calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Philadelphia Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 749 [displaying comments 461 to 471]
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M. S. from Easton, PA (11/27/2006)
"Bad organization" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

I am frustrated at so many levels with this race. First off, the results mess ups are ridiculous. I personally don't have an official time, it is like I never ran the race. I picked up my chip, wore it and a volunteer tore it off at the end, just as I was supposed to. I actually ran 3:00 and was the 14th woman but have nothing to show for it, including an official time to run Boston or NY. The expo was a mess, no chip verification, which probably was the route of my having no-time, the course was badly marked with mile markers, the water/Gatorade/gel placement was not ideal (the water should always be after the Gatorade and the gel should be far enough before the water to open your packet and eat it!), the race started late, and now I can't contact ANYONE to talk to about my lack of a time. Frustrating.


S. G. from Philadelphia (11/27/2006)
"My first marathon" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

Of the three big Philly runs (Broad Street, Philly Distance, and this marathon), I'd say this ranks right around #3. Still pretty good and I'll probably try to do it next year. I liked the course until the 12-mile out-and-back section on Kelly Drive; couldn't they have used MLK Drive more? The mile markers seemed to be inaccurate, in general. I thought the water stops were well stocked and managed. I thought the crowd was very good. The food was terrible; not that I could have eaten anything at the end anyway. Still, it was fun and I'd do it again.


M. S. from PA (11/27/2006)
"Bad organization and difficult to contact" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

This marathon should have been organized a lot better. From the chaos at the expo, to starting late, to incorrect mile markers, to bad water/Gatorade/gel placement, to the inability to contact the race directors, I was not impressed. The icing on the cake was that I have NO OFFICIAL time! Apparently my chip did not work or something. I picked everything up at the expo, had a registration, someone removed my chip at the finish, and I have no time - I am not in the results. I was going to use the time for a Boston or NY qualifier and now I can't seem to talk to anyone about the problem. There should have been a chip verification at the expo.


N. P. from Charlotte, North Carolina (11/27/2006)
"Poor organization" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Philadelphia Marathon

Very disappointed in this marathon. I would not recommend it to anyone. Water stops were every 2.5 miles - would be better at every mile so a distance runner doesn't have to plan when to eat gel packs so water can be available. Mile markers were messed up and didn't match the course map. I paid $80 to run this race and didn't even have someone to put a medal or space blanket on me after running 26.2 miles! I had to search out my own medal and blanket. Also, no good food after race! I went searching for food (not in the finish area) and found nothing but apples! Most marathons provide everything from coffee to pizza and you don't have to fight with others to get to it! For $80 this race should have provided a lot more. The expo was also disappointing - need more vendors!

The course - the last 12 miles are six miles out to a turn-around and then six miles back to the finish. At the time you are feeling your worst, you get to see all those ahead of you coming in to finish even though you still have at least 10 miles to go! Talk about playing head games with yourself. What kind of race lets you see that you are only at mile 16 but the others on the other side of the road are at mile 24?!!!!!!

If this race wants to keep this out-and-back route, they need to make this the beginning part of the course when we still have high spirts and strong muscles!

Terrible organization, poor course design, and no food afterwards. I would not recommend this marathon!


D. M. from South Jersey (11/26/2006)
"Please give it a chance!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Philadelphia Marathons

I don't usually post on these things, but this was my third Philly; I live here and love this marathon. Amex, you have to put your foot down and require better management - you too are getting a bad rap as well as Philly! Previous years the race was great; it was nice to hear we finally got a big sponsor.... How, in this caliber of a marathon, can you screw up mile markers so badly? I went through a time warp - my 14-mile was faster than my half! I had a groundhog day moment when I saw mile 11 - again.... My heart went out to the poor souls trying to untie their own chips. Next year I'm gonna volunteer! GIVE THIS MARATHON A SECOND CHANCE! It usually is great! My club slammed me for being critical, but my comments were mild compared to others! PLEASE COME BACK AGAIN! Next year maybe they'll get it right!


A. P. from Canada (11/25/2006)
"Poor start/finish organization, poor sponsor" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Philadelphia Marathons

I finished in the mid-pack and there was no food left. At the start and the finish, poor organization re: baggage checks, food tent, etc. American Express, the sponsor, had its own elitist area, and didn't care about the rest of the people in the race it sponsored. Course was good and well-manned with good directions.


