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New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon Runner Comments

Back to New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon Information & Reviews

Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 315 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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J. G. from New Orleans, LA (3/8/2007)
"Needs Some Improvement" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

I ran the 1/2 in N.O. This is a good race to run with a friend, especially if you're not worried about your time. Running through the French Quarter is cool, but there are some boring spots. As others have posted, you really have to watch your footing (rough pavement/holes.) I run a 9-minute pace or just under, so I tend to get about 3/4 back in the start chute and work my way up. Never again in New Orleans. There were tons of race walkers (though, few actually registered as walkers) up front. It took me forever to get by them. Looking at the results and comparing chip/gun time, it appeared many slower runners packed to the front of the start chute. Perhaps next year the organizers could have a big sign in the chute area for the walkers to line up behind. As the streets were narrow, it was pretty crowded, and I could not really run my pace until about 5 miles. Many runners changed lanes without checking behind them, so I was constantly avoiding people who veered in front of me. I had people cut across and nearly trip me on two of the turnarounds. Very irritating. You always have some of this, but there's something in the water in N.O. The police/fire deparments did an outstanding job. Water stations were OK - good sized cups!

The post-race party was a little disappointing. I've run two other 1/2 marathons: one big-city, one small. Both had much better post-race food. You had to walk up the ramp to the 2nd level of the Superdome for the food, but there was no water or Gatorade up there! Just beer. There was a water/Gatorade table at the chip removal area, which was crowded. Registration at the expo was confusing. I was sent to one room to get my chip, only to be sent back to the room that sent me there. They tried to send me back, but I stuck to my guns and finally got my chip. The T-shirts were not there, so we had to wait or come back for them. The medals and shirts were cool, and there were tons of Mardi Gras beads still floating around. As I live here, I would do it again, but with lowered/different expectations. I would run it at an easy pace with a friend, enjoy the scenery, and chat the whole way.


Dave Nemoto from Houston, Texas (3/7/2007)
"This marathon has potential" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

Having lived in N.O. previously, it was great to be back running here again. The expo was less organized than most but without too much difficulty I got my number, chip, and shirt. No goodies in the goody bag except for some butt paste. Some people complained there were no shuttles to the start. Course route could be better. Would've been great to run down Bourbon, Canal, and St. Charles Ave. N.O. has always had problems with potholes, so they were no surprise. Spectators aren't an essential part of why I run, but the few present were awesome. But get some of those great bands out there next year. Also, try to finish inside the Superdome like in Detroit.


J. E. from Ellicott City, MD (3/7/2007)
"New Orleans, you've done a fantastic job. Thanks!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

I didn't arrive in time for the expo, but package pickup at the Superdome was easy. Yes, package drop wasn't known beforehand, so was prepared just in case. Fortunately, I thought the race was half-hour earlier than it was, so I headed back to the hotel for a potty break. Lucky me???

Yes, it was hot. Weather Channel told you that earlier in the week. The shade (trees) and the breeze were really appreciated. Passed Cafe Dumond early on in the race. Had read about it on the plane, so got there Mon. Potholes?? People, this city had HURRICANES hit it and you're complaining! Isn't looking where you're going a basic need anyway? I am both humbled and inspired by what I saw... good, bad and "we're working on it." There, but for the grace of God....

Spectators?? This is not NYC, Boston or a biggie. Nice to have, but you can push yourself. This is a mental job for me, so my support and whatever else have to come from inside. But I do love it when a family brings out a tray of fruit, cookies, and FOOD of any kind. I eat it all and thank them profusely! Red dress fans were wonderful. Music and food. Couldn't stop for the good-smelling food, though. Had more people along the route offer me a cold beer there than any time in my whole life! (I prefer red wine, thank you.)

Other commenters have noted the plentiful food/drink after the race. I can say AMEN to that, as I am usually a 6-hour plus person who often doesn't find many crumbs left! I was quite happy with the rice and beans served (vendor gave me a can) and the many Subway sandwiches with the owners' young son helping out. A very nice touch. Food, glorious food. Beer drinkers had to be very, very happy. Also water, fruit and a band nearby. Yes, you had to go up the ramp... good for your muscles! Walk backwards, I was informed. So I did. Was not a big issue for me. Didn't see a new friend because she didn't want to walk up ramp??? Just do it folks! You've already done 26.2... or more according some who use those GPS thingies.

I think with all the stuff that has had to be dealt with during the recent past, the organizers, volunteers, and ANYONE who had anything to do with this race, you deserve thanks and praise for a job well done. You have mine! Hat's off to you.

I suggest you plan to stay over AFTER the race and visit New Orleans. I hated to have to rush to the airport the next day, BEFORE noon, so I shall plan to return and enjoy the city next time. Thanks to all who took part in this and please keep up the good work. The medal is beautiful and people so friendly and helpful. Others' comments about the course are right on. OH, if you stay in city, don't bother renting a car. It's a waste. Trolley, cabs and busses are efficient. Walking also works. Enjoy.


J. T. from Connecticut (3/6/2007)
"Flat course; bad organization" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

First, the city seems to be rebounding very well! I thought the course was flat and fast for anyone who does not need a large spectator crowd or bands to motivate them... because if you were looking for people along the roads, there were none!

