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Honolulu Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 202 [displaying comments 141 to 151]
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Danielle Dove from Burbank, California (7/18/2005)
"My First Marathon was Amazing!!!!" (about: 2003)

1 previous marathon | 1 Honolulu Marathon

Walking the Honolulu Marathon was the most amazing and most challenging event I have ever accomplished.

It all began with Team in Training, an organization fighting for a cure for leukemia and lymphoma. You see, my brother died of leukemia, and my then current boyfriend was in remission of leukemia. So I felt the need to do my part in finding a cure for this horrible disease. So I began my training for the Honolulu Marathon. We trained together once a week, and trained individually for the remainder of the week. Our workouts were outrageous, but rewarding. After beginning the marathon, I realized that my training would be worth the sweat, tears and pain. I have never hurt so bad in my life. Walking the Honolulu was the hardest thing I have ever had to do (to date), but once I crossed that finish line, I knew that I could do it all over again. This intense feeling of accomplishment flooded my body and all I could do was cry from sheer satisfaction of reaching my goal. You can never underestimate the human body. With training and determination, you can do it all.


B. B. from Los Angeles (3/8/2005)
"Fantastic first marathon!" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Honolulu Marathon

This was my first marathon and what a way to start. I agree that more water stations are needed and the Luau (carbo loading) was ghastly. Bad food, poorly organized, etc.

The race itself could not have been better. Weather was great for the 2004 run and the scenery, spectators, early morning start, etc. were the best!

Didn't hurt to have a week on the beach to recover...


D. H. from Baltimore, MD (12/17/2004)
"can't ask for much more in a marathon" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Honolulu Marathon

The 2004 Honolulu Marathon went really, really well. The weather was uncharacteristically cool, causing many people I'm sure to set PRs, and it seemed like just about everyone and their brother on the island was able to do the marathon with little problem. It's amazing to watch the different types of people attempting this marathon. if you do a sub-4 marathon, you're in the top 10% in this race. And, after 10.5 hours, you still see people rolling in.

The crowds are kind of hard to deal with, and it's hard to park for those who drive to the start/finish. But if you're staying at a hotel, the shuttles work really, really well.

The support was incredible. Helpful people everywhere you look. I was amazed at how many keikis (local kids) they got to come out and help, and they enjoyed it! The water stoops were plentiful and easy to get to, mile markers were easy to find, as well as signs to let you know that water stops were coming.

The food could be improved - all you got were cookies and apples - but that's ok.

The showers at the end felt awesome. I must've stayed in them for 15 minutes.

The expo worked really well - easy to get to, easy to get in and out. Very, very quick.

The Diamond Head Hill is the only hill on the course (back and forth), but it's tolerable.

And, if you're a decent runner, you get to see the leaders on the way back when you're headed out to Hawaii Kai. That's neat to see. Some people complain at the length of runners coming the other direction, but I find it enjoyable. You are facing the outgoing/incoming runners for about 4.3 miles between 11-15 and 17-21.


Bob Bender from South Carolina (12/17/2004)
"First Time" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Honolulu Marathon

They say you never forget your first marathon. What a week to remember, starting with perfect weather every day. The 66 degrees, no wind, no humidity is the perfect weather for me. I ran 4 seconds off my training pace and if things got a little tough, I just looked around and realized I was running in December in Hawaii. The fans we very supportive and Honolulu was great. They really made you feel at home and not like another tourist trap. My hotel was 1 mile from the start and allowed an extra 20 minutes to sleep in. I stayed at the Outrigger, but all the hotels appeared to be very nice.


Kevin Miguel from Maui, Hawaii (12/15/2004)
"I will NEVER forget this marathon!" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

I'm native to Hawaii, so I won't comment on the scenery as I'm not partial to it :)

I got to the convention center and picked up my race packet. It took about 1 minute. Very quick! They're so organized. I don't have experience with expos, but it looked nice. Promoters for other marathons, some shops selling race gear, and it's a big open area with lots of room to meander around. I did most of my shopping at the local running stores in the area, as they had great specials on gels and other accessories.

