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New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 315 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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A. S. from Lake Charles, LA (11/20/2008)
"Tough first marathon!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

This was my first marathon, and let me tell you, it was tough! I had no idea what to expect. I think that the thing that made it so tough was that there were not that many spectators cheering us on. I know I should not run for them, but it sure does help give you that little boost of energy that you need to push you through! Also, the roads are in such bad shape. Very exhausting trying to watch the road to make sure you don't break an ankle. Let's just say New Orleans is a party town - not a running town.


K. R. from Baton Rouge, LA (3/18/2008)
"perfectly flat and scenic course" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

it is a flat course, so you can set a PR. The weather is almost certainly going to be pleasant. I cannot think of any complaints whatsoever.


E. T. from New Orleans LA (3/16/2008)
"Great to run in my wonderful hometown!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathons

Loved running home in '07 so much that for '08, I enlisted my wife, my mother in law, a couple that we are friends with, and a colleague out of Atlanta. We also had a friend who runs so much that we think he's a cyborg. We were all hit by the flu the last 10 days before the race and we all had to take it down from full to half marathon. (Except the Cyborg, who ran it in 3:33 - cyborgs don't get the flu.)

The start was a MESS! The 5K runners clogged the departure - we were jammed on a sidewalk instead of a wide lane on which traffic had been restricted anyway??? What gives? Last year we started on the other side of the Superdome ramps this year was a nightmare out the shoot.

Regardless, the front half was spectacular. I agree with those who mention that the run up Carrondelet - which becomes Bourbon Street - was very narrow. Still, we're running down one of the coolest streets in the world, so it's easy to forgive. Then coming back down Royal loosened things up, and finally hitting St. Charles Avenue in all her glory was the epitome of running in an enthralling environment. Surface is irregular, but being a local, I knew that the streetcar rails would leave to the median soon enough and that potholes are a way of life.

How fun was it to watch the guy who won the marathon run back up the avenue as I ran down, and to be able to encourage him to win the same race I was running in?

The circle through Audubon Park was a pleasant break and the run back up was motivating. I even saw my wife and her mother (walkers) heading down the avenue as I headed back and was able to encourage them as well.

The arrival was fun at the foot of the Superdome.

When waiting for my wife, I was shocked to see that the traffic was released WELL before the stated time and they were on Poydras (large, fast avenue) with traffic whizzing by. This was very dangerous.


C. S. from Cambridge, MN (3/6/2008)
"Great Destination Marathon" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

First, the course is as flat and fast as advertised. This rivals Fargo as the easiest of my eight marathons. The fantastic first half covers both the French Quarter and scenic Audubon Park. While the second half contained fewer landmarks, there was enough scenery in City Park to keep it interesting. The lack of hills made it easy to fall into a rhythm in the later miles.

Organization was pretty much first-class. Packet pickup ran efficiently and runners received a nice Under Armour technical shirt. Gatorade and water were readily available on the course and the volunteers did a decent job of announcing which beverage they were handing out. Also, the New Orleans police did a great job of keeping vehicles off the course; I've run hundreds of races and never seen a course so well patrolled.

One minor complaint: the marathoners and half-marathoners all start at the same time. It's great for those that like plenty of other runners around, but it was frustrating dodging walkers in the French Quarter. In the future, they should at least line the runners up according to their expected finish times.

The post-race party included an above-average selection of food. Gatorade was also available immediately after the finish. Unfortunately, I didn't see any massages.

Crowd support was average. There were not a huge number of spectators, especially on the second half of the course. However, the spectators that did show up and volunteers were very encouraging throughout the race.

For those traveling to the race, we stayed at the Homewood Suites, which was an easy walk to the start and finish at the Superdome. Also, the crime in New Orleans is overrated (at least in the tourist areas). I felt far safer in New Orleans on a Saturday night than I do in downtown Minneapolis.

As the city continues its remarkable recovery, this race has the potential to be one of the best destination marathons in the country. This race is highly recommended for those interested in running through a unique city and those looking for a fast course.


