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Philadelphia Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 749 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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S. O. from New Jersey (11/23/2009)
"perfect day, really not flat" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

The weather was perfect and the fans were great. Water/aid stations felt abundant, especially late in the race (approximately every two miles), which was a huge help in the 20's. Not sure who to believe, but my Garmin clocked the race at 26.4 miles... so I am choosing to subtract 30 second from my chip time. :)
This race is not that flat at all. Between 7 and 10, there are some rolling hills, and there are definitely grade changes later on (that feel like hills when your legs are screaming at you!). If you really want a flat race, go coastal (Virginia Beach and Cape May were good ones).

The race shirt and medal are awesome and I loved the complementary gloves (too bad I had to toss them!). Wave start was super; virtually no congestion at all. If you want to do this race, get the runner's rate at the Four Seasons (half price, but book early) and you are a stone's throw from the start and finish. Would definitely do Philly again!


J. R. from Massachusetts (11/23/2009)
"Great city marathon" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

I was very impressed with the Philadelphia Marathon. It is a very flat course with a few minor hills around mile 9, 13.5, and 20. I was able to qualify for Boston, getting under 3:08 on this course in my 3rd marathon.

You get the most spectator support around miles 5 and 6 (as you make your way downtown), and again at the halfway point. The water stops weren't too bad. Some were better organized than others, but the plain cups had water and the green Gatorade cups had Gatorade, so it wasn't too bad. The volunteers are great and plentiful.

The weather for this race was almost perfect - actually the only problem for me was that it was too sunny! It's a mid-to-late November marathon, so the average temperatures are ideal, but it could also be around freezing too if a cold spell hits.

One unfortunate thing to happen to this race is the fact that Boston is now filling up even faster, and BQ runners in Philly (such as myself) were shut out of the 2010 race. It's OK; at least I'm in for 2011!


K. G. from DC (11/23/2009)
"A must-do marathon" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Philadelphia Marathons

I set my fourth PR on the course again this year. It was cool and crisp, very few headwinds. Although there were some hills, they are short in duration. This is a very fast crowd, and seeing the elites returning on the out-and-back, while the river drifts past you, is breathtaking.


T. D. from Washington, D.C. (11/23/2009)
"Awesome marathon" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons

The pre-race staging area was great, with the shortest lines for port-a-potties I've experienced. The wave start was ideal; I reached full stride within the first 400 yards or so. The course is definitely not pancake flat, but at least the "significant" hills are in the first half of the race. I can understand, if you had no hill work before the marathon, that the hills after Drexel before mile 8 and at mile 10 going up to Memorial Hall would take a lot out of you, but I don't think they were relatively steep/long hills for marathons. The water/Gatorade/gel stops were spread out perfectly, and the course support was fantastic. I couldn't have turned in my time (PR by 20 minutes/3:18) without the support; I relied on it heavily from mile 20 to the end. Medal and post-race support were outstanding, and the sights along the whole course were very stimulating for an out-of-towner. Highly recommend this marathon; well done to the City of Philadelphia!


D. F. from Southampton, PA (11/23/2009)
"It's great to be from Philly" (about: 2009)

First Marathon

At 46, this was my first marathon, and I am glad that I got to run it (and complete it) in my hometown. The course was excellent, the organization was professional, and the friends and fans helped me to the finish line.


D. W. from LONG ISLAND (11/23/2009)
"Another Great Experience" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Philadelphia Marathons

This was my fourth Philly Marathon, and definitely not my last. With a great course and decent spectator support, this run should be on everyone's list. It has a couple of rolling hills, but is still fast and flat for PR's. Just get your training in and you'll have a great experience.


M. S. from Mansfield, TX (11/22/2009)
"Great fan support!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

The '09 race was great in many respects: ideal weather, mostly flat course and fantastic fan support that rivaled the NYC Marathon. Wave start was perfect for the large field, and the organization (from the expo, to the race start, to the finish) was nearly flawless. I thought that the expo closed early, and many vendors left an hour or more before the stated close time. The only negative was the lack of water at the finish. I know water was there because I saw many empty H2O bottles, but either they ran out or the water was not in plain sight - and I finished mid-pack, not with the sweep. Put this race on your to-do list for a great, large marathon!


C. E. from NY, NY (11/22/2009)
"Misrepresentation of course profile" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

At the start of the race, the announcer had the nerve to say the course was "flat and fast." This course is hillier than Boston, folks, and without the crowd support. (You spend only 10K in Central City and the Old City, and then you're up and down hills in Fairmount Park, looping back along the same stretch to the finish. The only good part of this marathon was the finisher's tee and the medal. Also, very poor family reunion area. Basically, there wasn't one. I would not do this race again.


R. R. from San Antonio, TX (11/22/2009)
"Not flat but fast" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

My sister's friend recommended this race as a good place to set a P.R. To begin with, plan on riding the Regional Rail or Metro to get around before the race because renting a car will leave you stuck in downtown traffic. The expo is not huge but the variety of vendors is good. Race morning was 41 degrees with a light breeze so you couldn't ask for more perfect weather. The elevation on the course map was small and out of focus, so the long climb at mile 6 was a surprise. From about 11.5 to 12.5 the road camber is much more pronounced, which places stress on your legs because there is no way to adjust. There is another short climb at around 14 and some more rolling hills heading out to Manayunk. I did a conservative first half then a negative split second half to improve my P.R. by over 10 minutes. The crowd support was very good and the post-race bananas, oranges, pretzels, juice and bars were ideal for a sensitive stomach. I would definitely recommend running this race, but just don't be surprised by the hills.


J. S. from NJ (11/22/2009)
"Excellent marathon for any level of athlete" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Philadelphia Marathons

Today was one awesome marathon! The organizers did a fabulous job with the crowd, the volunteers and the course!


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