calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Richmond Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 401 [displaying comments 221 to 231]
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K. C. from Calgary, Alberta (11/13/2007)
"Please keep spectators off the last downhill" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

Too many positives already listed, so I will focus on what will help to make the race even better.

Loved the downhill finish, but it has the potential to turn into a disaster area if you do not keep at least a full lane width open and clear of spectators. I love to finish strong and it was extremely dangerous to have the spectators hemmed in on both sides, which left a very narrow lane to run through to the finish. Please use the spectator barrier gates (like you did closer to the finish line) from a whole lot further back on that final hill. We are on our last legs, exhausted, wibbly -wobbly and none too steady to have to thread a needle at the end of 26.2 miles.

TP. A problem hardly unique to your race. Why not put extra rolls in a waterproof container within easy access? Two rolls per porta-potty is grossly inadequate for a race of this length. I am not slow, but invariably the TP is long gone. I would be most thankful if I could grab a roll on the way in. Much more pleasant and sanitary.

Not a big deal, but if you are going to advertise starting corrals, they must be policed. People started wherever they wanted.

All in all, a great race and highly recommended.


M. A. from Maryland (11/13/2007)
"A "Can't Miss" Marathon" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

I've run Boston, Marine Corps, and several others, and Richmond is now my favorite active marathon. This is a true runner's marathon offering a perfect field size (...not too crowded and not desolate), a very fair and scenic course (... some rolling hills with the tough climbs in the first half), excellent crowd support, and great post-race food (i.e. hot food, assorted beverages... they don't just hand you a plastic bag containing an apple and a small bag of pretzels).

Run this marathon - you'll be happy you did!


T. P. from North Carolina (11/13/2007)
"Blankets needed along course at aid stations" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Richmond Marathons

This was my second consecutive year running this race. It is a scenic course and well run event. With the colder temps this year however, I ran into the problem of not being able to find medical assistance when needed. The colder temps caused my body temperature to drop significantly and volunteers and officers along the course were unable to direct me to any medical areas that had blankets to warm me. This is not to say they were not available but I was unable to find them.


Tina Ament from Alexandria, VA (11/13/2007)
"Excellent Runner-Friendly Race" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

I thought this race was great in all respects. Extremely well organized and planned with runners in mind. I love the fact that you could sign up for the race up to the day before and pick up your packet on the morning of. Because the packet pickup was inside the Omni Hotel, the hotel provided a great area in which to wait for the start and not freeze. I also love the fact that the race organizers had arranged with the local YMCA to provide post-race showers. The course was great. Enough hills to keep it interesting, but overall very fast. The bands along the course were outstanding. The quality was as good or better than the Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I also loved the fan at mile 22 playing "Born to Run" on the boom box. the spectators were good overall, although there were some sparse patches. Overall, the small size of the race made it easy to set a pace early and keep it. I would recommend this race to everyone from first-timers to those looking to qualify for Boston. It's a great course to set a PR and you've gotta love the downhill finish! Thank you, Richmond!


R. L. from Queretaro, Mexico (11/13/2007)
"Nice marathon." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons

I have ran 18 marathons in different cities within the US, Canada and Europe and can tell you that this has one of the best courses. Beautiful views of the river, the leaves, the city. I think that running smaller marathons gives runners the real pleasure of their sport, and in a nice environment as Richmond makes running a big pleasure.


R. H. from North Carolina (11/13/2007)
"Good event with great fan support" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 2 Richmond Marathons

Good event with great fan support.


J. H. from New Jersy (11/13/2007)
"Sign Up Now" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

This one should be on your shortlist. The organization is how a large event should be held; I didn't see one issue, which is incredible for an event like this. The field size is just right so get into this race as it's just a matter of time before it explodes. The city, volunteers and spectators were fantastic. The energy in the first party zone was wild. Omni stay was seamless and the staff are strong.


R. M. from Ontario Canada (11/12/2007)
"It won't disappoint" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

Well I am not going to disagree with anyone. This is a fantastic race and the people of Richmond and organizers should be proud. I saw no glitches at all. It ran smoothly; it was fun; the spectators were great; the stations well stocked (I loved the beer by the Harriers at approx. 22 miles); there were good, fun bands; and the course was scenic.... It was just a great experience. The whole city seemed to be involved and treated the runners like gold. I will be back and hope to drag some others with me. I just hope the new 1/2 marathon doesn't spoil it.


J. C. from Rockville, Maryland (11/12/2007)
"Fantastic first marathon!" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

Had a terrific race the entire way. The day was cool, and the course was great, with only a bit of drag at the second long highway bridge. The slight hills were not bad at all, and the downhill finish was a blast. The bands and the spectators were fantastic. What a great time and well worth the effort!


M. W. from Binghamton, NY (11/12/2007)
"A well organized marathon" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

Packet pick up was simple and easy. I was there early and they actually let me pick up my packet early too. I liked the starting corrals (under 3:45 estimated finish time put you in the first corral). It only took me about 30 seconds to get to the start. The weather was great - brisk with a little breeze. Volunteers were great. I loved the course, part urban, part suburban, and part country down by the river. There were hills, but more of a rolling variety and none that stood out to me as very difficult. The hardest part of the race was actually going into the headwind over the bridge around mile 16, but it was probably less than a mile, and recovery followed when we changed directions away from the wind. In fact, one of the things I loved about Richmond was the frequent change in directions that seemed to break the course up. Bus tour of the course the day before was a bonus. Also learned of some Richmond history on the tour. Set a PR for me @ 3:20. Great Race.


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