calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Columbus Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 333 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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M. B. from Atlanta, GA (10/18/2005)
"An excellent marathon!" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Columbus Marathon

Was attempting to BQ on this race, and it is definitely a course to do it on. Missed it by 64 seconds, but still ran 3:12. I was running with the 3:10 pace group until I fell off after a bathroom break and they were clicking off 7:15 consistently for the 10 miles I was with them (I caught up with them at mile 8). The course is very nice and the weather was perfect. 45-ish at start, 55 at the end. Spectators were solid as you went through certain neighborhoods, but never too much to be annoying. I would highly recommend this course to anyone trying to BQ or set a PR. There are some caveats however.

NEGATIVES - They allowed walkers to start at 7am (an hour early) so if you weren't paying attention you could come up on one really fast. They were spread out enough by then that it wasn't a big deal.

Also, the elevation chart is a complete farce. Miles 12-18 are virtually all at a slight incline heading up High St. Also, that big decline you see from mile 20 to the finish does not exist. Prepare yourself mentally for flat and, in many cases, slightly inclining elevation. The only stretch with a decline is the final 0.2 mile to the finish.


H. S. from Indianapolis, IN (10/18/2005)
"A Great Marathon" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Columbus Marathon

A great marathon. The layout of the course made it possible for runners to hook up with their 'fans' several times. I really enjoyed the diverse neighborhoods the course took us through. I was truly impressed with what Columbus had to offer. Even in the residential areas the fan support was good. Fewer people might have lined the streets, but that did not 'curb' their enthusiasm. Water stations were numerous and well staffed. Thank you. Each mile marker was clearly visible and was accompanied by a digital clock which helped us keep our pace. The size of the field was perfect. Never alone & never crowded. Believe me - there is nothing that Chicago offered at $90 that Columbus did not have at $55. Try it - you will agree.


J. B. from Columbus, OH. USA (10/17/2005)
"First marathon - and a great place to do it!" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Columbus Marathon

I live here, have been a race volunteer, and did the 3-person relay with my sisters last year.... So it was about time that I did the whole enchilada.

The clover-leaf course makes it easy for your family to see you multiple times while only walking a few blocks. It is generally flat, with some long steady inclines as posted by other runners; slimy Carb-Boom was provided just before the long 18-20-mile slog uphill.

The enthusiastic spectators always seemed to be just where I needed them the most. Those who blasted music from stereos in their apartment windows or front lawns were much appreciated, as were the guys who sat on their porches with guitars/amps and the one who played his Irish flute from the end of his driveway. The race organizers are trying to increase the number of official music offerings along the course, but I think we'll always need these impromptu 'marathon angels.'

There were plenty of water stops and lots of cheering volunteers at each, even members of the local National Guard. Several tables were set up to minimize log-jams and they gave clear instructions re: water or Gatorade. The local police kept us safe from traffic and were friendly even after standing at intersections for 4+ hours.

A gear truck was available near the starting line. I hope this went smoothly for those who used it, as my teenage daughters volunteered here!

It was easy to find my family near the finish line and after the race. In a few days, I'm sure I'll consider doing this again!!


J. C. from newport ky.41071 (10/17/2005)
"A very well-run event with great volunteers" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Columbus Marathons

As in the past, everything went very well. I really want to thank all the volunteers. I hope they understand that we cannot do this without them. They were great and very helpful. The Good Lord gave us perfect weather and made it a great day. Thanks so much to everyone.


M. P. from Indiana (10/17/2005)
"One Size Fits All" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Columbus Marathon

This was my first marathon. I ran 3:07 and feel that my comments would be appropriate for anyone running under 4:00.

The course was great--it loops through Bexley, Germantown, and OSU. It travels through downtown a couple of times. Their claim of a flat course is just that--flat. There are some inclines but nothing that requires a whole lot of effort.

The aid stations were plentiful with Gatorade and water. Mile 18 had Carb-Boom. Mile markers were visible at every mile.

The pace groups were great. They motivated everyone to work together.

Their claim of 100,000 spectators is way off. There are plenty of spectators in the downtown area, but past OSU, there aren't as many. Entertainment was okay. If you're someone that needs spectators and lively entertainment, this may not meet your expectations.

The medal and shirt (long-sleeve Asics Dri-Fit shirt)were sufficient for me. The pre-race goodie bag hasn't got much. The post-race support includes drinks, energy bars, bagels.

This is a great marathon for first-timers and those looking for a fast time. I rate this as a MUST-DO!


Glenna Asmus from Indianapolis (very flat), IN (10/17/2005)
"World is NOT flat" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Columbus Marathon

It was hillier than I expected. I have run Chicago twice (2001 and 2004). I was hoping to qualify for Boston. I ran this in 3:46. The hills heading into the last neighborhood were tough...right before the CarBoom at mile 18 or so. I WOULD recommend this race over Chicago. Easier to travel, find hotels, find the race start, easier for family who are spectators (recommend bringing a bike to travel to sites along course) and easier to get to the start line - only 40 seconds for me. Still a PR, but just hillier than I expected.


T. A. from Indianapolis, IN (10/17/2005)
"Good race course." (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Columbus Marathon

This is my 6th marathon that I have participated in and it was a good experience. The race course is nice and the weather was good. When they say it is a flat course, it is flat but not as flat as Chicago. Two improvements that I would suggest is more porta-lets (this is true with most marathons) and they need to vastly improve the race website. It was not very updated and I would rate the website as very poor. Overall, the race is worth doing.


K. B. from Michigan (10/17/2005)
"I'll never forget my best marathon to dat" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 2 Columbus Marathons

My third marathon - second at Columbus - and a PR. The weather was perfect - 46 at the start. Volunteers were abundant from the expo to the finish. I think this is a great course for Boston qualifying especially since the last few miles are downhill. The run through the Ohio State campus is a great touch. The armed service band on the capital square was inspiring at the half-way point as was the number of service men present throughout the course. I'm from Michigan and the only damper on the weekend was that Ohio beat Michigan State the day before. This race is one of the few events that can get me to come to Columus in the fall.


Jamie Booth from Wayne, NJ (8/11/2005)
"Great City Marathon!" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Columbus Marathon

As an Ohio State Buckeye, I had set a goal to run this marathon sometime after I graduated from college. When I did, I couldn't have been more satisfied; it was such a great experience. There are so many aspects of Columbus I enjoy, and this marathon only made the city so much more appealing.

This race is basically run throughout downtown, into parts of the Ohio State campus area, and then into suburbs of the city. The amount of spectators was amazing, everywhere on the course, and the organization and energy was exhilarating.

I don't have a single complaint about this marathon, and recommend it to anyone!

Go Bucks!


G. L. from Hillsboro, OH (8/3/2005)
"My first marathon - great experience" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Columbus Marathon

Columbus was my first marathon, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I thought I was going to freeze my rear end off at the beginning but when the race started, the magic of going across the starting line of a race I had trained months for took effect and the feeling was almost overwhelming. There was a distinct lack of porta-potties but fortunately I have a niece who lives on the course in German Village so I got to stop there. High Street was 26 miles long by itself. The other .2 miles breezed right by. The fans were great and the organization was great. My family found me fast after the race and that was appreciated. Columbus will always be special and the feeling will always be overwhelming because that is where I summoned the courage to do that which I wasn't sure I could do because 47 years ago I was stricken with polio and suffer from its debilitating effects. It did not, however, paralyze my will to overcome my deficiencies. I look forward to doing it again this year.


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