calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Seattle Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 182 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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A Runner from Los Angeles, CA (12/5/2002)
"Isn't it suppose to be raining here?" (about: 2002)


A large part of this marathon is along the waterfront which makes for some very beautiful scenery. There are some hills in the first part of the race and then it's flat for about 10 miles. The drawback, however, are the hills at the end, with the biggest hill right around mile 22 or 23. Not a good place for a hill if you ask me.

This was my first time running the Seattle marathon and I was expecting a cold and rainy race like it's been the years before. However, the weather was clear and somewhat mild. Around 45 degress. I think that's a little uncharacteristic for the pacific northwest this time of year.

The race was well organized and started on time. The course is well marked as are the mile markers, although they are low signs, so you can't see them from very far away, which can be good or bad. The volunteers were great as were the fans that came out, but don't expect huge crowds.

The finish is fun because you run into Memorial stadium through the middle of the field and down the chute with your name being announced over the loudspeakers while the crowd cheers. I'll certainly run it again next year, although i'll be expecting the rain.


A Runner from Pensacola, Florida (12/4/2002)
"Great Run, Beautiful Course" (about: 2002)


What a beautiful day for a marathon and a beautiful city to run it in. Couldn't have asked for better weather, cool, but sunny. Shaved 15 minutes off my usual finish time even with the hills! For Seattle, the course was fairly flat, only a few hills, but a couple of killers. Especially just before mile 26! Whew! I highly recommend this one, although I could have used a space blanket after my finish...they ran out. At least they didn't run out of the clam chowder from Ivars...fantastic!


A Runner from San Francisco, CA (12/2/2002)
"Spectacular race!" (about: 2002)


I just ran Seattle as my second marathon and I loved it! I had totally psyched myself out after reading the comments on this website so I was dreading the weather and the hills at the end. As it turned out, we couldn't have been luckier with the weather - sunny and cool but not too cold. The course was great and I actually thought the spectators were pretty decent too. Also, maybe it was because I trained in San Francisco but the hills were no big deal. I set a PR by 45 minutes but I guess that's not hard to do on your second attempt. I still don't know that I'd recommend this race because the weather is not likely to be this cooperative every year. Also, it's definitely not for first timers.


A Runner from Seattle, WA (12/2/2002)
"The weather was perfect!" (about: 2002)


This was my first marathon and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Up until the race I was expecting horrible weather and few spectators. On the day of the race I experienced the exact opposite. The weather was unusually nice for a Seattle day in December, partly cloudy skies although crisp but that was okay. There were plenty of water/power aid stations and even a 'Power Gel' station around mile 19 or 20 which was good for me because I had just used my last packet of GU a couple of miles back. Prior to this race I came to this website to educate myself on what to expect for the Seattle Marathon. I also believe that the organizers of the race here as well because a few of the issues that people raised about last year's race were taken care of. For example I was very pleased with the shirts. This time instead of the drab black shirts with gold lettering we were issued blue techincal fabric shirts (flooded with corporate sponsors as to be expected) which I was impressed to see. There were also water/power aid tables located at the end of the finish line whereas last year I heard/read that people had to go to the upper half of the stadium to get post race necessities. But this year they were handing out Ivar's clam chowder, coffee, and you could buy post race accessories like t-shirts, etc.-nothing you would need immediately after the race. One bit of advice that I received before the race that proved true is that the weather is unpredictable. Well this time the pendulum swung in the favor of the runners and spectators. My first marathon was a very memorable experience. I was advised by several people that the Seattle Marathon is a horrible first marathon but I had a great time. I would recommend it to others just relax and have a good time. Don't worry about getting passed up or anything, remember it's your race. You have the receipt to prove it. I can guarantee challange for sure, but I can't guarantee the weather.


A Runner from Santa Cruz, CA (12/2/2002)
"Weather Lucky! Course Spectacular!" (about: 2002)


On a scale of 1-10, the weather was 11! It was sunny Saturday and 44 degrees, dry and calm at 5:30 a.m. Sunday morning. It remained sunny throughout the marathon course and the last half, which goes along Lake Washington out to Seward Park and back was spectacular. Like others, I didn?t appreciate the 200-feet of climb between mile 20 and 21 or the rolling hills through mile 23, but the rest was relatively downhill until dipping down and up the railroad viaduct just before the 26-mile marker. Not my best marathon, but I was with two people who did PRs who had no such intention prior to the start. Too bad the bad-weather history of the event keeps locals away from being spectators, but I can?t fault that nor would I suggest changing the date after doing it for 33 years. They got over 10,000 participants this year for all four events and I?d expect that to skyrocket after the word of this year?s weather gets out. This marathon is a perfect combination of city and nature run. The start at Seattle Center and Finish in Memorial Stadium right next door make this one to run for any serious marathoner.


