calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Disney World Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 818 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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R. R. from Normal, IL (1/31/2010)
"Fun "experience" race for Disney fans" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

I LOVED my Disney Marathon experience! I'm a huge Mickey fan and have been wanting to run the marathon for the last 8 years, since I first heard about it. Disney definitely knows how to throw a party.

I wasn't prepared for the amount of miles outside the parks (probably 75%) and the long walk to the start line, but that was my fault. The course is flat, but it's amazing how much the overpass ramps felt like hills during the middle of a marathon!

I only really fault Disney and the race directors for one thing. In a year that was record-breakingly cold (27 degrees at start), I really thought they could have provided portable heaters or garbage-can bonfires while you're waiting almost 2 pre-dawn hours for the race to start. The waiting in the cold really made my back tense up at the midway point of the marathon.

Overall, I enjoyed the magical atmosphere and am looking forward to maybe doing the half in a few years. The cost is the only thing keeping me from doing it again right away. Fast runners might not appreciate the "take in the sights/sounds" atmosphere, but any Disney fan who is ready for a leisurely run for the experience of it will love this race! Oh - and if you wear your medal to the parks afterward (which it seems like most finishers did), Disney cast members and other guests are still cheering on your accomplishment in the following days - kind of a cool way to extend relishing your success.


C. P. from New York (1/31/2010)
"Expensive, but enjoyable race" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Disney World Marathons

This was my third Disney Marathon weekend. In 2007, I ran the half; in 2008, the full; and I went for the Goofy (half and full) in 2010.

I pretty much agree with most of the other comments posted. If you want to race, make sure you are able to be placed in the first or second corral. Do not get stuck in the last corral unless you are looking to walk.

I think the half has gotten way too expensive for what it is. When I ran it in 2007, it was $85.

While post-race food was better this year, it really is lacking for the amount of money you pay. They also should have had some type of hot beverage, even just water, at the end for those who needed it. I'm sure many people were bordering on hypothermia after they finished and had to wait around for bag check and a bus back to their hotel.

Anyway, if you love Disney, I would recommend the marathon. It gives you the most for your money. If you are not a fan, skip these races. Even if you are a fan, I would say skip the half.


M. M. from Fairfax, Virginia (1/31/2010)
"I guess I expected better from Disney." (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

Overall, this marathon was a good experience. I guess I just expected to run more through the parks and less on the roads, which were very boring. I especially could have lived without mile 15 to 16 where I got to smell sewage. Also, I know that Disney is all about making money, which makes sense, but the park attendants needed to do a better job preventing park patrons from running in front of the marathoners while in Hollywood Studios. A mother ran in front of runners in front of me and then her son proceeded to run in front of me. To avoid this child, I had to swerve out of his way, tripping over the cones that were set up to prevent this kind of thing. The ropes for the parades should have been set up instead of cones. I did not feel that the safety of the runners was important to Disney at this point. Disney won't be making money if someone gets hurt due to negligence that can be avoided.


D. C. from Canada (1/29/2010)
"Goofy Challenge Survivor" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Disney World Marathon

As a first-time full marathon runner, I decided to take on the Goofy Challenge. What better way to be really "Goofy," huh? This was by far the best organized race I've been too (I've done many - just not full marathons). Disney creates an atmosphere that truly invigorates. I was magically transformed into a marathon runner and a Goofy Challenge survivor. What a way to remember my first time! I would recomend this race to anyone who wants to have some Disney fun while running 26.2 miles. Of course, if you are searching for a PB, save it for another race. This race is all about enjoyment and celebration. I will go back in a couple of years (need to save up for a trip like this). The only change I would make is the medals. Yes, they are the same every year, except for anniversary medals with the year changed on them. As a runner, if I were to run this race yearly, I truly want to see a variation to my medal collection. Other than that, the expo was fantastic (bargains were had by many), the volunteers were encouraging, and the course was inspirational. Thanks for reading.


S. J. from Corpus Christi, TX (1/25/2010)
"Miserably cold but purely Disney!!" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Disney World Marathon

The 2010 WDW Half Marathon was my first race ever. It was COLD and miserable weather, but I finished! Overall, it was a wonderful experience - so wonderful that I've already signed up to do 2011's half!