Starting line:
I wanted to shoot for a sub-5 hour run. I stood at the back end of the 4-5 hour section of the starting line, and found out that others were not so honest. Slower runners and walkers were in front of me, and I ended up weaving in and out of them for the first 10 miles just to keep my slow and steady pace. I gave up fighting at the half-marathon point and decided to just relax and finish the race, whatever time it would take. I figured I would stand closer to the starting line next time!

The course:
The big hill everyone talks about is Diamond Head. It's a long, small incline. To me it didn't seem bad. The real killer is the loop in Hawaii Kai (around the half-marathon point). There are a bunch of small, steep hills there that might wear you out, and then there are 2 steep downhills that will really tenderize your shins. I watched many run past me as I briskly walked downhill, only to find a lot of them limping afterward. There are 2 lanes going into Hawaii Kai, but only 1 heading out. This area is the long, straight stretch where you can really make headway. But pass all the runners you can going in with the 2 lanes, because heading out, you'll be stuck in 1 lane with the herd. If you look at these sort of things as course challenges and not problems, you'll have fun!

Aid stations:
The volunteers at the stations are awesome! Very kind, and always smiling. I can still see some of their faces. They pass out a sports drink called Amino-Value (by Ajinomoto). I heard in previous years the drink was Amino-Vital, but this is a newer version of it. SIMPLY AMAZING STUFF! I swear it's the miracle drink. Absolutely no leg cramps after the race. None! And out of over 22,000 runners, only 298 didn't finish. It just has to be that drink!

What I loved most:
I started out in frustration, trying to pass everyone, but when I decided to just take it easy at the halfway point, I unexpectedly started to enjoy it all! The Japanese runners (making up over 60 percent of the entrants) are so fun to run with - many wearing zany costumes, others yelling and cheering 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!' while carrying huge signs - I actually slowed down to watch the other runners! I was most impressed with the Japanese girls. Most of them wore cute, colorful running outfits, and ran very daintily (read that as 'bad running form') and I expected most of them to quit. But they all ran to the end! I was so touched watching everyone fighting to finish that I pretty much forgot I was running, too! It's the other runners, not the marathon itself, that I really had fun with. I now know that I'm not a runner out to beat my PR every time - I just want to have fun running! Wouldn't have known if I didn't run this marathon :)

Improvements I'd like to see:
A couple more aid stations along the route, no biggie though. Awards for people who run and finish together (couples, families, teams) and special awards for those who run in big animal suits - anyone who can finish a marathon in 6 hours wearing a big, stuffy panda outfit deserves something. And there were MANY who wore suits!

I will definitely be running the HM in 2005 and beyond, and strictly to enjoy the friendly and fun Japanese runners and the kind people at the aid stations. Well, I won't really be running. More like galloping along and socializing with everyone. :)


B. H. from Honolulu, HI (12/14/2004)
"2004 was a spectacular year!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Honolulu Marathons

This was an incredible year at Honolulu - 66 degrees, no wind, no humidity - it just didn't get any better than this. Two course records were set this year (men and women). I ran within 7 seconds of my previous PR that I ran 6 weeks prior at Silicon Valley Marathon (first sub-4 for me there) - guess I shouldn't have made that bathroom break :-).

Organization was great as always, fans were superb, the course is wonderful (it is my home turf after all) - I don't remember the last climb over Diamond Head but I know that I did it :-)


Trisha Stayton from Chicago, IL (8/19/2004)
"Beautiful!!" (about: 2002)

First Marathon

This was my very first marathon, and I am so happy that such a great cause got me motivated enough to 1) run a marathon, and 2) in such a beautiful location. Thank you Arthritis Foundation. As for the race itself, I had nothing prior to compare it to. Although I felt very welcome by the locals the whole time I was there, and especially during the race. It was so nice to be cheered on by folks from their front lawns. And the course . . . hilly, but oh what a view! I enjoyed seeing the rainbows to help keep me in good spirits as my body wanted nothing more than to stop and rest. The weather was beautiful, a bit hot, but had very refreshing bursts of rain ? just enough to keep cool but not too wet.

