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Philadelphia Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 749 [displaying comments 661 to 671]
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c. r. from allentown, pa (11/24/2003)
"Really good course, fast" (about: 2003)


Only my third marathon -- thought it was really good. Faster than the ones I've run. Didn't finish at my goal time, but was able to finish relatively strongly. Maybe it was because the weather was very cooperative, but I thought the spectator support was excellent! I would recommend this to anyone, especially a first-timer. There is a great chance I would run this one again especially after having run it and being familiar with the course. It is BQ material! In response to the other comments: What course on the East is faster than this? I ran Steamtown as first and thought this one was faster.

G. R. from Annapolis, MD (11/24/2003)
"What does one expect for $45.00?" (about: 2003)


I ran this marathon as part of a 'trilogy' of fall marathons (I had run Chicago and NYC in previous weeks).

With a 45-dollar fee, I wasn't expecting much.

1. What spectators there are, are great, don't get me wrong, but don't be surprised if you go several miles without a spectator. Also, as there are not many entrants in the race you often get the feeling you are running 'alone.'

2. I was afraid about water being 2 miles apart, but if you carry a water bottle in your belt, just fill up every 2-4 miles.

3. I actually enjoyed the last part of the marathon the most. The river is pretty, but you do get to see the people ahead of you suffering as you run the other way which is what you know you will be looking like once you hit the turn-around.

4. 50 port-a-potties for 6,000 people? There were lines hundreds of feet long at the start. Luckily, there are plenty of places (if you are a guy) along the way to take care of business.

I wasn't expecting much, but it was a personal best for me. Fast course.

If you live witin a two hour drive - go for it!

B. M. from Havelock, NC USA (11/23/2003)
"Posted a PR on this course" (about: 2003)


Although I set a PR on this course, the final 12 miles are DULL! Spectators when they were around were great, but not nearly enough in my opinion. Will probably run this marathon again in the future. Right now looking forward to having my feet heal so I can walk again. Weather was great for running. Gatorade bars and water at the finish were lacking though. Was looking forward to a bagel and some bananas. Maybe next year they will figure out something different.

C. C. from Albany New York (5/27/2003)
"Fun for a first marathon" (about: 2002)


All in all, this was a good race. I like the first 15 or so miles, but the last 12 miles were not as exciting. Running out 6 miles, making a U-turn, and coming back... they should fix that.

C. B. from New Jersey (5/26/2003)
"The Minivan of Marthons: Solid, Safe, Reliable" (General Comments)


Not my favorite race...but I've run it seven years in a row, sometimes in addition to my 'focus' race and sometimes as my annual marathon. Why? It's the 'minivan of marathons': solid, reasonably fast, decent weather, well-organized, and low risk. You won't fall in love with it but it's reliable. :)

1. Convenience. You can drive to it from the NYC area (and other cities) in a couple of hours and park only blocks from the start at no cost.

2. Course: Nearly flat and mostly scenic. One moderate hill at 9-10 and a gradual rise at 19-20 (which you get to run down again immediately). Definitely Boston qualifier and PR material though downhill courses (such as Steamtown here in the East) are faster.

3. Organization: excellent. Nothing's perfect--I gave up on the pasta dinner years ago (quality is so-so) and post-race food is good but limited--but organizers do an excellent job on aid stations, baggage check, start/finish, etc.

4. Weather. Nearly guaranteed to be cool: singlet, hat, and gloves for me. It could be sunny/warm or windy/wet but statistically it will probably be ideal.

5. Size: 3,000 (?) and growing. Big enough to insure you're always running in company but not crowded.

6. Great for family spectators. My wife and kids can sleep in, walk down and see me go by at 4 and 7, then walk over to catch me at 14 and the finish, with playgrounds for the kids. Sans kids, my wife ran from point to point one year to catch me in multiple spots, then jumped in and ran the last four with me--a real treat.

7. Nice long-sleeve T-shirts. The design gets a little old after seven years but the fabric and colors are first rate.


1. Course: last 12 are out and back along the river. There are few specators by this point (except a bunch at the 20-mile turnaround) and, on the way back, you've already seen every painful curve and rise on the way out. Plus if you've crashed early, you're running AWAY from the finish for a while. I've often thought they should run the course in the opposite direction which would put the last half in the city and the last mile on the heavily spectated Ben Franklin parkway. Traffic considerations probably prohibit that. Oh, well.

