade, PowerAde, anything else.

Lack of electorlytes/salt due to my refusal to drink enough of the stuff eventually caused me to be seen for heat cramps after I crossed the finish line. (This was runner error - of course I am not blaming my poor planning and research into what was offered on course on the race committee.)

On the subject of heat: it was an unseasonably warm year - but Grandma's went further out of the way more than any marathon I am familiar with to warn everyone; they even hoist a series of flags, black being the most dangerous heat category, and it was prominently dispalyed for all runners.

I was seen for heat cramps at the medical tent and was treated promptly and professionally by volunteers.

The course had intermittent motivational mini orchestra, bands, cheerleaders, etc. in the long rural strechs near the lake before you enter town. On this note I was a little disappointed that Lake Superior was socked in by fog/cloud cover much of the way.

Enough cannot be said about the marathon support of the folks in Duluth - I have never seen than many supporters per capita, as there were there. For a mid-size city, it was amazing.

The multi-colored blue finisher's t-shirt sets it apart from the many white t-shirts marathons traditionally give.

I liked the "open ended" pasta feed hours - that is, essentially one could eat any time from the early afternoon to late in the day. The pasta, though excellent by taste, wasn't much portion-wise, and not self-serve. I am not sure if it was the $10 plate I paid for, but hey, the money just goes to make the marathon better in Grandma's case....

The bus tours are the best deal on the pike - at $3 a pop... I beleive I paid $20 (per person) for a similar tour in Seattle. And the entry fee of $50... I dont know how long they will be able to continue keeping it that reasonable based on the bang for your buck. Do this marathon.


s. j. from central IL (7/12/2006)
"A great event; bring the family" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

Unlike the other poster, I really like the medal. I prefer to stay out in Two Harbors and avoid the whole busing issue - it has worked like a charm both times. I think the course is awesome. So what if it was warm this year - it's still a great course! It didn't matter to me that finisher shirts were only short-sleeve. The expo, organization, guest speakers, etc. are excellent! There are many fine dining options in lieu of the pasta - which is excellent by all the comments I've heard. Yes, Ultima is not my favorite course drink either, but hey - I just drank it and told myself it was good for me. Post-race offerings are awesome as well. Only had to wait 20 minutes for a free massage, live music, party atmosphere, grilled food, and ICE CREAM!! There was some talk in the newspaper of G'ma's goin' "big time." I say leave it alone. Thanks volunteers!!! Great job Duluth! I BQ'd last year and this year on this beautiful course, and look forward to returning many more times. P.s. There's lots of fun stuff for kids in the area too.


M. B. from Minneapolis (7/5/2006)
"Great race, lousy weather!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my second marathon, having run Twin Cities last year.

The organization was great. Plenty of aid stations and porta-potties. The expo was good, although the line for the pasta feed was very long. I finally gave up and went to a restaurant.

The temp at the start was 60 and humid. The black heat stress warning flags came out halfway through. Tough on us mid-to-back-packers!


M. M. from Waukesha, Wisconsin (6/28/2006)
"Best organized event I've run in." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my first marathon, and although my hoped for sub-5 hour finish evaporated with a failed knee at mile 22, hobbling the last 4 miles was made bearable by the supportive crowd. Full credit to the poeple of Duluth/Superior for making the experience wonderful. I've run races in much larger cities that didn't command anywhere near the volunteer army that staffed Grandma's, and the lengthy, populated, double-sided water stations were welcome indeed. Anyone who gripes about the Ultima is an ingrate - it did the job and was plentiful, and I for one liked it. (The Clif-Shot flavors needed help, though - what, no fruit flavors? The guy who invented cola-flavored Clif-Shots should be, well, shot. But hey, beggars and 5-hour guys can't be choosers). My hotel was $120 per night - a lot less than Chicago or Phoenix, so no problems there. Buses ran early and often, sweat bag drop off no problem, and how did they even find that many porta-potties in that part of the country? Not enough sponges? Seriously? Please, show some backbone. Heat and humidity? This is June, people. Run indoors if you don't like it - I didn't see any Clydesdales complaining. Grandma's is a top-shelf experience, one of the most organized and considerately-planned events I've been in (including lots of races and many sports tournaments), and I'll definitely be back. Only petty people could not love this event.