R. N. from Chatham, New Jersey (11/25/2006)
"Inspirational Day in Philly" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons

This was my 7th marathon - I've run big races (NY) and small (Burlington, VT). Philadelphia is a jewel that, with some polishing, could break through to challenge the big five.

If you're looking for a fast course with color and history, this is the one. I PR'd by over 4 minutes, and BQ'd by over 3 minutes after 6 years of unsuccessful tries. I can't fathom the other comments about surprising hills (an overpass is a hill?); there is one genuine hill at around mile eight as you climb into the park. But, a long steep drop on the other side cancels the time you lost climbing.

The race starts, halves, and finishes in front of the spectacular art museum - an awe-inspiring sight. Along the way you pass the US mint, Independence Hall, Drexel's fraternity row (brothers chugging and screaming at 9 a.m.), the colossal civil war monument, boat house row, and a funky, raucous river town (Manayunk). The out-and-back along the river was fast and pretty, with the opportunity to see the elite runners coming in.

My advice to the other commentators is: cut the whining and get a life. Let the bag check spoil your day? The spectators didn't yell enough for you? The race deserves more volunteers (trained) at all ends, a bigger expo, an information desk, smarter water stop location (the race actually came to a stop at one on a narrow street), and someone who understands the confusion created by multiple split clocks.

Last suggestions: Drop the 8K, and/or stagger the half and marathon start - the city streets in the first 6 miles are too narrow to accommodate the herd.
Also, get the cops on the team - they should show more pride in their city and support rather than resist the event.

A great race with the potential to be huge!


T. K. from Philly (11/24/2006)
"Worse this year despite influx of cash" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Philadelphia Marathons

Fourth year in a row running this race, and it was the worst. Baggage check, as has been mentioned, was a NIGHTMARE - 10 minutes to hand someone my bag??? Started late; mile markers 3/4 misplaced. I hate the addition of the half; that's what PDR is for. It was so nice to have each distance (Broad Street, PDR half, marathon) be special, and held on its own day: it should remain this way. The addition of the half provided for WAY too much congestion in the first half and hard-to-read mile markers; get rid of it. There was no food to be had at the end other than water, chicken broth, and rotten bananas. I expected that since the entry fee was $50 more than it was four years ago that the level of service would climb, too, but it hasn't. Despite this the volunteers are great, the scenic course is flat and fast, and seeing so much of the city will bring me back next year. But it appears that all of AmEx's dollars did nothing but create a disaster here. As a Philly citizen, I'm embarrassed at what this race said about my city this year.


J. H. from Philadelphia, PA (11/23/2006)
"Spoiled By Chicago?" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons

Course: I ran Chicago in '04 (3:47) and '05 (3:14 BQ) and Boston in '06 (don't ask). I just ran Philly in 3:07. For anyone spoiled with pancake flat marathoning, Philly will be a bit of a surprise - miles 6-11 have some pace-impacting elevation changes - and miles 19-20 in Manayunk are a bit challenging. The marketing ("furiously fast") is more than a bit suspect.

Organization: What organization? Pre-race info that gives conflicting indications of where the Gatorade will start. They said water only till at least mile five, then there was the Gatorade at mile 3 (why am I carrying this bottle?). No signs on the tents or anywhere else for anything. (Oh, bags go to that small unmarked tent over there?) I paid with my AmEx card - was the benefit that I got my gear bag back in 20 minutes instead of 40? The course map was not even to scale. The mile markers were not accurate - and you only saw those little things if you were looking for them and no one was blocking them. And you heard about the expo. And was that somebody talking at the start? Maybe the elites up front heard them - I guess the plan was for everyone to play the child's game of telephone so we'd know why we started eight minutes late.

Fans: Hats off to them - they were awesome. Glad I brought the MP3 player - otherwise it would have been a lonely morning (other than the art museum and Manayunk).

For a world-class event, run Chicago - or wait till Philly grows and (I hope) improves.


P. O. from Baltimore, MD (11/23/2006)
"Awful organization" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons

Just a big disappointment. The expo was difficult to get to and to get through. Too many young volunteers who were not well trained. The tent idea for the expo is novel and saves money, but was awful.

The course was drab, though quite nice in spots. The crowds were very lukewarm.

I think this has potential to be an excellent race. It needs better planning and an infusion of energy.


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