Second, the race management needs guidance or some better preparation, starting with the race weekend expo. Many races have the pre-registered runners names displayed alphabetically, either taped on a wall or even on a table. Therefore, a runner can easily find his or her name, and proceed to the number pick-up easily. Not so, here. There was a pile of loose pages on a table with many of us going through the mess/pile frantically looking for our names.

Next, the t-shirt pick up. One long line for 4000+ runners? Logistically, the t-shirt pick up should be somewhere where 5 or 6 lines can form side by side.

Finally, on race day. No big deal about the potholes - that's part of life - and the course was flat, so what's the big deal? But the mile markers - no excuse. The signs were left waist-high on the side of the road, with no mile markers on the road itself. Most races put the signs above shoulder height, and a few numbers on the road would not hurt. Common sense says as a runner approaches, he or she wants to see the marker, not as he or she passes it at a 90-degree angle. Many of the volunteers stood right in front of the signs - again common sense - and one actually parked her car in front of the sign while she called out splits. I know they are volunteers, and I appreciate that. But, common sense has to be expected by the NOTC, and their ability to give directions to the volunteers.

I do plan to be back, because the weather was perfect, and this race has the potential to be a GREAT race. The course alone would attract many, not to mention the weather in February compared to the northeast. But, if the coordinators do not pay attention to the critiques, the race will lose runners, because runners will return home with negative experiences to tell their fellow runners.


L. B. from St. Petersburg, FL (3/5/2007)
"Renew! Rebuild! Rebound!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons

Well organized marathon with adequate crowd support. A few more water stops would have been great, but the race was fun and well supported. The locals and city were very supportive and happy to see the runners. A great run for a great cause.


A. S. from SC, USA (3/5/2007)
"Solid Marathon Experience" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

It is hard to compare this marathon to the previous marathon I have run in 2007, as this race was near perfect for me. Perfect size (running with throngs of people doesn't do it for me), exceptionally friendly volunteers and city, and beautiful course. Yes, some of the roads were not in the best shape, but not too bad overall. Running through the parks and the loops made for easy crowd viewing. Aid stations were plentiful and well supported. A couple of the mile markers were hard to see, but nothing major. After running over 50 marathons, I do struggle with combined starts with the half folks, but overall it was not too bad at this race. Selfishly, I enjoyed not seeing too many relay folks as there's nothing worse than being at mile 20 and seeing relay folks take off sprinting, but I'm sure the race organizers may not agree. This race was one of my favorite marathons. Between the history, elevation, friendly people, and beauty of the city, it's hard to go wrong at this marathon!


S. H. from Fort Worth, Texas (3/5/2007)
"Not my favorite" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

This was my 14th marathon, and first in New Orleans. The course was flat, but the streets were pretty bad, so it was hard to keep your footing. There weren't enough water stops for the hot day and many mile markers were missing. If you travel to NO, make sure the hotel will allow you to check out late. They tell you on the phone that they will, but when you get there they tell you they can't. Also I'd pick another hotel besides Comfort Suites Downtown. They charge you even if you cancel your reservations there 2 months ahead. I was disappointed with the whole experience. Want a flat course? Go to Chicago.


J. K. from Snohomish, WA, USA (3/5/2007)
"A great place to play, and an OK place to run" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

We ran the full marathon this year, after running the half in 2006. The course takes you through downtown, along the edge of the French Quarter into City Park, then through the devastated Mid City district, back to the Superdome, then out and back through the Garden District and Audobahn Park. As a fan of New Orleans, I found much of the course quite scenic. The crowds were sparse, but this is a city that is missing half of its population. They had a fantastic volunteer turnout, and exceptional support from the law enforcement community. I read in the paper that they needed 279 police officers to man the course. The streets of New Orleans are in poor condition, which made it necessary to pay careful attention to where you were running. The only real problem I had with the race this year was the shortage of portable toilets. Last year there were at least 2 or 3 at every water stop. This year there was only one.

The post-race party is a delight, with plenty of red beans and rice, and Subway sandwiches. There was also beer and soda. Beer was also available at several of the aid stations. The icy beer I drank at mile 10 really hit the spot.

This year we flew into New Orleans on Thursday, so we could get the party out of the way Friday night. After getting to bed at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, we had no problem getting to bed early Saturday night!


Don Pattison from Chicago, IL (3/2/2007)
"Flat and fast but pretty warm out" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons

It was easily the flattest course I've ever run. The weather turned out to be almost perfect - nice little breeze and overcast for the first half or so, and then the sun came out and it got hot. Nice shirt and pretty cool medal. Can't tell how the goodie bags were because they ran out, so even if you register months in advance and get there before noon on Sat., don't expect a goodie bag.


m. C. from DE (3/2/2007)
"Fun City, Fun Event" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons

Ok... I'll start with my two somewhat less than positive comments. 1) Move this race to Saturday!! It was so painful going out Saturday night in the French Quarter and not being able to party! I managed. 2) I only saw three porta-potties at the start and the line stretched about 100 yards. Fortunately, I didn't have to go to the bathroom or this could have been disrupting! Other than that, this race is fun! Well organized, nice little expo. The course is nice and flat. There were more fans than I expected, and in the spirit of New Orleans, they were partying at 8:00 a.m. I only ran the half and took 4 minutes off my PR (1:25). There really isn't any other city like New Orleans!! I hope it thrives again!


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