2. Spectators. Enthusiastic and more numerous in recent years but still uneven: great at Art Museum (which you pass at the start, 2 miles, 14 miles, and finish--it's a multiple-loop course) and in certain spots but skimpy elsewhere due to geography of the course, early morning start, and cool weather.

Overall, a great first marathon, a good qualifying/PR marathon, and a nice, reliable marathon for everyone else.

P. N. from Detroit, Michigan (3/5/2003)
"Beautiful day, nice race" (about: 2002)


This was my second marathon (first was Chicago '02), and I finished in a disappointing 4:01. The best thing about this race is that it is in late-November. I was able to have a fun summer playing golf, eating and drinking whatever I want, going for the occasional jog, and then start training in September. The long training runs were in cool weather (I trained here in Michigan).

For the actual race, they need a lot more porta johns. For anyone running it in '03, here's a secret: the course goes right back to start area after two miles. Don't wait in line to go to the bathroom before the race; just run two miles, then go. And you had better go then because as far as I could tell there were like four porta johns the rest of the way.

They could have had a few more water stations, but the ones they had were excellent and the workers were very nice and encouraging.

The hills and the cobblestone did not bother me at all.

Contrary to what others have said, I thought the crowds were OK. Very encouraging the whole way, huge, inspiring crowd at the start/finish area (which you pass like nine times), a little disappointing in the middle. To the few non-abortion-protesters who stood near the protesters and cheered for us: I don't know how you could stand it, but we really appreciated it. I don't care what the guy with the megaphone said, you are definitely going to heaven.

The protesters themselves didn't bother me. It was hard not to look at the pictures because they were so big, but there was only one guy actually saying anything, and he was just funny. I have to say that if the runners just ignored the protesters (instead of swearing at them), it probably would have been better for everyone.

Carb-BOOM Energy Gels from Tucson, AZ (1/20/2003)
"Comment from Carb-BOOM Energy Gels" (about: 2002)


There are several comments about the lack of energy gels on the course, despite of Carb-BOOM being the official energy gel.

The decision not to have energy gel at the aid stations came from the event director. At our expo booth, we attempted to inform all the athletes of this fact, but we were not able to reach everyone.

Mynor Paredes from Guatemala, Central America (1/8/2003)
"It was great, the water stations were bad" (about: 2002)


This race was my 3rd time running in USA, I´m from Guatemala in Central America, I ran NYC '99 and LA '96, this one was fantastic but I thought there were not enough water stations, the weather for me was bad because in Guatemala the average is 70°f and we run at 30°f. However it was a great experience I ran it because i visited a friend in VA and I planned to visit Philly, The course is grate but there are not a lot of fans, I ordered my Pictures by the philadelphia marathon site it was easy and I received then soon, after all I feel happy to run this race and I recommend it.

S. L. from Worcester, PA (1/5/2003)
"Final 10 Miles are a BORE" (about: 2001)


The First 12 miles of Philadelphia marathon went by very fast, except for the 10 minute wait at the one porta potty at mile 6. The final 10 miles consisted of a straight 5 mile road to manayunk, and you literally turn around and go back. You see your finish line 4 times before you actually finish the race.
After running Boston Marathon in April, I was wondering if anyone lives in Philly at all.... I was shocked at the lack of support from Philadelphians. EEEK... There was no motivation to push me through the last 10 miles. And the anti abortionists telling me that I am going to hell at Mile 14 certainly didnt push me along.
Anyway, the organization was fantastic and we got some great pictures!

W. S. from Southern New Jersey (1/1/2003)
"Great Marathon. . . .but where are the spectators?" (about: 2002)


What a great day all around! Nice weather, nice course, great organization, but few fans other than at the start/finish area. The volunteers did a great job. There seemed to be adequate portapottys (as well as alternatives for the less inhibited). Next year, maybe Carboom, since they are a sponsor, will spring for free gels during the race? All in all, I highly recommend this race.

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