calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Richmond Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 401 [displaying comments 251 to 261]
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L. K. from Annandale, Virginia (11/14/2006)
"Great First Marathon" (about: 2006)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and I recommend it! I was suprised at the number of people helping, not only around the water/PowerAde stations, but random Richmond residents all along the way. I couldn't believe all the complete strangers that were really pushing me to keep moving. Other than the intense pain I was feeling during the last 5 miles, everything else was great.


B. W. from Louisville, Kentucky (11/14/2006)
"A city with marathon fever" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

This race was billed as the 29th running and it showed.

The expo was somewhat crowded, but a lot of signs helped you navigate quickly. The weather was sunny and hot for November, but every fluid stop was well manned and organized.

The course was one of the most scenic I have run for an urban race. The spectators were friendly and supportive, several with impromptu water and goodie stops. Traffic control was good except for one intersection.

One nice touch was the attention devoted to veterans with special bibs and fans giving them special attention.

Overall, even though I suffered an injury which tanked my time, Richmond was one of the most positive marathon experiences to date. Don't hesitate to give it a try.


J. E. from Maryland (11/14/2006)
"Loved it all." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

Did this as part of a double right after doing the big NYC Marathon. Description as "friendliest" is what drew me to it and I'm working on doing my 50 states in next four years.

Expo was interesting and having to go through it to pick up t-shirt was a smart move by planners.

Parking next day was simpler than expected. Missed planned turn off highway and a nearby officer suggested I come through barrier and park right there at the finish line. Friendly.

Crowds were great. Had learned already from my daughter from her experience watching the NY Marathon: PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR OUTFIT. It worked well in NYC and had same effect here. People like calling you by your name, runners! Help them help you!

The lawn hoses were most appreciated. They felt better than the misting stations. Hot! Wanted to be drenched! Thanks to everyone who had one running.
Food from spectators?? YES. I ate everything offered! Apples, oranges and whatever. Don't have time to worry. It was a fun event and somebody rode along on a bike and asked to talk to me. I was interviewed and photographed. No idea whether/where it was published. Saw only one person I knew, though there were more and they are fast runners. Almost met my goal of six hours.... I was 35 seconds over, but missed the massage. Closed five minutes before I found them. Got my age-group award, though. It's very nice. The shower at the Y was greatly appreciated and getting on the highway to the next marathon was a breeze.

Oh, the city is nice also. I circled it a few times Friday evening. Got a chance to visit the Maggie L. Walker Museum and after learning I was from out of town and doing the marathon, National Park Service officer gave me a private tour of the house even though they had officially closed. Gray hair helps folks. Now that's what I call "friendly."


M. A. from San Francisco, CA (11/13/2006)
"Terrific, well-organized, well-run race" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

Richmond lived up to the hype - one of the most well-organized, efficient, and yes, friendly marathons I've ever run. Without the heat, this race would've been darn-near perfect: the aid stations every two miles and every mile after 20 are the best support I've ever seen this side of Ironman. Add in the spectator support (when 17 miles was was out of washcloths, I was disappointed; a few miles later, a nice lady was offering washcloths from her cooler!), and it was unbelievable.

Downtown location was perfect, particularly for out-of-towners - a short walk to the start, and a nice walk post-race from the finish. Add to that free towels and showers at the YMCA, and I felt very well taken care of. I'll definitely be back.


K. M. from San Francisco, California (11/13/2006)
"Okay." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Richmond Marathon

Bad Points:
Not a great course: much of the mileage is spent on a road (or even freeway) that has one part split off for runners and the other part reserved for cars (and their pollution). And, much of the course is long straightaways--there is not much turning or changing course, which is both boring and difficult mentally. And the sites aren't great: the course doesn't go into the cool parts of the downtown- or historical areas and instead winds around some pretty nondescript or even downright ugly residential neighborhoods. By the way, course is not flat (somewhere I got the idea that it was) and actually has a steady incline (with a steep downhill at the end--nice!).

I think this race is best suited to locals: the runner who wants to get a taste of a new city and its people probably won't find much of interest here since neither the course nor its attractions do much in that area. What's usually the most fun about races is the interesting mix of people you get from all parts of the country and the world, but Richmond is a lot of Richmonders, and a lot of those are Team in Training folks, so the crowd really isn't that interesting.

Good points:
Food and aid is pretty good and the fans are great about setting out their own tables with goodies and drinks. (But, that said, this race didn't stick out to me as especially 'friendly.')

By the way, race logistics is well organized and totally easy. Volunteers are pleasant and helpful from expo to aid station.

All in all, I wouldn't do this again. I certainly wouldn't travel for it. This is probably a good race for you if you are in the area and want a last marathon in before the year is up.


P. B. from Wilmington, Delaware (11/13/2006)
"Excellent Marathon!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons

Aside from the unexpected heat, the marathon was fabulous! This really is the friendliest marathon - lots of crowd support, beautiful scenery - especially the section along the James River. Excellent job!!


S. M. from Philly, USA (11/13/2006)
"Best spectators in the world!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

Even with unusually hot temperatures for November, the spectators were everywhere cheering you on. This was my 4th marathon ever, and by far my best in terms of motivation (spectators everywhere) and organized so well. I highly recommed this marathon.


J. B. from Alexandria, VA (11/13/2006)
"This was my first marathon and it was a great!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Richmond Marathon

This was my first marathon and I had a great experience. The course was really interesting and diverse as you run through downtown, neighborhoods, and even along a river. The crowd was really great and encouraging all along the way. There was plenty of water stations (every two miles until 20 and then every mile after that) and they had plenty of manpower to make them efficient and accessible to runners. I highly recommend this to any first-time marathon runner. My only advice is to book your hotel ASAP. I waited too long and had to drive in from about 10 miles out. It wasn't that bad but the experience would have been enhanced if I had stayed downtown.


S. J. from Northern VA (11/13/2006)
"Great Course, Lots of Fun" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

This was my first Richmond Marathon (3rd marathon overall) and I loved it. I ran the Marine Corp Marathon two weeks earlier and was frustrated with that one, so to find a smaller marathon with a beautful, organized course was great. I loved how the course ran through neighborhoods, and it was great to see people sitting outside their homes to cheer us on. I saw many families giving out their water, snacks, etc! Overly generous - thanks so much!! The course was very scenic; I absolutely loved it. One small downside: Not enough port-o-potties on the course; had to wait in a line for several minutes.


m. k. from virginia beach, va (11/13/2006)
"I loved the Richmond Marathon" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

First time running Richmond. I can't say enough about the spectators - they were out in force with cheers, fruit, gummy bears, misting tents; the water stops were well manned; and the finish was worth running 26.2 for. Amazing support. The course was beautiful with long rolling hills, which made for a challenging day. Upon returning home, I immediately signed up for next year, as did my wife.


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