M. W. from Gainesville, FL (3/4/2008)
"Good to do at least one time" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

The first 13 miles are great but the second half is extremely boring - it goes around a never-ending green space. Of course, it didn't help that I fell at mile 15 and had to hobble to the finish line with a sore knee and injured arm. My heartfelt thanks to Steve, the Energizer Bunny from the New Orleans Track Club, who made sure I finished okay and got help at the med tent!


Sharon Colomb from New Orleans, LA (3/4/2008)
"Half-marathon walkers were treated badly." (about: 2008)

First Marathon

I participated as a half marathon walker at the age of 53 for the first time in my life. Not up there with the full marathoners, but quite an accomplishment for me. The course was fabulous and the weather was great - a real New Orleans day. Walking through the French Quarter was particularly fun. However, the half marathon walkers were treated badly. We were told that we had four hours to finish the course, and I finished well within that time (3:36). At 3 hours and 15 minutes, the course was opened to cars, and we were told to move to the sidewalks. The policemen told us this was at the direction of the race organizer. From 5 blocks before Lee Circle, we had no police protection and there were no signs to direct us. We had to watch for cross traffic at every corner. The out-of-towners walking in front of us had no idea where to go and turned at the wrong corner as they went around Lee Circle. Thankfully, we saw them and told them how to proceed. There were race officials directing us at St.Charles and Poydras, but car traffic was also allowed on that stretch of Poydras. At Loyola and Poydras, we had to cross three lanes of traffic in both directions, on our own. From that point on, there were no race officials or signs directing us to the finish.

When we finally saw the finish line, we approached it through the crowd, along with several other walking groups, from the wrong direction. After we finally finished, I personally showed three more groups how to get to the finish line. What a shame to treat the half marathon walkers this way, particularly when we finished within the alloted time. We were made to feel like the bottom of the food chain instead of being proud of our accomplishment. If you don't want four-hour walkers in your race, state this from the beginning; don't pull it out from under them after the race begins.


J. T. from New Orleans (3/2/2008)
"New Orleans Track Club is the Best" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 4-5 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathons

This is my fifth time participating in the Mardi Gras Marathon and without question this one was the best. The NOTC has done an outstanding job of showcasing our city to the rest of the world to let them know New Orleans is back. All of the members, volunteers, and support staff who show up year after year are the true heart and soul of this race and the ones who should receive the finisher's medals. I sincerely hope everyone appreciates the time and effort they put in to make our experience so enjoyable. From the bottom of my heart I thank you!


K. K. from chicago (3/1/2008)
"Great course and race support" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

This was my 27th marathon and 3rd fastest time. The course was very representative of the city, but the French Quarter smells at 7:00 a.m. were a bit much. We had police/sheriffs at every single intersection so I felt very protected as we ran the streets. Water stops were every 2 miles and there was plenty of Gu from mile 14 on. The shirt is great and the entry fee was reasonable - certainly not like the high fees that other marathons charge.


M. S. from Keokuk, IA (3/1/2008)
"Fun and flat marathon" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

This was a very enjoyable marathon. It is extremely flat - an overpass at mile 16 or 17 and a "bump" at mile 21 or so. Otherwise, table top-flat.

Volunteers and organizers were helpful.

New Orleans was a very fun town - lots to see and do. DO NOT stay at the Holiday Inn French Quarter; very disappointing accommodations, and not what you'd expect from a H.I.

Thought water/aid stations should only be a mile apart, particularly in the second half of the marathon. The temperature was getting warm (72 degrees) and more water would have been helpful.

Really enjoyed this marathon and would come back. Thanks, NOLA.


Katrina F. from Melbourne, Florida (3/1/2008)
"Better than expected!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

Downtown is definitely for pedestrians and not vehicles, we learned the night before.... Doing Bourbon Street brought images of "running with the bulls" in Spain. It was interesting to see Audubon Park (could a port-o-let or two been set up on the far end?) and then City Park in the second half. Locals told me how the landscape had looked pre-storm.

I liked the little water cups! But where were bananas? Oh well. I greatly admired the police thinking how much they have endured there - and yet they smiled! It's always inspiring to be around fellow marathoners (and halvers). You can actually team up with a running buddy, which makes it so much easier after doing all the long solo runs in training.

Thanks for the kind words, Don. Soon enough you will leave me in the dust and that's okay!! Very nice catching glimpses of the Superdome and knowing that you're coming home.


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