calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Columbus Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 333 [displaying comments 271 to 281]
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M. P. from Cleveland,Ohio (11/19/2003)
"Not As Fast As I Expected" (about: 2003)


This was the 2nd time I've run this race. The first half has way too many turns. People were running into each other trying to negotiate the turns. The backside hills (Miles 17 to 20) were tougher than what I had remembered from the first time I ran this race. There were only 2 bands throughout the course, while they had advertised 10. The host hotel charged an additional $30.00 for late checkout (3:00pm). Overall I give this race an average rating. I will not do it again.


G. H. from Columbus, OH (11/9/2003)
"Nice course, nice crowds, oraganization stinks" (about: 2003)


I live near Columbus and they have a course that showcases the city, it's mostly flat with only a few little grades. The crowds turn out in large numbers downtown, although there are stretches where the crowds are thin. My beef is with the organizers. The lack of port-a-johns is ridiculous. People are waiting 45 minutes in line for a port-a-john while others are peeing in the streets and alleys. The medals are square neck weights, very boring. The results were/are all screwed up. My 'official' time is nine minutes off - I wish I ran that fast. The expo is small and the goodie-bag was worthless.

If you're looking for a good course with nice crowds and don't care about the official results, medals, and port-a-johns, then Columbus is a good race. Otherwise, there are plenty of other fall marathons which give you a better value.


M. K. from South Bend, Indiana (11/7/2003)
"Nice urban/suburban course, friendly people" (about: 2003)


My first attempt at the marathon distance, and I would go back as it was probably a perfect size (5,000) for a beginner. More porta-johns at the beginning would have been helpful, as I waited a half-hour before the start and still didn't get to go before the whistle. Very friendly runners and I loved my pace group leader Kevan (pronounced Kevin). But, for what is billed as a good beginner's marathon (and the course itself definitely fits that), I don't understand why the pace groups don't go out to 6:00 as they do at the Chicago Marathon. For this reason alone I may opt for Chicago at least for next year until I am confident enough to cover the distance at a faster pace.


P. L. from Columbus, OH (11/6/2003)
"Nice Course - Where Are The Crowds?" (about: 2003)


Columbus 2003 was my first marathon. The total experience was very positive and pretty well matched my expectations. On the plus side, I was very pleased to have run with a pace group. They helped me beat my 4:00 time goal (3:57:48). The course, as advertised, was flat. I live in Columbus and the only hills worth mentioning are a twenty-minute drive from downtown.

I was expecting more in the way of crowds. Some stretches of the course seemed desolate for lack of people lining the road, especially miles 14-15 (North High Street), miles 17-18 (Ackerman Road) and through OSU campus area. However, the course design is nice as it allows friends and family to hop around and support you in several places.

Plenty of water/Gatorade on the course. The finisher's area was a bit of a jumble. It was difficult for me to find the markers for meeting up with family afterwards. Taller signposts with larger lettering might help.

I'll do it again in 2004 (25th anniversary) and would recommend it for anyone looking for an easy and enjoyable first marathon experience.


D. M. from knoxville, tennessee (11/5/2003)
"Surprisingly wonderful race!" (about: 2003)


Loved this race. I don't see how a course can get any flatter. I didn't expect a lot of crowd support and was very pleasantly surprised at how many people turned out and actively cheered the runners. The course is very observer-friendly. My family was able to see me at 11 different places. I loved the different color cups for Gatorade and water. My only criticism - and it is fairly minor - is that the website could have contained more 'extras', like a bulletin board and virtual race day viewing. The expo was a bit dull, but didn't detract from my experience. I loved this race and was surprised to see how much Columbus has to offer to visitors. I highly recommend this race to anyone.


S. H. from Ohio (10/29/2003)
"Great day, great course!" (about: 2003)


Some of the previous runners must have run a different course, I don't remember any hills. I'm not sure you can find a much flatter course. It was a beautiful day and the course is great. You run through some nice neighborhoods, downtown Columbus, and OSU.

A few more porta-johns would be nice. I couldn't bring myself to go to the bathroom in the Gov. front yard.


M. F. from Minnesota (10/29/2003)
"Pretty good race" (about: 2003)


At the Twin Cities Marathon this year my wife overheard somebody whining because they didn't have organic bananas at the finish. Most of the negative comments you read here seem just as significant. The course was well marked, lots of water stops (more than advertised - gasp!), mile markers easy to read (and apparently accurate), decent traffic control. They used large enough cups at the aid stations. There hasn't been a marathon yet with enough toilets at the start, so dream on (and go early). Prior to the race, it was easy to see how flat (or not) the course was by using the detailed elevation data on the website. My only complaints were that there were too many streets left open (though controlled by police). I was more worried about impatient motorists than anything else. Overall a nice event, blessed with perfect weather this year. This course is faster than the Twin Cities course, and maybe a bit faster than Grandma's Marathon due to the downhills in the last 10k. They did bugger up the results initially but they seemed correct (for me) on Monday after the race. I'd go again.


C. A. from Toronto, Canada (10/28/2003)
"Flat, Fast and Fun" (about: 2003)


I think Columbus lived up to all three of its claims. This was my second marathon and was able to get my Boston qualifier in Columbus.

Crowds can be sparse in some areas, but where there are crowds you can sure feel it.

It was also a nice change to go out of the city and see some beautiful residential neighborhoods.

I also liked getting a technical long-sleeve as opposed to the standard issue cotton.

Looking forward to going back in 2004 for the 25th anniversary.


J. O. from Delaware, Ohio (10/28/2003)
"Marathon with potential" (about: 2003)


I have run 9 marathons on 7 courses. The Columbus course itself is a very nice, essentially flat, figure 8 offering the runner the potential of a PR. The only course that I have run that was flatter was Chicago, maybe Grandma's. It is also an easy course for your friends to cheer you on. The water stops were more than adequate. The porta-john situation was very inadequate even at the start. I ended up jogging across a bridge to COSI and used a porta-john there. I didn't see many porta-johns on the course.
I pre-registered and didn't receive any form of confirmation;they didn't cash my check so my status was unknown until I went to pick up my chip.
The crowds were wonderful,but I was a little disappointed by the light coverage of the local press. Nothing like the coverage that Grandma's receives!
Medical and civil support was more than adequate. The medal and shirt were good. The finish area was well organized. The volunteers were great. Thanks! Even got a chance to high five the Governor!
If there was more attention to details like porta-johns, registration, etc, better support from the Columbus business community to create excitement, this would be a hard race to beat.


M. S. from Charleston, WV (10/28/2003)
"Good Boston Qualifier" (about: 2003)


This was my second time running Columbus. I got my BQ this year (3:05:20). I felt the expo was pretty lacking this year - not very well organized, and not much to choose from. The course is nice, but has some boring stretches along High Street in particular. It's definitely not 'flat', as you'll run into some hills the last 8-10 miles. I love the downhill finish, though.

One suggestion for the organizers would be to get some crowd support through the Ohio State campus. There was virtually none this year or last year.


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