A Runner from Portland, OR (11/4/2002)
"Beautiful Course--but not a good first time run" (General Comments)


I have run Seattle twice (99 & 01) It's a beautiful course, however, there should definately be a proviso on those hills at the end!! The first year I ran it, it was much less rainy than last year. The sun actually shone if I recall correctly, so it is possible to have almost decent weather...

My main reason for commenting is I ran Seattle after running Portland the year before. If it had been my first Marathon I would've been terribly disappointed in how I was treated at the end. It seems to be more geared to 1/2 Marathon finishers as by 5hrs there is next to no one at the finish to cheer you. You practically have to ask someone where to get your medal. Then you have to hike stadium stairs for your refreshments. If you are looking for a challenge and don't mind freezing cold and rain--go for it! If you are looking for a first Marathon where you are treated like the winner that you are--do Portland, OR first.


Bill Abendroth from Portland, Oregon, USA (7/22/2002)
"Welcome to Pac NW. Wipe the Rain Off Yer Face." (General Comments)


I've run Seattle twice (2000 & 2001), and will run it again a third time in 2003. All the previous comments are correct: It's cold, windy, & rainy. Not a hard pouring rain, but a steady gusty sometimes sleety drizzel. The last eight miles or so are just one hill after another.

2000 was my first marathon, and it was horrible. I didn't have the proper clothes, I hadn't trained properly--it was awful. I wished I was any where in the world; just not Seattle. At about mile 23, I talked to a guy who had torn a hamstring. He told me that he only ran one marathon a year: Seattle. I asked him why did he choose Seattle (only with lots of profanity interspirsed). He said 'If you're only going to run one marathon a year, might as well make it a tough one.' I knew then I'd be back next year, and the year after.

Seattle is a fun, beautiful city. Lots to do & see. The run across the floating bridge to Mercer Island is a blast.

They'll never change the date, or the course. It's always going to be wet, cold, miserable, and uphill at the end.

Don't miss this marathon!


BigBoy Running from Boise, ID (7/17/2002)
"What? A marathon is going on right now? BRRR!" (about: 2000)


Well, first off, don't expect many people along the course during this race. It's almost GUARANTEED TO BE RAINING!!! I think any potential spectators are inside sipping coffee. Be prepared to wake up to a drab dreary day and being at the starting line before daybreak.

The course itself is a gutbuster. They throw in a mammoth size hill at mile 19 to completely demoralize you. TRAIN ON HILLS! It is through some beautiful parks and across the floating bridge and back. That part was nice except for the hypothermia that will inevitably set in by the time you are halfway done. The finish is the cool part when you get to run into a stadium, albeit one that is COMPLETELY EMPTY! Post-race grub is fine.

Kudos: The shirts are great but you could jazz 'em up a little instead of the black and brown I've seen that last two years. Great volunteers that wrapped me in blankets and fed me chicken soup so I could recover from my 92 deg. body temperature. Good race expo.

Gripes: CHANGE THE DATE OF THE RACE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! It is rainy in Nov/Dec in Seattle. It's on a Sunday. The course is killer. Locals don't have a clue that there is a Seattle Marathon. It's cold and rainy. Did I mention that?


A Runner from Edmonton Alberta Canada (1/6/2002)
"Gotta love those hills" (about: 2001)


It would appear the Marathon is one of Seattles best kept secrets, not even our cab drivers were familiar with it and we took a few. Seattle was beautiful, weather was as usual (I'm told) raining. The run across the floating bridge to Mercer Island was lots of fun, we cheered on all the front runners as they were coming back across the bridge. The spectators were few, the view was incredible. Not my best time for sure - and who put all those blessed hills at the end.


A Runner from Boulder, CO (11/30/2001)
"Beautiful but challenging" (General Comments)


Although I set a PR in this race, I found the last six miles really challenging. My post-race recovery was much longer than any of my previous 7 marathons. Although scenic, this is not the ideal race course for potential Boston qualifiers.

The crowds were enthusiastic for such a cold and rainy day. A few areas for future improvement would be the t-shirts (perhaps a more useful running shirt in a synthetic fabric (PowerDry or CoolMax) and more basic color), the mile markers (or lack thereof) over the last few miles (echoing a previous runner's comment)and the lack of any food or other non-liquid support at the aid stations along the way. With GU as a sponsor, I had hoped for more than the single aid station which provided it.

Overall, however, a very positive experience and a race that I will recommend to others.


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