D. R. from Boston, MA (6/28/2006)
"great course, lodging costly, flights hard to get" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I was really looking forward to running Grandma's. It was a miserably hot and humid day! Course and crowd support were great, with ice at every mile, but Ultima instead of Gatorade. The hotel was not just overpriced; it didn't have amenities such as being able to check luggage in lobby after checking out. Restaurants were totally booked and overcrowded. Buses back to hotels were confusing, especially after running in the heat. The bus driver told me to get on the wrong bus, then she got lost while driving everyone around. I ran the marathon in 4 hours and it took 3 hours to get back to my hotel! The hotel wouldn't let me leave my bags in the lobby after check out. I had to wait in the Duluth airport for 5 hours to get out of town. There is nothing at the Duluth airport. It would have been nice to spend the afternoon in downtown Duluth instead. The Duluth airport security workers were totally overwhelmed at the marathon "crowd" (did we look like terrorists with our sunburns,and limps???). They must have searched 5 people while I went through, including me. The hotel, restaurants and transportation were terrible. Unfortunately that's my impression of what I have heard is a great race. I will never go back.


Robert Gustafson from chattanooga, tn (6/27/2006)
"First Class!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

First time running Grandma's, and I was very impressed. I'm surprised by some of the negative feedback! There was only one issue the entire weekend, and that was a very bad medical tent. Staff just wasn't equipped (or qualified, in my opinion.) Everything else was great - from the course, volunteers, the people of Duluth, etc...Ok, the shirt wasn't the best finisher shirt I've received, but it was good enough for me. Fast course - would've been faster, had it not been for the heat. Ultima is ok, I guess. I don't use anything but water on the course, anyway. Stay in the dorms with a couple of people and the cost won't be too bad. Expo was nice. Post race food and entertainment was top notch. This one ranks up there with me - maybe a close 2nd to Chicago.


S. L. from Trumbull, CT (6/24/2006)
"Too hot and humid for Northern Minnesota" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Grandma's is a nice flat race with the right mix of spectators. Moderate numbers in the first half and lots in the second. The water stations were fine, the sponges really came in handy late in the race.

Very humid this year, no fault of the organizers. It seemed like lots of runners were feeling it early. Very little breeze off of the lake. My time was slow relative to others I have run in due to the weather. Under more ideal weather conditions, it should be a fast race.

The course was mostly flat with a few mild hills. The last mile was confusing as you kept thinking that the finish line was around the bend when it wasn't.

All in all, an enjoyable event with a lot of local support.


E. M. from Normal, llinois (6/22/2006)
"Great event!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons

Ok, just ran my first Grandma's and can say the experience lived up to the hype. Here is a quick summary of points for all to ponder:

1. Organization is top-notch. Expo is smooth and you can get in an out pretty quickly. Solid amount of vendors with variety of items.

2. Spectators are awesome! Boston on a smaller scale. They really roll out the red carpet for participants and it shows. This year we had 80-degree weather and spectators had garden hoses on ladders for runners to cool off under while on the course. The volunteers (bless their hearts) had cool sponges and were very encouraging.

3. Course solid. I will echo the other runners' comments about it never seeming to end. The final mile or so it winds around the conference center and just seems looooonnnngggg. But otherwise no major hills to speak of and great traffic control.

4. Cost. The cost for registration is fine - not bad at all. But yes, the hotels do price gouge and really jack up the prices. No easy answer for you about this - just go in realizing you will be overcharged for a hotel room or condo and accept it.

5. Overall, just great! The temperatures were pretty brutal this year (80 is just not expected this far north) but the support, the food/drink, and everything really made for a great experience. Hats off to Duluth!


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