I highly recommend this race, if not for the challenge of the hills, at least for the sights. Breath-taking!


Randy England from Ukiah, California (7/20/2004)
"A truely great experience." (about: 2003)

3 previous marathons | 1 Honolulu Marathon

I ran this race in 2003 with the Team in Training and it was one of the best experiences of my life. If you want a fast time you need to get there early or it will take you to around mile 10 when the field opens up. The ice sponges where a life saver. Great fan support throughout the race. People in bath robes outside there homes just to cheer on the runners. A beautiful place to visit and run a marathon.


D. H. from Pensacola, Florida (4/6/2004)
"There's no crying in baseball, or marathons" (about: 2003)

3 previous marathons | 2 Honolulu Marathons

I have run this race in 2002 and 2003. I will sign up for 2004 as soon as it's posted on the web page.

Yes, there are a lot of runners, so what? Yes, there are a lot of first-time marathon runners, so what?
Yes, it starts @ 5am. Who really sleeps well the night before a race anyhow? Look, you will NOT set a PR, go into the race knowing that may allow one to relax a little more perhaps.

The support was terrific. Here's a way to appreciate support even more: first, thank each person who hands you something, you'll be amazed @ the volunteers' response. And, remember, they are the ones sacrificing their Sunday. I think that @ the start/finish the port-a-johns were plentiful. They could use a few more throughout the course. If you're a man, this area favors you over women. The breeze is a positive, people, not a negative - so stop crying. Try to remember that you're on a tropical island and that a breeze IS part of the climate.

The expo may be smaller then some would like; however, I found myself not wanting - if you forgot something it was there.

Now, I have not seen one comment about mingling with Frank Shorter, Bill Rodgers, Mary Decker Slaney, Alberto Salazar, etc. are you kidding me, these legends are down to earth, great people who care enough to ask, answer and give advice. This race is a must do, train with hills, particularly on your long runs. Hydrate as soon as you land in Honolulu. Count your blessings, you're incredibly lucky to be on vacation, in Hawaii and a breathtaking marathon awaits you. :)

DJ from sunny Florida!


K. O. from New York, NY (4/3/2004)
"Fun, Laid Back Race" (about: 2003)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Honolulu Marathons

I grew up in Hawaii and came back to Honolulu to run this race for the fourth time, but the first time in nearly twenty years. In the last year I have also run two medium-sized marathons in Prague and Detroit.

To generalize, the participants in this race fall into two camps. The first are the serious runners, who account for about 10% of the field. The rest are recreational runners, who account for the remaining 90%. This means that you have to get there early if you want to run a good time, because otherwise you will be stuck behind thousands of people who will be running/walking at 12 min/mile or slower from the very beginning.

Another thing to bear in mind if you run this race - weather is a factor! It will be 70 degrees with high humidity and there will likely be a wind in your face for a significant portion of the course. When you consider the crowds and the weather it is difficult to set a PR here. By 3 hours into the race, the sun will be at full blast, and there is little shade to be had.

There are a couple of other issues I should note - the expo is not that good and the race # pickup is poorly organized. The finish area is huge, but there is little food to be had. There is little spectator support due to the start time (5 am) and the route, which largely goes through residential areas in East Honolulu.

All that said, this is a fun, very enjoyable race. If you can run 3:30 or better, you have a great boost to your ego, because you will finish in the top 500 out of over 20,000 and for the last 7 miles you will be running against a tide of runners headed in the opposite (outbound) direction. Water stops are good, and after the finish you can head to the beach and take a refreshing jump in the Pacific! You get a finisher shirt, an afterthought of a medal, a shell lei, and you can purchase additional very cool running attire from Nike at the finish and in Waikiki. One helpful hint: you can buy a lot of stuff for 50% off the day after the marathon when you pick up your finisher's certificate!

If you fly out, go out on Friday or Saturday, stay on mainland time, run the race, and enjoy Hawaii after that. Airfares tend to be the lowest of the year in early December.


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