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Brooklyn Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 43 [displaying comments 31 to 36]
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I. L. from Brooklyn, New York (11/28/2012)
"Wonderful Brooklyn experience" (about: 2012)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Brooklyn Marathon

I loved the Brooklyn marathon - and not just because I PR'd. or because it takes place a mile from my house. It is what a marathon should be: local, low-key, friendly, but a real athletic challenge.

The organization was good, the camaraderie excellent and the post-race food fine.

The biggest disadvantage is running 8 or so times around the park and 6 times up a steep hill which means that it's not the fastest course but it was a beautiful fall day and a great experience.

M. G. from Brooklyn, NY (11/20/2012)
"Even Better the 2nd Time Around" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Brooklyn Marathons

NYC's only true marathon this year, thanks to the last-minute cancellation of the New York City Marathon, Brooklyn delivered an awesome and challenging race once again.

The course was exactly the same as last year - which meant nearly 3 miles of challenging uphills divided among 6 large loops and 3 small loops of the 'never flat' Prospect Park. Crowd support was great once again - this is one of those races where it really feels like you're part of a tight knit local running community, as the majority of hardcore spectators are from the many local clubs around Brooklyn and the 5 boroughs.
Post-race cheesecake stamped the 'Brooklyn' into the finish, and the medals were once again awesome - some of the best looking, unique medals you'll earn in any race.
Hopefully Steve can get clearance to take this race to the streets next year, because while I plan on being a 'Legacy Runner' and doing every Brooklyn Marathon, those hills in Prospect Park are a KILLER.

M. R. from Brooklyn, New York (11/19/2012)
"The Best of Marathoning" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Brooklyn Marathon

I volunteered last year and ran this year; I had a blast then, and did so again. I'm very familiar with Prospect Park's hills, so knew what I was in for. The organization couldn't have been better, given NYC Runs' tiny budget, and the laid-back and festive atmosphere made the race all the better. Great, if concentrated, support, and perfectly adequate water stations. I know they want to grow out of the park, but, boy, I hope they don't lose the atmosphere of a great little marathon.

M. W. from New York, NY (11/19/2012)
"Great Race" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Brooklyn Marathon

This race was a lot of fun. A refreshing chance of pace from the bureaucracy and hassle of the NY Marathon. Kind of felt like a friendly small town marathon. Very well organized. Plenty of gatorade and water. Volunteers were extremely friendly. Had the best medal of any of the 7 marathons I've run so far. Only downside was of course that the course was entirely in Prospect Park, but hopefully it will branch out to the streets of Brooklyn within a year or two once the race is well enough established.

m. g. from Brooklyn, NY (4/30/2012)
"Burgeoning, Fun Alternative to the NYC Marathon" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Brooklyn Marathon

NYC Runs may not have the notoriety, money, fanfare, or political pull of the (too) powerful New York Road Runners, but in a way that makes their races more attractive - very laid back, community-centric feel that encapsulates the best of a borough without going overboard, as larger races focused on foreign and charity runners often do.

As a lifelong resident of Kings County, I was honored to run in the inaugural Brooklyn Marathon, despite my reservations about the repetitiveness of the physically demanding course through Prospect Park.

This is not an easy marathon. You are challenged both mentally and physically around each of the 9 loops of Central Park's hilly little brother.

3 'short' 2-mile loops encompassing the park's Center Drive, followed by 6 full, 3.35 mile loops, all featuring that infamously winding, 600 meter hamstring-killer of an incline at the north end of the park. Unfortunately, after cresting this beast, you won't get a downhill reprieve for another 1.25 miles.

The organization, energy, and crowd support were top notch, with adequate water and Gatorade stations, and plenty of much-needed support from local running clubs, and just random park stragglers.

The plan is to get this race, or at least part of it, out of the park and onto some of Brooklyn's diverse streets by the 3rd year. For now, it's most likely another 9 loops of the park.

If you're looking for a challenging but fun, and much cheaper alternative to the NYC Marathon, and especially if you're seeking a race that has a soul and a *gasp* human side to it, where you're not herded into corrals like livestock 3 hours before the start, check out the Brooklyn Marathon.

J. B. from New York, NY (11/22/2011)
"Great job for a first time race!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Brooklyn Marathon

This was the inaugural Brooklyn Marathon - limited to 350 entrants. The race was entirely run in Prospect Park. Three 'small' 2 mile loops plus 6 'large' 3.3 mile loops gets you to 26.2 miles. Usually, first time marathons have logistical issues, but this one did not. A very well run race. The race organizers would love to take this out of the Park and onto the streets of Brooklyn, but for a start, an excellent race. Recommended if you don't mind a multiple loop course. Super recommended if they eventually get out onto the streets of Brooklyn.

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