P. P. from OK (1/25/2010)
"My Favorite Marathon!!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Disney World Marathons

I have run over 30 marathons and Disney twice. This year I did the Goofy Challenge and loved it!! Disney does it best! I agree with the person below. If you think this course is boring, you are a boring person! The volunteers definitely deserved a medal or two!! To stand there in the bitter cold and smile and cheer for us was amazing! Disney is expensive, but you get your money's worth with the great shirts and medals. Early starts are common in a lot of marathons - deal with it!! I will do this race again! Keep up the good work, Disney, and thanks, volunteers! We couldn't do it without you!


Trevor Neal from Crawley, West Sussex, England. (1/24/2010)
"Cold but fun" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

This was my first Goofy Challenge, and my first Disney marathon. But this was my 52nd marathon. Yes, it was cold, but then I come from the UK, and in January it is cold here also. But I must admit to wearing as many clothes for the marathon as I normally would for a slow, long-distance training run.

The half marathon was great fun - the first time that I have run a whole race with my wife, and it was fun to jog/chat all the way round. People are complaining about these races being boring. Compared to somewhere like the London Marathon? Yes. But compared to a 105.5-lap track marathon? Then no.

I knew what I was getting myself into for when I paid the fee (yes, very expensive), but then I knew the price before I entered as well and I still entered.

It was very cold, but then so was Philadelphia in November of 2008, and New York on several occasions, as noted before by others. I may also not do this event again, but then I just might.

If you are a Disney fan, then go for it and just enjoy the ride. If I can do the Goofy Challenge, then anyone can. I am 50 years-old and weigh 225 pounds, and I take my hat off to all who run either the half or full marathon, or managed the Goofy Challenge. You all did great.


S. B. from Michigan (1/24/2010)
"I LOVE DISNEY!!!" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Disney World Marathons

I completed the 2010 Goofy Challenge and can't wait to do it again next year. Disney does a A+ job with this race. The volunteers are the best. If the runners were cold, think of the volunteers who stood at their stations for hours cheering. Disney volunteers deserve a medal for their dedication.

I only have two suggestions: 1) Disney should consider a new design for the medal. The creative possibilities for Mickey are endless; why not have a newly designed medal each year? 2) The field reached maximum capacity this year. The path from Hollywood Studios to the Yacht Club cannot handle any more runners. I found it very difficult to have to weave through the crowd in section of the race.

My only suggestion for anyone considering this race is to remember that this is Disney, not Boston. People are here to have fun and to enjoy the moment.


S. W. from Gilbert, AZ (1/22/2010)
"Disney boring? Really?" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Disney World Marathons

I wish somebody would list all of these other marathons which are thrill packed and mentally stimulating for an entire 26.2 miles. Somehow I have managed not to find them as I run all over the country. Maybe someday some of you will figure out it's you versus the 26.2, however it comes. Disney isn't perfect, but calling this marathon boring is more a reflection on you as a runner than Disney as a marathon. What an unfair hand life has dealt you, the poor Disney runner who discovers that all 26.2 miles are not spent running circles around Cinderella's Castle. Frankly part of the attraction of Disney for me is that you always have a park to look forward to. I find it very mentally interesting, unlike many races around the country. I too seek the marathon course that is slightly downhill, on a rubberized surface with perfect temps and attractive brunettes cheering me on every 100 yards for the entire 26.2 miles. If you can bash every marathon for silly things, then I can dream of silly things. By the way, it was cold and I salute all of my fellow Goofy runners and everyone who ran this year. Special thanks to all of the cast members and volunteers who braved the cold to support us. I think it was the cast members and the volunteers who really deserved a medal this year.


C. O. from CT USA (1/21/2010)
"Love it!!!!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Disney World Marathons

This was my 6th Disney Marathon, and 17th overall. This is a fun race. Flat course and great support.

People seem to have this idea the all 26.2 miles will be in the park. I love that you get a new park every few miles and there are a ton of characters on the course! You DO NOT get this type of entertainment at most marathons. This is just the cherry on top of a fast course. I do think the field has become a little large though.

See you next year!


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